Episode 821

June 18, 2024


Future Mandella French Effect

Future Mandella French Effect
The No Nonsense Show - A Funny Experiment In Black Experience
Future Mandella French Effect

Jun 18 2024 | 01:35:52


Show Notes

The No Nonsense Show Episode #821

Future Mandella French Effect #TNNS821

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: The views and opinions expressed by the. [00:00:01] Speaker B: No nonsense show and its host do. [00:00:02] Speaker A: Not necessarily reflect views consistent with political correctness or the rare sonics podcast network. So to get the show started right, we want to wish any officers of the sensitivity police a heartfelt fuck you. [00:00:13] Speaker B: How was your vacation? [00:00:16] Speaker A: It was great. It was great. It was great. [00:00:19] Speaker C: You know, im gonna be honest, Mexico gotta be the new spot. [00:00:23] Speaker B: What parts of Mexico? [00:00:24] Speaker C: Oh, I went to Cancun, but. But probably not daily americanized, ain't it? [00:00:29] Speaker B: Yeah, but that's spring breaky. [00:00:31] Speaker C: But again, from the food to just understanding, like, what I like about places like Mexico. Any other country I've been outside of America. It's like you can feel the, like the country, like, you can realize this is a country. People have a sense of ideas and beliefs just because they're from there. In America, it's all over the place. You know, you meet a nigga, your neighbor, your neighbor from the right versus your neighbor from the left. Could be two different people. And not just cause people are different, but like belief systems, cultural values, all of that. Every other country don't give you that. [00:01:03] Speaker B: So you think, like, when you went to Greece and Italy and all those other places, and then now Mexico, you think that there's a united front that people have as far as. [00:01:12] Speaker C: That's like a. [00:01:13] Speaker A: Hey, can hold on a second? Have you already gone to Mexico? I marked this. Have you already gone? I thought you were about to go. [00:01:19] Speaker C: I'm about to go. [00:01:37] Speaker B: You are listening to the no nonsense show. [00:01:40] Speaker A: 10% less bullshit than any other podcast, guaranteed. [00:01:44] Speaker C: I'm about to go. [00:01:45] Speaker A: Why, why are you saying, like, you've been there? [00:01:48] Speaker B: Okay, have you ever been to Mexico? This thing is, this is, this is, this is. [00:01:54] Speaker A: What was the question he was asking? [00:01:54] Speaker C: Cause he asked, how was the vacation, dad, I didn't think the vacation. [00:01:59] Speaker A: Can we start over? I don't know. [00:02:00] Speaker B: What the fuck are we doing? This has got to be part of the show. [00:02:05] Speaker A: I don't want it to be. [00:02:06] Speaker B: That's no, what are you talking about? Why you already. You leaned into it. Why now? You ashamed of yourself? [00:02:11] Speaker A: You tricked me, bro. [00:02:12] Speaker B: I was like, hold on, wait a minute. Listen, you don't want the listeners to see your psych, your level of psychosis. Like, listen, you are a psychopath. The fact that you leaned like you were talking this whole story like, as if it actually happened, right? This is great. This is theater. [00:02:28] Speaker A: He was talking about neighbors. [00:02:29] Speaker B: Yeah, this is great theater. [00:02:31] Speaker A: I'm like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. [00:02:35] Speaker B: Whoa. Can't you believe it, though, right? [00:02:37] Speaker A: Like, this nigga. [00:02:38] Speaker B: This nigga already went there, right? [00:02:41] Speaker A: Why are we recording on Friday, my nigga? If you're not going to Mexico next week, why the fuck are we even here? And then he's just going like, yeah, my neighbor on the left is not like my neighbor on the right. I like. What fucking neighbor? What are we talking about? [00:02:55] Speaker B: I'm telling you, right? That shit is so classic, it cannot be removed. [00:03:00] Speaker A: Okay, what was the question you asked? We could get back to it. [00:03:02] Speaker B: So how was his vacation? Cause I know that this is gonna come out after the vacation. [00:03:06] Speaker A: Okay, go ahead. [00:03:07] Speaker B: And he just went, we ready to rock and roll. Let's go, babe. Yeah. [00:03:10] Speaker A: Start from there. I'll edit that out. No, okay, I'll edit the part where we argued about. [00:03:15] Speaker B: I think we should leave that in there, too, because I think they need to know that we know that he's crazy. Like, we don't wanna be like, okay, we like. [00:03:27] Speaker A: So tell us about your vacation. How'd it go? [00:03:30] Speaker C: It was amazing. [00:03:34] Speaker B: The sense of camaraderie. [00:03:36] Speaker A: That's so good. What was so good about it? [00:03:39] Speaker C: I mean, you know, it was a. [00:03:40] Speaker B: Break from work and not to mention the community. Right. [00:03:46] Speaker C: How are the tacos, the food, the ambiance, everything. [00:03:51] Speaker A: What's the first thing you ate when you got there? [00:03:55] Speaker B: It's so much better when they know, right? Let's go. This is awesome. What was your favorite dish? [00:04:02] Speaker A: What was the first thing you ate? [00:04:04] Speaker C: Some cow tongue. [00:04:07] Speaker B: It's called lingua, right? [00:04:09] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:04:09] Speaker A: Oh, my God. You got me crying, nigga. You got me crying. This is so stupid. [00:04:14] Speaker B: It's not because it was so good that he had you thinking twice. [00:04:20] Speaker A: I was like, why the fuck are we even recording early? [00:04:23] Speaker B: It was so good that you were confused. Like, wait a minute. What the fuck is happening? That's how good he was doing. He. I mean, like, he had, you know, cultural differences and. I mean, like, he's like. You know. [00:04:41] Speaker A: I was like, neighbor. When he said neighbor, I had to stop. Like, oh, yeah, yeah. Wait, well, what are we doing? [00:04:44] Speaker B: This is. I mean, if you can just. [00:04:47] Speaker A: I mean, fucking theoretical neighbor, bro. [00:04:50] Speaker B: That's some mind to Mac shit, bro. Like, you. Could you. We just had a sneak peek into French Reggie's brain. Like, yo, this nigga can go there. [00:04:57] Speaker A: But why can't he do the american accent then? [00:05:00] Speaker C: Cause I'm tone deaf. I told you that. [00:05:02] Speaker A: What does that mean? You definitely can't sing, can we? [00:05:07] Speaker B: That was just the fact that you. How you said tone deaf. Is that tone deaf? [00:05:12] Speaker A: Say tone deaf again. [00:05:13] Speaker C: Tone deaf. [00:05:14] Speaker A: Oh, he listened to me, right? He emulated me. [00:05:17] Speaker B: That's all you have to do with all of this shit, is just emulate. Like. I mean. [00:05:21] Speaker A: Oh, I got. So Mac says, you always think like me, talk like me. How would I say tone deaf? [00:05:29] Speaker C: Tone deaf. [00:05:30] Speaker B: There it is. And you know what it is? [00:05:32] Speaker A: How would I say excavate? [00:05:33] Speaker B: You know what I just realized? [00:05:34] Speaker C: Excavate. [00:05:36] Speaker B: I just. [00:05:37] Speaker A: Antarctica. [00:05:38] Speaker C: Antarctica. [00:05:39] Speaker B: Oh, see, no, this is what I'm telling you. This is what I just noticed when he did it, is that it's laziness. Any motherfucker has been in America for this long as he has, and it still has an accent. You're just lazy. [00:05:51] Speaker A: He's that old mexican lady who just pretends like she don't know England. [00:05:53] Speaker B: Yeah, right? And she just don't want it. She just wants to fucking still. Still sound like. She's always sounding like you don't want to put in the effort that it takes to sound like we sound again. [00:06:02] Speaker C: Y'all the only one that be pressed. [00:06:04] Speaker A: No, you're not french. You are surrounded by a bunch of fucking assholes. If they're telling you that you speak. [00:06:10] Speaker B: Perfect English, you don't have an accent. [00:06:13] Speaker C: They're not saying perfect. They say that my accent is not as strong as y'all, making it seem. [00:06:17] Speaker A: Like what. [00:06:19] Speaker B: Somebody say. All the words you say sound like american words. [00:06:23] Speaker A: I guarantee if nobody. If people did not read the disclaimer of what the show is, they had never heard our show before. They didn't know who the people on the show were. They're like, oh, who's that third world nigga on the show with them? I guarantee you they would be like. [00:06:33] Speaker B: There'S two american niggas and some foreign nigga from Africa or some other Africa or something. Right? [00:06:38] Speaker A: Some black. [00:06:39] Speaker B: Some black. Some black place. [00:06:43] Speaker A: Yeah, I get it that people are trying to be kind to you and nice because that's what humans do, you know, especially liberals. [00:06:47] Speaker C: I mean, it's not a disrespect if you say, I have an accent, so I don't know why people would say, we'll have to hide, because if it's. [00:06:53] Speaker A: A black country's accent, then they do feel funny. They're like, oh, no, no. You sound perfect. You sound great. They don't want to feel like the. [00:07:00] Speaker C: Black country's accent is worse than the indian accent. [00:07:02] Speaker A: No, no, no. You