Episode 759

February 14, 2023


Projects to Ivy League Pipeline

Projects to Ivy League Pipeline
The No Nonsense Show - A Funny Experiment In Black Experience
Projects to Ivy League Pipeline

Feb 14 2023 | 02:06:24


Show Notes

The No Nonsense Show Episode #759

Super Bowl is over and Mack is still not happy. He doesn't even want to discuss it. NEXT TOPIC!

What's better than Valentine's Day? What about When single women make up a day for them to almost celebrate a special kind of love? And let's make it happen one day before Valentine's day to make sure that lonely women already have their gifts on the big day. Nice.

Ohio is producing acid rain and journalists who speak about it are getting arrested. Meanwhile your local news wants you to focus on UFOs. Shout out to the next Flint water crisis in Ohio.

Does it even feel like Black History Month? I'm actually glad it doesn't. BHM is ridiculous and we should all be done with it, if you ask me.

If you are a parent, you know how much regard parents hold to education. Does your kid stand a chance if they get shepherded in to the local public school? Does private school really turn out higher success? What about the ivy league? There is no way to tell if your kid will be a failure in life. But does sending them to a more expensive school give them a better shot?

Projects to Ivy League Pipeline #TNNS759

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