missing words. [00:07:04] Speaker B: Words. [00:07:04] Speaker A: Take offense to that. You got defensive. Indian accent is terrible. And they're all through actors. And you know what it is? It's not even. Okay. Here's what I've learned. And, you know, I speak to a lot of indian people all the time. [00:07:17] Speaker B: My whole dispatch crew is all indian. [00:07:19] Speaker A: My problem with it is you have to get the headset. Monica, you can't do the in room voice speakerphone device because the walls and stuff come mixing in with that. The accent. Yo, I don't even. I can't. I can't do it. You got to put the headset up and put that shit right by your mouth. It can't be any room tone in with that. I believe it's really. It just doesn't work. [00:07:39] Speaker B: And I don't even. I don't even have a problem. At first, I was kind of, you know, like, damn, should I? But now I'm just like, a. Yo, I didn't get that. Can you say that again? Like. I mean, like, I hear you said something, and then. But I didn't catch it. My nigga said, slower. More English. [00:07:54] Speaker A: I got a hack. [00:07:55] Speaker B: How's that? [00:07:56] Speaker A: AI? So you know how all the, like, teams and all the little Microsoft Teams and Zoom things now they have the transcribe. It transcribes real time. Turn the transcribe on. Just look at that shit. Cause sometimes they be talking. I'd be like, look at the transcribe. [00:08:08] Speaker B: Oh, I wish I had a transcribe. And it's this one lady, too, in the. In. In the night like it. And this nigga tells me his name all the time. I still don't know it. [00:08:16] Speaker A: Oh, Otter. AI. Is that free app on your iPhone? [00:08:19] Speaker B: This motherfucker tells me his name. He's like, hey, hey, he knows my name. AJ. Hey, Mac. [00:08:24] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:08:24] Speaker B: And he's like. He's like, you know, this is so and so with dispatch. And I'm like, I've been there for hella long, and I still don't know what you say. Yeah, and I don't want to keep. I mean, I don't even give a shit what your name is, really. I mean, just help me out, good guy. What? [00:08:39] Speaker A: You're a good guy. [00:08:40] Speaker B: Why? From not. [00:08:41] Speaker A: I just said you were a good guy. [00:08:43] Speaker B: What? No. Nope, nope. Because it seemed like a very backhanded compliment. [00:08:47] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:08:47] Speaker B: So why am I a good guy? [00:08:49] Speaker A: You know, I just had an argument with my wife this morning about that. She. She believes that if she says something that's intentionally a compliment, even if it's backhanded in every other existence of this compliment, I should be able to look through that and know that she's trying to be complimentary as opposed to being, uh, shitty. [00:09:09] Speaker B: No, no. [00:09:10] Speaker A: Yeah, I disagree too. [00:09:11] Speaker B: You. [00:09:11] Speaker A: You know what the fuck this means, right? You can't say this about someone like, oh, no, I meant that as a pump. [00:09:16] Speaker B: No, no. That's why I didn't want to let it go. [00:09:18] Speaker A: You cannot. You cannot transform it to what you wanted. [00:09:20] Speaker B: Right. But see, but then again, I thought maybe I am being a good guy because I'm not fucking making him say his name over and over and over because it really doesn't matter to me. And I'm not saying that. That in a dismissive or whatever, but. [00:09:33] Speaker A: You'Re saying Indians don't matter. [00:09:34] Speaker B: No, I'm just saying, like, your name. [00:09:36] Speaker A: Is inconsequential to my life because you're. [00:09:39] Speaker B: Indian to do to my job. [00:09:40] Speaker A: Right, because you're indian. [00:09:42] Speaker B: Just. I like Indians. You heard about red dots? [00:09:48] Speaker C: All the tech companies literally fired their team and hired actual Indians from India and paid them, I guess, cheaper because. [00:09:55] Speaker A: What are we talking about? French? Is this 2024 or 2000? [00:09:59] Speaker B: French is going into tech. So he's like, these motherfuckers. They're like, these are the. The new niggas taking our job. So these are what, like androids is AI India? [00:10:08] Speaker C: No, really, like Microsoft. All the major companies live. [00:10:11] Speaker A: That's what I'm saying. [00:10:12] Speaker C: This 2024, they just did one, like, massive one. Like recently. That's why. [00:10:16] Speaker A: Like, massive one. [00:10:17] Speaker B: What? [00:10:17] Speaker A: A hiring in India? [00:10:18] Speaker B: Chicago. [00:10:20] Speaker C: Firing the people in the States and hiring. It's called. [00:10:22] Speaker A: It's called outsourcing. [00:10:24] Speaker B: That's a funny movie. I don't know if you've seen that. [00:10:27] Speaker A: Oh, my God. [00:10:27] Speaker B: Outsourced is. [00:10:28] Speaker A: Who's that? [00:10:29] Speaker B: I don't know who. [00:10:30] Speaker A: I think I saw it. [00:10:31] Speaker B: What a guy. He goes, he gets sent out there to train the motherfuckers in India. [00:10:35] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:10:36] Speaker B: How to tell a. Do their fucking call center shit. [00:10:39] Speaker A: And it's a love story because he falls in love with one of them. [00:10:41] Speaker B: Yep. Yes. Chicago. And he's teaching him how to fucking sound more. [00:10:45] Speaker A: Yeah, I remember that. No, but that's been around for a long time. Friends. I don't know where you were. [00:10:50] Speaker C: No, I understand, but it seems like the software engineers in the US offer are super mad now. [00:10:57] Speaker B: I'm telling you, my whole dispatch team is all indian. [00:11:00] Speaker C: Yeah. I mean, at that time zone too, right? [00:11:02] Speaker B: It's like, I mean, any time of the day. [00:11:04] Speaker A: Okay, all day. Cheaper again. [00:11:07] Speaker B: I think that's where you get to. I mean, we could hire Mexicans. Right? Or we can't. We get some little japanese or chinese kids. [00:11:13] Speaker A: But. But look, if you're a business owner, how do you feel about it? How do you feel about spending more on labor or less on labor? [00:11:18] Speaker C: How do you feel about it as a business owner? [00:11:20] Speaker B: Listen, let's. Let's run a plantation. [00:11:23] Speaker A: What do you. What are you trying to say? [00:11:24] Speaker B: You already know what I'm saying. [00:11:25] Speaker A: I don't. Let's talk. [00:11:26] Speaker B: You already know. [00:11:27] Speaker A: Listen, I need you to be explicit. [00:11:29] Speaker B: Listen, everybody who has ever owned a business or ran a business would love free labor. [00:11:34] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:11:35] Speaker B: So. [00:11:35] Speaker A: So how do you pick what. What group of people are there? Is there a certain group of people that wants that? [00:11:40] Speaker B: The ones that with the strongest backs? It depends on what you're. What's your. I'm sorry. [00:11:44] Speaker A: So in this room, French probably has the strongest back. Should we use French? [00:11:47] Speaker B: Yeah, for sure. Now, again, I think it's. If it's some field shit, right? Like, if it's some, you know, manual labor type shit. But if you're talking it and these fucking Indians are, you know, graduating at 15 and doing all that kind of shit, then you might want to go out there because they may be a little bit smarter and able to handle what you're looking for cheaper. [00:12:05] Speaker A: What do you suggest people in the situation of the person French is talking about, what do you suggest they do? [00:12:10] Speaker C: Keep adding new skills to your repertoire. [00:12:12] Speaker A: But why, if the skills are just going to be. I mean, people in India can do those skills, too. They have the same training that you. [00:12:18] Speaker B: Have, and they'll get it. They'll get it cheaper. [00:12:20] Speaker A: So what do you suggest someone does in his. In his. In his situation? [00:12:24] Speaker B: Switch up. Switch up some shit that's not fucking. [00:12:28] Speaker C: Find another job. [00:12:29] Speaker B: Yeah. Not even just a job. It's a fucking industry. [00:12:32] Speaker A: So you've been working. You've been studying and learning and getting certified in this. In this industry for 15 years, and they. You're saying, find another. Another industry after 15 years of you putting in hard, hard work and blood, sweat and tears? That's your talk. [00:12:43] Speaker B: You know you talking to the wrong nigga, right? [00:12:45] Speaker A: No, I don't. [00:12:45] Speaker B: Yeah. Cause, I mean, nigga, how long had I been doing the shit that I had been doing before I just switched up. [00:12:50] Speaker A: Yeah, but you made a choice. [00:12:51] Speaker B: Well, yeah, that's what I was. It's a choice for this nigga, too. [00:12:53] Speaker A: No, no, no. I'm saying survivor, someone who loved software engineering, has got multiple degrees, has multiple certifications, has been putting their time in. It's almost time for them to be promoted to something else. But right when this is about to happen now, the industry falls out from eat them, and all the jobs get outsourced. [00:13:10] Speaker C: You can move to India. [00:13:11] Speaker B: That's what I was gonna say. [00:13:12] Speaker A: So move to India. That's your. So you're saying I make $145,000 a year, and I'm gonna move to India so I can make $30,000 a year? [00:13:19] Speaker C: Cost of living is different. So that $30,000 gonna go a long way. [00:13:22] Speaker B: Nah, they still got a cast system, and I don't know. I don't know what cast you're gonna be in. [00:13:26] Speaker A: You sound like a real dickhead right now. [00:13:29] Speaker B: I don't know what kind of cat. Listen, I didn't. I said it initially until I, you know, I thought about it, and it's like, yo, you know what? [00:13:36] Speaker A: Simple. Just move to India. [00:13:37] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:13:38] Speaker C: As a worker, you have done. [00:13:39] Speaker B: But you gotta move to, like, a civilized place in India. [00:13:42] Speaker A: Of course. So the two or three places. [00:13:44] Speaker B: Bangladesh. [00:13:45] Speaker C: No, not Bangladesh. [00:13:46] Speaker A: I'm sure there is some good Bangladesh. [00:13:47] Speaker C: Yes. Yeah. [00:13:49] Speaker B: What's the other. See? You see how quick that bucket did this? [00:13:51] Speaker A: Mumbai. Bombay is Bombay. I don't know. I've never been to India. [00:13:56] Speaker C: Bollywood. [00:13:56] Speaker B: Where? [00:13:56] Speaker C: Bollywood. That's in India. [00:13:57] Speaker B: Bollywood is a fucking somewhere. [00:14:00] Speaker C: It's somewhere. [00:14:00] Speaker A: It's not a place. [00:14:01] Speaker B: It's not. [00:14:02] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. But it's somewhere. [00:14:05] Speaker B: Not a Uganda. What's the fucking X Men shit? Rowan? Oh, what's the fucking. [00:14:11] Speaker C: Wakanda? [00:14:11] Speaker B: Wakanda. You sound like you think it thinks Wakanda somewhere. [00:14:15] Speaker A: It's Atlanta, anywhere. Yeah. [00:14:17] Speaker C: Tyler Perry Studios. I mean. [00:14:21] Speaker A: No. [00:14:21] Speaker B: Was it. [00:14:22] Speaker C: That's what he shot the movie. [00:14:24] Speaker B: I didn't know that. I had no idea. [00:14:26] Speaker A: So what was your. What's you moving to any is bullshit. That's all you got for me? [00:14:30] Speaker B: I mean, again, I don't know. [00:14:31] Speaker C: Let me find another company that's still hiring in the US that does software. [00:14:36] Speaker B: That's a temporary. [00:14:37] Speaker A: So now what? I'll ask that question again. Why do you suggest someone in that do something else after 15 years of everything? [00:14:45] Speaker B: What do you want from me? You don't like none of my answers? I told you what I said. [00:14:49] Speaker A: Well, I'm just saying you spent, you know, a total of all your degrees and certifications, $300,000 and 15 years of your life, and you're saying, switch that up. [00:14:57] Speaker B: Well, get fucking. Get crazy. Then they can go grab your fucking rifle and just go nuts. I don't know. What do you want me to do. [00:15:02] Speaker C: With work with the other people that are in the same shoes as you? Form a union and create better demands, because now you have, you can probably create leverage to Teamsters, nigga. [00:15:12] Speaker A: So what you're saying is, is join a union that's not supported and make the union pop too? [00:15:17] Speaker C: No, I'm saying that if a bunch of software engineers are starting to get fired. [00:15:21] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:15:22] Speaker C: Because their positions are going to India at the moment, they start seeing that rise before it becomes completely the movement. [00:15:29] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:15:30] Speaker C: You start formulating your union just to prevent it from happening. [00:15:33] Speaker A: So I'm a business owner. I'm just gonna let you create. I don't feel like you're underneath me. [00:15:38] Speaker B: We can. [00:15:39] Speaker C: I mean, you think I'm gonna let. [00:15:40] Speaker A: You form a union? [00:15:42] Speaker C: You gotta start. If you in the position of the guy that got fired, you gotta try. You gotta try everything. Like what Jamie Mac said, find another gig. [00:15:50] Speaker A: You could. [00:15:50] Speaker B: That's what I'm saying. [00:15:51] Speaker C: Or, you know, my thing is you find other companies, because America is such a big country, and it's such a. A country that always creating new businesses, you'll be able to find another gig. Now, you may not get the money that you were making, but you'll be able to still pay your bills, but you gotta learn how to adapt. That's one thing I'm learning. [00:16:08] Speaker A: So if somebody's making $150,000 a year, and they've situated their bills, they've situated their lifestyle, you're saying that that person should easily be able to survive off 50,000? [00:16:21] Speaker C: Well, they probably have to readjust their lifestyle because they're making 50,000. [00:16:26] Speaker A: And my question originally was, what do you suggest those people, they're saying adjust your entire lifestyle and make a quarter of what you made before and be happy about it. [00:16:35] Speaker C: You don't have to be happy, but it is what it is. This was happening right now. You can still find a way to crawl back up to make 150k, but at that moment, you got fired. And if you can't get a job anymore because your role is all the way in India, and that's the only way they hiring for that position. As you navigate the workforce, whether you're finding a new job or you, you decide to create your own company, you probably decide, you know what, I've got all this experience. I know what it takes. I'm gonna build my own company. But you're gonna have to do something to adapt. And that's always, that's what he's asking. [00:17:07] Speaker B: But I feel like you still haven't answered that question. [00:17:09] Speaker A: You replaced that, right? [00:17:10] Speaker B: Huh? [00:17:11] Speaker A: You replaced that with a course, you know? [00:17:12] Speaker B: I know, man. How we been doing this? [00:17:14] Speaker A: I don't know. Just making sure. [00:17:15] Speaker B: Come on. [00:17:15] Speaker C: No, I said, find another job. But he gave the example is, what if you do find another job, but you was making 150 and now you make 50? And I said, well, now, because you're. [00:17:23] Speaker B: Making 50, you know, I mean, you got to pimp out some bitches or, I mean, it's slang. Some. [00:17:29] Speaker C: I wouldn't do crime because I'll put you in the worst position. [00:17:32] Speaker A: That's just a crazy thought that we're accepting of the idea that I need to change, even though I put. I did everything I was supposed to do. I did it right. I got it. [00:17:39] Speaker C: So you think, I mean, are we ready to fight the system? I don't think we're really ready to fight the system. So, yeah, you have to take it out from an individual standpoint. If we're ready to fight the system, I'm down. [00:17:52] Speaker A: Question was, if you were the business owner. [00:17:54] Speaker C: Oh, as the business owner, I'm always gonna try to find a cheaper labor. [00:17:57] Speaker B: Of course. [00:17:57] Speaker A: Yeah. So then there's. There's no point in doing anything if you're the person who happens to just suck it up, and that's because they do only fans. [00:18:05] Speaker B: Is that right? Is that. Or is that not good business? [00:18:11] Speaker A: That's the question. [00:18:12] Speaker C: It's good business based, ethical business. [00:18:14] Speaker A: Well, ethical and good should be hand in hand. [00:18:17] Speaker C: Well, no, because some. Because the way I think society look at good business is what's your profit margin? Right. That's all they care about. [00:18:24] Speaker B: Because as a business, that's what you. So businesses, they don't care how you. [00:18:28] Speaker C: Do it as soon as you got that profit. [00:18:29] Speaker A: Yeah, but that's the fiduciary responsibility. There should also be a moral and an ethical responsibility for every company as. [00:18:36] Speaker B: Well, though they don't operate, theoretically, your business to make money. I mean, there are some. I guess, if you're not in business to make money, that kind of makes you a nonprofit, right? Like that. Those are. [00:18:46] Speaker C: And they still in the business of making money. [00:18:48] Speaker B: Right. Like a church. Definitely. [00:18:49] Speaker C: It's just a way for. For them to get cooler tax write. [00:18:52] Speaker B: Offs, because I think, you know, your. Your goal, because you can't be in business if you're not making money. You can't stay in business. I should say, if you're not making money. So then I think the goal then kind of puts, well, you can still. [00:19:07] Speaker C: Make a profit by hiring american workers. You just might not make as much. You'll still make a profit, but will. [00:19:13] Speaker B: You be able to compete? [00:19:14] Speaker A: How is that different than communism, though, what you guys are saying about outsourcing the labor? Because if you know that you're not gonna be able to make as much, now you have to settle for that $50,000 a year job, but that's the same as a truck driver for. What's the name of that company that. That does the rentals, but they also have the Penske? Ryder, I think. [00:19:40] Speaker B: Ryder. Yeah. [00:19:41] Speaker A: So Ryder. Right. So Ryder. I believe this is true. I'm not sure. Correct me if I'm wrong. Ryder is a company that you can buy a truck from, but they also outsource their staff, their resources to companies to truck drive to. Right. So that would be different than like, saying, you having your own trucking business where you pay for your own gas and you pay for your own maintenance, but you also get all the proceeds. Right. You would have to just. You have to now go work for Ryder. [00:20:09] Speaker B: Right. I see what you're saying. [00:20:10] Speaker A: And how would you feel about. You see what I'm saying now that it's the same industry, but then how do you reconcile. Okay, well, let's just. Everybody works for writers. That feels to me like closer to communism, because now there's a set amount for how much a truck driver is going to get. You're not going to get more because you work for a writer. You don't have your own shit. [00:20:26] Speaker B: Right. [00:20:27] Speaker A: So you can't name your price. [00:20:28] Speaker B: Right. [00:20:29] Speaker A: You can't name your time. It's. You just. This is the amount now. And that kind of feels like everybody makes the same. [00:20:35] Speaker B: Yeah, I think. [00:20:36] Speaker A: I mean, it doesn't help the market. It hurts the market because it doesn't allow you to go out and get a price that you think is fair, because this is the price, and that's just what it is. So you. [00:20:45] Speaker C: Are you saying that the government should get involved when these companies want to keep outsourcing? [00:20:51] Speaker B: I think government involvement. [00:20:53] Speaker A: I think that as a business owner, because remember, the first question I asked was if it was your business. [00:20:57] Speaker B: Right. [00:20:58] Speaker A: I think as a business owner, we have to be more considerate of the ethical side of it and not just the fiduciary side of it. [00:21:04] Speaker C: I think that if I was a. [00:21:05] Speaker B: Business owner, I would. I already said it. I already said it a long time ago. If I was a business owner back 400 years ago, I'm having slaves out of being good to them. Niggas. But, yeah, if you have said this. Yeah. If there was an opportunity to have free labor. [00:21:25] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:21:26] Speaker B: Yes. I'm not gonna fucking not. I'm not gonna fucking not do this. You know? I mean, it's almost like fucking a django where he's like, listen, I hate to take advantage of the situation, but you're gonna have to help me out, nigga, to do what I need. [00:21:39] Speaker C: You know? [00:21:40] Speaker A: Funny, we say. We say free labor, but I think we didn't we do this math already. How much a slave cost? [00:21:44] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:21:44] Speaker A: No, what accounts of today's money is like. Yeah, 20 or 30,000ft them. You still have to just the day of, right? [00:21:52] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:21:53] Speaker A: It ain't nothing. There's nothing free about it. I don't know. I guess it's because they're. They're not getting any money. [00:21:57] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:21:57] Speaker A: But as Mac has alluded to, he. He feels like he's gonna make him have a. Give him a nice house as opposed to. [00:22:03] Speaker B: Yeah, no, and, well, not even that. But I'm not gonna treat you again. I'm gonna take advantage of the fact that you can't leave. [00:22:10] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:22:10] Speaker B: And that you have to work, get up in the morning and do my shit. But I'm not gonna whip you, nigga. You know? [00:22:15] Speaker A: So what happens today? Like, I'm sick, boss. I can't go, like, man, you got. [00:22:19] Speaker B: One pto day, nigga. I better. You better be. [00:22:21] Speaker A: I'm sick of that, boss. I'm gonna need about six days, boss. Now you gonna start with keep. [00:22:28] Speaker B: No, no. Keep fucking around. [00:22:30] Speaker A: Fire me. [00:22:31] Speaker B: Nope. [00:22:32] Speaker A: Exactly. So how do you punish me if I don't work? [00:22:35] Speaker B: But there is a plantation right next door where that nigga don't got no problem fucking you up. [00:22:40] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:22:41] Speaker B: You could go live over there. [00:22:43] Speaker A: I'll take my chances, boss. [00:22:44] Speaker B: Okay. [00:22:45] Speaker A: I'm say I'm really sick. [00:22:46] Speaker B: Okay. You see how the niggas get treated over there? [00:22:48] Speaker A: I'm really. [00:22:48] Speaker B: This is like I used to say about the fucking. The group home that I wanted to do. Like, again, like. And I'm not to say that group home. Kids or slaves or anything, but you make it fucking valuable. Like, if you want to be here, there's things that you got to do. Good grades, good all this, right? Like. But you're gonna get fucking luxury shit, right? Being here, you're not gonna look like no group home, kid. Same thing. You're not gonna. [00:23:09] Speaker A: I don't know. I don't know if I can ever hear you talk about group homes the same way. Now that I know, you used to, like, scheme on the girls that worked at group. I mean, that lived in group homes because you thought it was easy pussy. So I don't know. I don't know if I can listen to your group home analogies anymore with the same, like, I can't. I don't think I can. [00:23:29] Speaker C: Especially when he's talking about he wants to open up. [00:23:31] Speaker B: Right, but that was a young Jamie Mac chicks. Like, it was. It wasn't like I'm fucking the whole. [00:23:39] Speaker A: Time you were talking out in my inside. [00:23:41] Speaker B: It wasn't like I was. It wasn't like I was fucking, you know, looking for young bitches. These bitches are the same age as me. [00:23:48] Speaker A: Yeah, but young, mentally, arrested development. [00:23:52] Speaker B: I mean, you know, they actually were probably more mature, gone through all the shit. [00:23:57] Speaker A: That isn't a real statement. [00:23:58] Speaker B: Experiment, experience. [00:24:00] Speaker A: Those people are jaded. They're not experienced. [00:24:03] Speaker B: I don't know. Listen, just because they, like the fuck, don't make them. Don't demonize them. [00:24:08] Speaker A: What are we talking about? [00:24:10] Speaker B: Don't demonize them? Like I didn't make them. Fuck me. [00:24:13] Speaker A: This is what I'm saying. This is what I'm saying. You are so skewed. The fact that that's the attribute you're going to call out about them. [00:24:20] Speaker B: No, that's what you were just talking about. I was in there for. And that's what I talked about as a young Jamie Mac. That's what I was. I was shooting fish in a barrel. [00:24:28] Speaker A: So why did you want to start one? [00:24:29] Speaker B: To help people. To help kids. [00:24:32] Speaker A: Those same fish in the barrel. [00:24:34] Speaker B: No, nigga, that's different. [00:24:36] Speaker A: As long as you fuck, I'm gonna get you out of here one day as a. [00:24:39] Speaker B: As a teenage Jamie Mac, fucking hormone driven nigga looking for pussy. [00:24:45] Speaker A: Right. [00:24:45] Speaker B: Like, again, I don't. I'm not here to try to be fucking the hard. I'm not trying to take the hard route just for the sake of taking the hard route, right? There's chicks over here that are fucking looking for niggas to fuck. Why not me? [00:24:59] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:25:00] Speaker B: And that's. I mean, if they don't fuck me, they gonna fuck somebody. You think if I don't fuck them, they're not gonna fuck? [00:25:06] Speaker A: Simple. One times one equals two. You're right. It's simple. [00:25:12] Speaker B: Don't do that terrence Howard shit. I still don't understand how that doesn't make sense, but. Makes sense, but, yeah, man, him and all these people. [00:25:23] Speaker A: Cat Williams. Two plants. [00:25:24] Speaker B: I don't know cats. A plant. [00:25:25] Speaker C: Okay, so you think, um, what's his, what's his name's a plant. [00:25:29] Speaker A: Plant? [00:25:30] Speaker C: Alex Jones plant. [00:25:33] Speaker A: Now they fuck with him though. I'm not sure. [00:25:34] Speaker B: What about, what about, what's the name? No, come on, let me say it. [00:25:38] Speaker C: Using their new talker calls Mel Gibson. [00:25:40] Speaker A: Plant. [00:25:41] Speaker B: What? [00:25:42] Speaker C: Yeah, Mel Gibson. Gotta be a plant. [00:25:44] Speaker B: Why? [00:25:44] Speaker C: Cuz they ain't killing me. You made that movie about the whole. [00:25:46] Speaker B: This nigga said that the holocaust never happened too. [00:25:49] Speaker C: And he made that movie about the sex trafficking shit exposed on a free. [00:25:52] Speaker A: With that Mel Gibson. Yeah, I still haven't watched it. [00:25:54] Speaker B: So, so. [00:25:55] Speaker C: And he's still alive. [00:25:57] Speaker B: Hey, listen, I think, you know, he says, wow, shit, I don't know if he's ever done a movie since that shit. Like, you know, freedom. [00:26:05] Speaker A: He did apocalypse after that. He did a lot of shit after that. [00:26:08] Speaker B: No, no, a movie where he was in it, like where he's. [00:26:12] Speaker A: I don't think he's acted in a while. [00:26:13] Speaker B: Right. That's what I'm saying. I think. [00:26:15] Speaker A: No, no, he's been in movies. I watched one the other day. He's been in movies in 20. The 2020s. [00:26:21] Speaker B: You're right. Fucking daddy's. Daddy's home too. [00:26:24] Speaker A: Not daddy's home, but. Yeah, yeah, he was in Mark Wahlberg's dad. Yeah, no, no, he was a. Yeah, but he was in another movie. He's like a detective or something recently. I can't remember the name of it, but 2020, he's been in movies. So he's still acting. [00:26:37] Speaker B: That's interesting, because again, I thought Hollywood of Hollywood would have shut him down. [00:26:41] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:26:41] Speaker B: But he's also a made nigga. [00:26:43] Speaker A: I'm beginning to think Billy Carson is too. [00:26:46] Speaker C: Really? [00:26:47] Speaker A: I gotta watch all these, all these niggas, man. It's all. [00:26:50] Speaker C: But my thing is he's been doing that. It's like, when did he get initiated? [00:26:54] Speaker A: What do you mean? [00:26:55] Speaker C: Cuz? Ever since I've known about Billy Carson, he's been doing what he's doing. So it's like, did he. The moment he started, they, they had a recruited him or he started. [00:27:04] Speaker A: Oh, we gotta get started because he's recruited. Okay, this takes, this takes time or they don't, they don't think you're gonna just wake up in one day and do it. This, you know, who's, let's, let's, we gotta, we gotta, we gotta start you walking. So make some videos, uh, you know, get your name out there and stuff. And then, you know, in a couple of years, you know, don't, don't don't get. Don't get into the. Into the knowledge base of everybody yet. I just want you to create a foundation for yourself. [00:27:26] Speaker B: Right. [00:27:26] Speaker A: Let's go real slow. [00:27:27] Speaker B: Is that the black dude that offends everybody? [00:27:29] Speaker A: Who? [00:27:30] Speaker B: Billy Carson. [00:27:31] Speaker A: Offends him in what way? [00:27:32] Speaker B: Like, where he were you talking about niggas and he any. [00:27:35] Speaker C: No, no. [00:27:35] Speaker B: He walks him down and he always has that fucking. He gets people to just get pissed. You. We've talked about this. [00:27:41] Speaker C: Oh, no, you talking about that. That black dude, that comedian black dude. [00:27:44] Speaker B: I don't know if he's comedian because he doesn't sound like he's doing. I mean, it's funny as shit to me. [00:27:48] Speaker A: What are we talking about? Give me an example of what. [00:27:50] Speaker B: Oh, like, he'll. He'll. He'll bring up some shit about black people and then, you know, he'll get people. I mean, he just is. Like, he's pushing buttons. Really. I forget the niggas name. [00:28:01] Speaker A: Can you give me example of anything he said? [00:28:02] Speaker B: No, not really, because, you know, I don't make me remember specific details, but I could look at his face and tell you if you pull that old nigga up. So he's an older nigga. [00:28:10] Speaker C: I don't know his name, but I know who you talking about. [00:28:12] Speaker A: Gregory. [00:28:13] Speaker B: No, no, no. He's bald. And he fucking has everybody pissed off because he'll say so, you know? And he basically walks him down and shit and gets him to fucking be like, what? [00:28:24] Speaker A: Walks down to what? My nigga, you are not getting any of the details that matter. Yeah, like, yeah, man, he walks with two legs, and sometimes he sleeps at night and, you know, he breathes air. Come on. Air. That's not. That's not ringing any bells. He breathes air. You got bald head. And he just. And he pisses people off. [00:28:41] Speaker B: Watch this. [00:28:42] Speaker A: Jesse Lee Peterson. [00:28:43] Speaker B: Yes. [00:28:44] Speaker A: Okay. [00:28:44] Speaker B: Yes, that's exactly. [00:28:45] Speaker A: He's not ball headed, but okay. [00:28:46] Speaker B: Isn't he? [00:28:47] Speaker C: Yeah, a little hair. [00:28:48] Speaker B: Okay. [00:28:49] Speaker A: And what about him? I forgot now because I was. [00:28:51] Speaker B: He. Is he. You think he's a plan? But that's what I thought you were talking about. [00:28:54] Speaker A: I mean, if any, that would be obvious. But, you know, they say thing like Candace Owens and. And him. [00:28:58] Speaker C: But. [00:28:58] Speaker A: But it's just hard that. It's hard to believe that every single black person is. But, man, I'm starting to believe a lot of these people are, especially the ones that are successful and the ones that nobody's fucked with yet. [00:29:09] Speaker B: Yeah, because they don't. [00:29:10] Speaker A: She obviously is, because she's speaking there. The language that they want to hear. Yeah. [00:29:15] Speaker C: And she's rebranding. [00:29:17] Speaker A: To what? [00:29:18] Speaker C: To supporting black. [00:29:19] Speaker A: I like Candace Owens. Yeah. [00:29:21] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:29:21] Speaker B: How did you get to this nigga? How? What did I say that triggered Jesse Lee Peterson? [00:29:24] Speaker A: You said that. [00:29:25] Speaker B: I know, but. No, but I didn't know his name. You were able to. [00:29:28] Speaker A: I was just trying to think of. [00:29:29] Speaker B: All the wonderful clues I gave you. [00:29:31] Speaker A: They were terrible. I was just thinking of a black person who pisses off black people and black person who pisses off black people, that you would know of, that we would both have something in common. And I couldn't think of one. Bald headed threw me off. [00:29:43] Speaker B: Yeah, he's not bald headed. [00:29:45] Speaker A: He. But do you love white people? That's what he said last time. Yeah, I mean, they're okay. No, no. Do you love white people like I love everybody. No, no, but do you love white people? He's that guy. [00:29:54] Speaker B: He's fucking hilarious to me. He's fucking so good. [00:29:57] Speaker A: That anger in your heart. You need to forgive your mother. Like, what? [00:30:02] Speaker B: It's where he's, like, the ultimate troll. [00:30:04] Speaker A: I had to forgive my mom. [00:30:05] Speaker B: That's what all he's doing is trolling hard, bro. Like, obviously, you don't want any of this, huh? [00:30:10] Speaker C: No, I'm good. [00:30:11] Speaker A: What is that, wood for reserve? [00:30:13] Speaker B: He's such a racist. [00:30:15] Speaker A: I know. He only likes light and yellow day, team light skin. [00:30:21] Speaker B: Thank you, Covid. Come on, nigga. [00:30:22] Speaker A: I want to listen, though. He gave him dap. [00:30:24] Speaker B: Yeah, right. [00:30:25] Speaker A: You gonna sneak that depth? [00:30:27] Speaker B: Cause he again. That you would still be dating dark skinned chicks if it wasn't for Covid. [00:30:34] Speaker A: Well, I know there are no dark skinned chicks in China. [00:30:36] Speaker C: There were some. [00:30:38] Speaker B: You weren't dating. [00:30:38] Speaker A: You were not fucking with Africans in China. No, you weren't. Nigga, you ain't never sent us no picture of no African. [00:30:44] Speaker B: Right? [00:30:44] Speaker A: Every chick you ain't never talked about no sword on the face of an African. It was always a chinese chick. Stop it. [00:30:51] Speaker B: Every chick you was fucking with was slanty. [00:30:53] Speaker A: So you dated a black person in China. [00:30:55] Speaker C: I fucked black girls when I was in China. Why would I not? [00:31:00] Speaker B: Because you have a self hate issue. [00:31:02] Speaker C: I don't. I don't. [00:31:04] Speaker A: I don't remember him ever talking about a black dude. [00:31:06] Speaker B: Me neither. Not one. [00:31:07] Speaker C: I fucked all creed and color, man. [00:31:10] Speaker B: You was not laying down. Fuck, nigga, you left here 16 body count, nigga. You came back 18 like you did. [00:31:17] Speaker C: You got the math way off. [00:31:18] Speaker B: You wasn't. You wasn't. You didn't. So you went to fucking China to saw your royal. Is that what happened? [00:31:23] Speaker C: I had fun in China, but just know, I went from african, Ukraine, chinese, other expats. [00:31:31] Speaker B: So you. [00:31:31] Speaker C: I was an expat, so I was going to expat areas, so I was able to meet people. [00:31:35] Speaker B: What the fuck is an expat? [00:31:36] Speaker A: Is when you expatriate, you're no longer an american. [00:31:39] Speaker C: Yeah. So you just meet other people that are from other countries that are around. [00:31:44] Speaker B: So. [00:31:44] Speaker C: And those people just. They not trying to become husband and wife because they're only here for a short time, too. [00:31:50] Speaker B: So when you said Ukrainian. So that was one of them sex slaves that you saw? [00:31:56] Speaker C: No, she was a dancer. [00:31:58] Speaker B: Of course they are. Like, get up there and dance, bitch. Get up in there and dance. She was a student, but dance. [00:32:07] Speaker C: She was a college dancer, too. She made money dancing. And she was dancing where they don't. [00:32:12] Speaker A: Have strip clubs like we do. [00:32:13] Speaker C: It wasn't a strip club. She was like. Like a ballet dancer. Like a performing. [00:32:16] Speaker B: Hey, now. [00:32:17] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:32:18] Speaker B: Oh, you know what? That had me thinking about something the other day. [00:32:21] Speaker A: The fact that there are no black ballerinas. [00:32:24] Speaker B: None. [00:32:24] Speaker A: Except for the one Prince Reggie. [00:32:25] Speaker B: No. [00:32:26] Speaker A: She quote unquote had sex with. [00:32:27] Speaker C: No, that girl was you. The dance I'm talking about was ukrainian. [00:32:30] Speaker A: Oh. She's white. [00:32:30] Speaker B: Okay, so if you. I know that you guys. This is just hypothetical because you guys have, you know, mean if you had to pick somebody from a specific sport, right? Like, it had to be a sport in to date. [00:32:47] Speaker A: I know mine. [00:32:48] Speaker B: What would it be? [00:32:48] Speaker A: Women's shot put. Them chunky bitches are strong and sexy. [00:32:53] Speaker C: Mine would either be softball or volleyball. [00:33:00] Speaker A: They are chunky, bro. [00:33:02] Speaker B: Give me a name. Give me one. I don't know. There's none. [00:33:07] Speaker A: Igor. Blasphemy. [00:33:11] Speaker B: Hairy chest. And women have hairy chest and beards, too. I get it now. Like, yeah, I bet you if she pushes the shot. But, um, what's your sport? [00:33:19] Speaker C: What would be your sport? [00:33:20] Speaker B: Gymnastics. [00:33:22] Speaker A: Yeah, maybe. [00:33:23] Speaker C: Short. Short. Like four foot eight? [00:33:26] Speaker A: Be messed up, bro. [00:33:27] Speaker C: Huh? [00:33:29] Speaker B: Don't make me go funny, Martin. You ain't fucking. [00:33:32] Speaker A: I didn't want somebody where some shit pop off, you know what I'm saying? [00:33:37] Speaker C: They're ready. [00:33:38] Speaker A: I would have like three point stance. You gonna get out of three point stance. Go. Hut, hut, hut, hut. I don't want that bitch to just take off on somebody, you know, say, like. [00:33:45] Speaker B: I mean, you could. You could. I mean, a gymnast could fake like she a ninja. She dropped a couple backflips and shit. [00:33:50] Speaker A: That's not intimidating. That's not intimidating. [00:33:53] Speaker B: It would be like in real life. [00:33:54] Speaker A: Bro, when my bitch get up from. [00:33:55] Speaker B: The table stands, too. At the end, when my bitch get. [00:33:57] Speaker A: Up from the table, motherfuckers stopped doing whatever infraction they were doing. They stopped that infraction, bro. [00:34:04] Speaker B: Fucking why can't I stop thinking about that bitch from dodgeball when she threw that shit in the bar and fucked that nigga up? [00:34:13] Speaker A: If there were more female sumo wrestlers, I would say that, but there aren't a lot of females. [00:34:16] Speaker B: No, no, you would not be. Stop. You ain't trying to be female. Let me pull up one female sumo wrestler and see what she looks like. [00:34:23] Speaker A: Let's do it. Chunky little motherfucker. Cuddly. [00:34:26] Speaker C: How would that look? [00:34:27] Speaker A: I pitched them cheeks both sets. How about what me and a sumo wrestler just. [00:34:33] Speaker C: I'm thinking of a female. [00:34:34] Speaker A: It would look good. We'll be the shit. I bet you wouldn't talk shit. [00:34:37] Speaker B: Images. [00:34:38] Speaker A: I bet you wouldn't talk shit and run up. [00:34:39] Speaker B: Oh, no. [00:34:40] Speaker C: Let me see. I bet you wouldn't run up or hell no. She can never get on top. [00:34:44] Speaker A: Let me see her sexy hands. [00:34:45] Speaker C: She'll break your dick off. [00:34:47] Speaker A: Let me see the sexy one. Oh, she looks. She's squatting, bro. Look at that squad game. Are you kidding me, bro? Look at that squat game, bro. [00:34:58] Speaker B: She's. [00:34:59] Speaker A: She's riding forever, you know, girl, I'm tired. [00:35:01] Speaker B: Wait a minute. [00:35:02] Speaker A: Too much. [00:35:02] Speaker B: Is that all underneath? Is that diaper or fupa? [00:35:06] Speaker A: Nigga, like this diaper. [00:35:08] Speaker B: Oh, what about this one? [00:35:09] Speaker A: I'm telling you. [00:35:10] Speaker B: Let me. [00:35:11] Speaker A: There's some good ones. That's what you say, right? Lord have mercy. She like, she's from Detroit, too. Just. Bro, imagine. [00:35:28] Speaker B: Imagine, bro, what are you talking about, French? [00:35:31] Speaker A: That lady right there, right? Imagine we're all sitting at junior crickets having some wings. Oh, yeah, we sure some fuck niggas come in with off that bullshit. [00:35:38] Speaker C: We good. [00:35:38] Speaker A: Three point stands. It's over with, nigga. Bull rush. [00:35:41] Speaker B: All y'all think is getting shot. [00:35:43] Speaker A: Anybody shooting her? [00:35:44] Speaker C: I was just from UK, bro. [00:35:46] Speaker A: I would not waste a bullet on her, cuz. It's not gonna hurt her. [00:35:49] Speaker B: Nigga. Did you see that? [00:35:50] Speaker A: Like extra, extra layers, bro, she for 500. [00:35:54] Speaker B: Did you see that shit that just happened? Atlanta's best wings. No, these niggas was fighting over a dollar, right? [00:35:59] Speaker C: I saw that. [00:36:00] Speaker B: I like. 02:00 a.m. these niggas is fighting over a dollar. Nigga shoot one nigga, right? But then. And then this nigga come back, he leave, but they come back to get his food. The nigga on the ground got a pistol, too. [00:36:12] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:36:12] Speaker B: And so this nigga come back to get his food, like, on some real fuck shit. Like, I think I hold up. I pay for my shit. I'm going back and fucking fuck you, too, on the ground, writhing in pain. [00:36:22] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:36:23] Speaker B: When he came back, that nigga's like, no diggity. Get back, nigga. Pow, pow. Shot that nigga. [00:36:27] Speaker A: Did he kill him? [00:36:28] Speaker B: I don't know. I don't know. [00:36:29] Speaker A: So why do you need food? You just. Bro, life is. Means nothing to people. [00:36:34] Speaker C: This nigga shoot somebody. That wasn't his first body. That's why let's. [00:36:39] Speaker A: My nigga had to have been because he would have known not to go back in there. [00:36:42] Speaker B: Yeah. Nigga like, don't. What are you doing? [00:36:45] Speaker C: You probably thought he killed. Oh, yeah. [00:36:47] Speaker A: No, that's even worse. If you kill somebody, you do not go get your food. [00:36:51] Speaker B: You gonna do the AI. Step over this nigga like, sorry, let me get my way. [00:36:56] Speaker C: Is a dollar. Is that important to you? [00:36:58] Speaker A: I don't believe it was $1. When it starts shooting, I guarantee you win a dollar. They just. That makes the headline. There was something else. [00:37:04] Speaker B: Listen, the fact that you shot a nigga left and came back to get your food. [00:37:09] Speaker A: I'm gonna say my girl in there something. [00:37:10] Speaker B: You deserve to get shot. [00:37:12] Speaker A: No, I don't know about that. [00:37:13] Speaker B: I know I do. No, it's called karma. [00:37:15] Speaker A: But I bet you I know who wouldn't have got shot. Me and my sumo chick. [00:37:20] Speaker C: She would have swallowed that bullet, man. [00:37:22] Speaker A: She would not. She like. Man, put that little silly thing on. [00:37:24] Speaker B: What made me think about this was that new nigga picture for Pittsburgh schemes. So this is. He's a rookie and he's taking over watching baseball. [00:37:34] Speaker A: He's always watch baseball. Yeah, he's a Dodgers fan. [00:37:37] Speaker B: I mean, you so. I mean. I'm sorry. [00:37:39] Speaker A: He has a. What's that white dude named Kershaw. He's got a Kershaw jersey. [00:37:42] Speaker B: Fuck, yeah. And a Jackie Robinson. But I, you know. [00:37:46] Speaker A: Stop it, nigga. We don't believe you like black people. Stop it. He just picked any. It was like the clearance rack throwback store. Like, oh, shit. Jackie Robinson is only $27. The rest. [00:37:58] Speaker B: I got a Rashid Wallace at a Rasheed Wallace jersey. No, that was on the. That was on wreck. [00:38:06] Speaker A: What team? [00:38:06] Speaker B: North Carolina. [00:38:07] Speaker A: You got a North Carolina or she Wallace jersey? Cares? Talking about who cares? [00:38:14] Speaker B: That's the old school. [00:38:14] Speaker A: Old school, yeah, but nobody cares, though. [00:38:16] Speaker B: That's Vince Carter. Time that was. That was when the niggas was dope. [00:38:21] Speaker A: Oh, Rossi wouldn't dope in the league. [00:38:24] Speaker B: He got real crazy. Once he got it from underneath the white dude. He was still dope. Was. He was. He left fucking. What's the Portland. No. Who was a black. I mean, the white coach for Larry Brown. Larry. No, no. Dean Smith. Once he got from underneath Dean Smith's fucking tutelage, he just lost, like, a. [00:38:42] Speaker A: Little thing on his head, started growing. [00:38:43] Speaker B: It did. I'm telling you, that's. That was the crazy. That was a crazy zone. Like, that nigga just couldn't. He was worse than Draymond. Yeah. Like, really worse. But, yeah, well, he couldn't be controlled. [00:38:53] Speaker C: He could just be him and dream. [00:38:55] Speaker A: He lost his mind. [00:38:56] Speaker B: Yeah. I mean, he fucking tried to catch fucking Kg at the fucking. On the. On the loading dock. Like, come on, my nigga. Like, niggas is trying to get on the bus. [00:39:07] Speaker A: Who was one who made that Cheerios. Comment about, was that KG. Kg made addict about Carmelo? [00:39:12] Speaker C: Yeah. Yeah. [00:39:13] Speaker A: I thought they were gonna fight. [00:39:15] Speaker C: They was trying to. [00:39:16] Speaker A: I thought they were gonna fight. [00:39:16] Speaker C: Carmelo met him at the same thing at the bus. [00:39:20] Speaker B: Listen, I know Kg skinny, but Kg, I feel like he just talked to. [00:39:24] Speaker A: Kg's not skinny, bro. KG is not. I've seen Kg in person at a game. No, his trunk, like, the lower half is not skinny, bro. His upper body may look skinny, right? If you see him in person in the game, he's not a little center, right? He's not a little powerful, whatever he plays, playing at the time. Right from the waist down, he is solid. Like, it looks like you wouldn't be able to. French couldn't back him down. No, French always about backing somebody down. French couldn't back that dude down. He's not. He wasn't little. That was just upper body only the way it looked, I guess, right? [00:39:53] Speaker B: No, I mean, plus, he's seven something, so I guess stretched out, right? You know what I mean? Stretched out. [00:39:59] Speaker C: Stretched out is a pause. [00:40:04] Speaker A: Yeah. So, no, I don't know how we got to the shot put, girl. [00:40:07] Speaker B: Oh, God. That's what I was saying. Oh. This dude, this nigga schemes, right? He's fucking taking over the league, right? He's a rookie, and he throws average 100 miles an hour, and he's got some fucking pitches that no one's ever heard of, and nobody could hit him. But his girl is a fucking. From the, you know, college sweethearts and shit. She's a fucking world class gymnast. And also on, you know, Sports Illustrated swimsuit shit. And I was like, oh, she's kicked. And again, I was thinking, what? [00:40:37] Speaker C: Kicked ass. [00:40:38] Speaker B: She's caked. And it just got me to thinking. I was like, all of them. Have you ever seen a flat booty? Fucking gymnast? No. [00:40:44] Speaker C: Yeah. Even if it's not fat, they got the shape. [00:40:47] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, there's no. There's no. I mean that they. They come round like that truck is always there. [00:40:54] Speaker A: Not chunkier than a shot put chick. Come on, man. Get out of here. You not speaking real to me right now. [00:41:00] Speaker C: Talking about, um. Be honest. I just sent you a video. Um. Can you play it? [00:41:08] Speaker B: You wouldn't. You want to tell? You don't kind of give us any kind of headway. [00:41:11] Speaker C: No, no, I think the video says itself, but it's on the line of. It's not on the line of what we're talking about, but it's about fucking. [00:41:20] Speaker B: Oh. [00:41:20] Speaker C: It's about sex. [00:41:21] Speaker A: Okay, let's check it out. [00:41:23] Speaker D: Kink, I should say, last year I made 550k. Just farting. [00:41:28] Speaker C: 50K farting. [00:41:31] Speaker D: I still have that in my savings. [00:41:32] Speaker B: Boy, I will empty that intro in my fridge right now. What? [00:41:35] Speaker D: It changed my view of men. Like, especially ass men. I'm like, no. Y'all like more than booty? Come to find out, like, there are levels. They want what comes out of it too. [00:41:45] Speaker B: Do you feel that most of your audience do. [00:41:47] Speaker A: They like a certain type of fart that comes out of you? [00:41:49] Speaker D: Like, bubbly bbw type farts? Like, the Chewbacca sound is like, one guy, he actually me in a video call, he's like, can you put jeans on? And I'm like, jeans? Like, yeah, tight jeans. He wanted the cheeks to stick together, so they had to fight through. [00:42:07] Speaker A: All right, so is this content? [00:42:09] Speaker B: Like, you're literally sending them farts? [00:42:11] Speaker D: I got clip stores. [00:42:12] Speaker B: Not the fart. [00:42:13] Speaker D: I got a fart. Onlyfans. [00:42:18] Speaker B: Oh, this is tough. [00:42:20] Speaker D: But that's how the morning is. The morning is different. Like, I guess cause I've been holding them on. I guess cause I've been holding them all night. [00:42:29] Speaker C: We gotta bring back king shaming, bro. There's no reason why you should be horny off farts. [00:42:35] Speaker A: Why? [00:42:35] Speaker C: Come on, man. [00:42:36] Speaker A: What do you. What do you get horny from? [00:42:38] Speaker C: Pussy. [00:42:39] Speaker A: No titties. Come on. No ass. That's not what I'm talking about. Everybody gets horny out there. What. What is a thing that is not necessarily just so vague, like, a specific thing that you, like, obviously light skinned. [00:42:54] Speaker C: I like. I like when she's a little rough. [00:42:57] Speaker A: What with you? What are we talking? [00:43:00] Speaker C: Sometimes she's dominant. Sometimes I'm dominant. Either way. [00:43:03] Speaker A: Whoa, whoa, whoa. [00:43:04] Speaker C: What are we talking? [00:43:06] Speaker A: Mac, can you take over? I'm shutting down. I don't know. I don't know where to go. [00:43:11] Speaker C: You asked a question. [00:43:12] Speaker B: I just want to keep talking. [00:43:14] Speaker A: You like it when your girls rough with you sometimes? [00:43:16] Speaker B: Yeah. We already know that. Remember the fucking ruler? [00:43:18] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, but that was as a teenager. This is grown people stuff. [00:43:22] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:43:22] Speaker A: So the stakes have been raised, man. There's no. No rulers. [00:43:25] Speaker B: No. What kind of roughness do you like? [00:43:27] Speaker A: A yard? [00:43:28] Speaker B: Like, what do you like? [00:43:31] Speaker C: I want her to choke me, too. And slap me, too, while we doing it. And talk dirty and put it all the way in. No, no. Like, not today. Not to the extreme. [00:43:45] Speaker A: But you don't mind our grabbing you up and like. [00:43:46] Speaker C: Yeah, I don't mind. I don't mind her scratching me or things like that. [00:43:51] Speaker A: Hickeys. You like hickeys and stuff, too? [00:43:53] Speaker C: I don't really get them, but, yeah, I don't mind. [00:43:55] Speaker A: Yeah, you can't really get them. [00:43:58] Speaker B: You wouldn't even notice. Like, what do you mean? [00:44:00] Speaker A: Bruise? [00:44:02] Speaker C: I don't mind, a little bit. [00:44:03] Speaker B: Why? Your neck wet, right? [00:44:05] Speaker C: Yeah. Biting those things. [00:44:06] Speaker B: I don't mind that. [00:44:07] Speaker A: You like when your girls rough with you and. Okay. [00:44:09] Speaker C: And vice versa. [00:44:10] Speaker A: Yeah, but, yeah. And you're saying that's no big deal, so you shouldn't be shamed for it, right? That's just what you're into. [00:44:16] Speaker C: Yeah, that. Yeah. [00:44:17] Speaker A: So if a person farting. If a person's willing to pay for you, for you to fart for them. [00:44:22] Speaker C: Like, the smell of farting, your body should have a natural reaction to remove yourself. [00:44:26] Speaker B: I feel like she's faking, though. [00:44:29] Speaker A: Faking the farts. [00:44:29] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:44:30] Speaker A: Yeah, I think all those farts. [00:44:31] Speaker C: That fart was crazy. [00:44:32] Speaker A: Sounds stupid. [00:44:33] Speaker B: And then. And then she. And then her, I guess. Hypothesis or her. [00:44:39] Speaker A: Have you ever seen one? [00:44:41] Speaker B: What? [00:44:41] Speaker A: A fart video. I've seen. I've seen one. Have you ever seen one? French? [00:44:45] Speaker C: No, not a far fee. [00:44:46] Speaker A: I don't believe it's real. [00:44:48] Speaker B: And my thing is, like she's saying, oh, well, dudes only just in for the ass now. You can't put ass man, in the same as shit, man. [00:44:56] Speaker A: Right? It's not the same. Those are different people. [00:44:58] Speaker B: Right. Just because a nigga likes what comes out of your ass doesn't make them an ass man. Like, you know, I mean, that's not the. [00:45:03] Speaker A: More like a colon, man. [00:45:04] Speaker B: Right. [00:45:04] Speaker A: Like I'm a colon man. [00:45:06] Speaker C: I sent you another clip from that same interview. Um, that one. That clip with the second clip is even worse. [00:45:12] Speaker A: Okay, let me just shot for this. [00:45:16] Speaker B: What's something that you did that was. [00:45:18] Speaker D: Like, oh, I think on people takes the cake. [00:45:21] Speaker B: You done that? [00:45:22] Speaker D: Yes, I did. The last time I did it was like last week, maybe weeks. Yeah, probably once a month at minimum. [00:45:28] Speaker A: Was this last encounter, was it on their chest? [00:45:30] Speaker B: Was it on their mouth? No, no, no. [00:45:34] Speaker D: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. [00:45:35] Speaker A: You. [00:45:37] Speaker D: Some guys like to, like, taste it and they spit it out on the side. They like deadass. Like, they, like, move it around in their mouths and then spit it out. But yeah, I have a toilet chair. I just sit it right on top of them and I just, you know, rubbing my knees and I'm like, I'm ready to go. It has to be early in the morning. [00:45:51] Speaker B: Oh. [00:45:51] Speaker D: Between seven and 08:00 a.m. because, you know, the morning go is crazy. [00:45:54] Speaker B: Morning. [00:45:55] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:45:55] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:45:56] Speaker B: So he's under the toilet seat, mouth open. [00:46:00] Speaker D: Yeah. One time I somebody's face, he didn't eat it. It was on his face, piling up like mister Softy. And when I turned around, I was like, yo, you look crazy. [00:46:12] Speaker C: There's no way a boner should come from this. I'm sorry. This is no way. You got shit in your face and then your dick is like, I'm excited, blood. Come through. There's no way, bro. There's no way. [00:46:23] Speaker A: I want to know. [00:46:23] Speaker C: How do you even find out. That's your thing. How do you even find out as a dude? Like, you know what's gonna really make me bust a nut? [00:46:30] Speaker A: How did you find this clip? Same way x.com. same way, though. Just like you found the clip. That's how they found out they liked it. [00:46:38] Speaker B: I, um. [00:46:40] Speaker A: I don't, I don't, I don't have a problem with somebody liking shit, if that's what you like. That's. [00:46:43] Speaker B: You like, I remember I knew somebody or a chick and she said her boyfriend liked, you know, to get pissed on. And so I think it's just a natural graduation, right? Like, you just go from pee. [00:46:53] Speaker A: I don't know. I don't know if that's true, right? [00:46:55] Speaker B: I don't know. [00:46:56] Speaker A: Have you ever smelled somebody's pee before? No. [00:47:00] Speaker B: No. [00:47:00] Speaker A: Follow me. Have you ever smells my speed before? [00:47:02] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:47:02] Speaker A: Unpleasant, right? [00:47:03] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:47:03] Speaker A: It's a turn off, right? [00:47:05] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:47:05] Speaker A: Now multiply that. It's not a graduation. My. It's totally different. [00:47:09] Speaker B: It depends. [00:47:10] Speaker A: No, nigga, no, no, no. I've never smelled some good smelling shit. [00:47:12] Speaker B: No, I'm just talking about the pee. It's not always unpleasant because again, if it's in the form of a squirt, come on. [00:47:19] Speaker C: He go, we talk about. [00:47:20] Speaker A: Yeah, you splitting hairs. [00:47:21] Speaker B: No, we already talking about you going. [00:47:23] Speaker A: To bathroom after somebody. Like, whoa. [00:47:25] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Like, that nigga needs some water that's. [00:47:30] Speaker A: Grown dehydrated, scroll like my sumo chick. [00:47:36] Speaker B: But we already, you know, associated or looked up in research, and it's 75% most words. [00:47:47] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Yeah. [00:47:48] Speaker B: So. So again, like, in that instance, I might be four p. Right? Like, okay. In that. When it. In that form. [00:47:56] Speaker A: Yeah, but that's totally different than escorting a spring animal. [00:48:00] Speaker B: Yeah, that again. Yeah, that's. That's. That's. You know, I'm saying, like she said, like, mister Frosty. Yeah, come on, my nigga. Like, I don't believe her. Oh, no, I don't. [00:48:10] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't know. So what all those people that say those girls go over to Dubai and. But I mean, you're saying, like, they do it, like, you know, you don't know. You know. [00:48:18] Speaker B: Well, he already said that they wear masks. [00:48:19] Speaker C: When I was at Georgia State, that was a girl. [00:48:21] Speaker B: I went. [00:48:21] Speaker C: She told me she did it. I don't know. She. [00:48:23] Speaker B: Where'd she go? To do what? To just shit on niggas. [00:48:26] Speaker A: For how much? [00:48:27] Speaker C: 50. [00:48:27] Speaker A: 50,000? I'm not paying nobody 50,000 to take a shit. [00:48:31] Speaker B: Did you. Did you see. Was she coming back spinning? Does she look like she had 50,000 afterwards? [00:48:35] Speaker C: Well, she was already, like. She was a dancer, so she was already living life. [00:48:39] Speaker A: Yeah. I don't know if I believe that. I think that's just a silly rumor. I can't imagine somebody. [00:48:43] Speaker B: She probably went over there, got hold out like rest of motherfuckers. They go up in Vegas or La. [00:48:47] Speaker A: Fucking Figueroa, and she just had to say some cute, right? Yeah. [00:48:51] Speaker B: These things want me to show you guys? You came back with ten grand. [00:48:54] Speaker A: So, pussy, the nigga showed you his pet cheetah, right? [00:48:57] Speaker B: Took you around in a lambo and. [00:48:59] Speaker A: Shit and gave you 5000? [00:49:00] Speaker C: But I gotta be a thing. Cause that's a real thing. There's. There's people that are into shitting. [00:49:03] Speaker A: Says who? [00:49:05] Speaker C: The kink world. [00:49:06] Speaker A: What? [00:49:07] Speaker C: The kink world. [00:49:08] Speaker B: Where do I say that word one more time, cuz? Like, we just listen to this new. We listen to this new loop a fiasco called cake. And I swear that's what you said. [00:49:16] Speaker A: It was supposed to be. It's supposed to be that. That one. Not this move. Kick. [00:49:21] Speaker C: Kink. [00:49:22] Speaker A: Kink cake. You gonna prison, bro. [00:49:29] Speaker B: You gonna be locked up with the mexican little kids. All the biggest. Like, you gonna be. [00:49:34] Speaker C: I don't know. I think I know when. When the LGBTQ movement took his height and it was like they were the one that really said, do not shame kanking. So what's the way? How do you say it? [00:49:46] Speaker A: Kinky. [00:49:47] Speaker C: Kink. [00:49:48] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:49:51] Speaker C: They're the ones I really was saying, you know, you can't shame people depending on whatever they like. But certain shit. I'm shaming, bro. I'm shaming that. I'm sorry. [00:50:00] Speaker A: I'm not gonna shame. No, but your girl in your bed and decided to just show off our new talent. That's different than me saying somebody who doesn't in their own house. [00:50:11] Speaker B: I dis. I disagree with. Okay, so there are kinks that we do. Not that we as a fucking whole organization. [00:50:20] Speaker A: Black people, you mean? [00:50:21] Speaker B: No, as a fucking society. The world. [00:50:23] Speaker A: Go ahead, tell me. [00:50:25] Speaker B: Young. [00:50:26] Speaker A: That's illegal. Stop. Okay, let's talk about legality. [00:50:28] Speaker B: But. No but. There's no but. [00:50:30] Speaker A: Come on, man. Let's talk within the realms of legality. Let's not just say the, you know, snuff films are illegal and they're. That's kinky, too. Those don't count. Let's talk about things that are legal. [00:50:39] Speaker B: Okay, so. Okay. Right. So you can. Okay. No shaming. Legal kinks. [00:50:45] Speaker A: Right. [00:50:46] Speaker B: Okay. [00:50:46] Speaker A: If it's illegal, that's worse than shame. It shouldn't happen. [00:50:49] Speaker B: But I think there's a. I mean, so, you know, there's people out there like this nigga. You guys can have free car. Blanche, my kink. Ain't that, like. I don't. Okay. I'm not even gonna go down that road. [00:50:59] Speaker A: But you like pain. [00:51:00] Speaker B: No, but again, so I'm not. I'm okay with some nipple clamping and some hot wax in and all of that. [00:51:06] Speaker A: Out of. Out of the world to me. Like, that's what. Yeah, no, but I don't shame you for. For being a perverted weirdo. No, I just let you do your weird shit. And I don't shame French for getting his asshole by his girl. No, like, calling it quote unquote sex. [00:51:22] Speaker B: Like I would have. I, like, Madonna could have changed me. Like, she was into alcohol, that kind of shit. Yeah, yeah. [00:51:28] Speaker A: I'm saying, like, french girl come home and beat the fuck out of me. Like, oh, my God. I came like, no, you got your ass. That's blood. [00:51:34] Speaker B: You gave me an eye. I would say black eye, but it just looks the same. It's just an eye. [00:51:42] Speaker C: That'd be, like, purple. [00:51:44] Speaker A: Damn. So, yeah, I'm not gonna shame you for that, though. And, I mean, as long as it's not like you come spend the night. Like you come to my house for the weekend, and while you're here in the guest room, you and your girl just shit on each other in my bed. That's not the same thing as you being at your house and doing whatever the hell you wanna do. [00:51:59] Speaker B: See, and I can't help but fucking think of a movie. Movie 43. Fuck it. It was Anna Ferris and fucking what's her real life husband's name is the. [00:52:09] Speaker A: Name of the movie. Movie 43? [00:52:11] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:52:11] Speaker A: Never heard of it. [00:52:12] Speaker B: Well, you gotta watch it. But there's two versions. And the fucked up dinner. French. [00:52:16] Speaker A: Have you ever heard of movie 43? [00:52:17] Speaker B: Okay, I thought it was, but I guarantee our listeners have. [00:52:20] Speaker A: I guarantee they haven't. [00:52:21] Speaker B: I guarantee they have. [00:52:22] Speaker A: 66% of the people in this room have never heard of this movie. [00:52:24] Speaker B: It doesn't matter. You guys are not fucking movies. Fucking files, like I am. [00:52:28] Speaker A: I watch movies all the time. [00:52:29] Speaker B: But you're not a movie file. [00:52:31] Speaker A: I am. [00:52:31] Speaker C: Ali Berry's in this movie. [00:52:32] Speaker B: There's fucking. Everybody's in this movie. [00:52:34] Speaker C: Terrace Howard. [00:52:35] Speaker B: There's everybody in this fucking movie. [00:52:37] Speaker A: Let me look at that cover. Maybe I've seen it and don't even realize it. [00:52:40] Speaker B: The one that's the fucking best one is the Dennis Quaid one, where he's fucking trying to sell this movie to the studio, and he just keeps going through all these different scenes of different. [00:52:50] Speaker A: Can't even watch the shit. It said you have to buy it on Apple TV or if you can play it on plex. [00:52:55] Speaker C: There was a shit outside in the yard. [00:53:00] Speaker B: Well, no, that's what's Anna fair. So JB smooth was in it, right? So what's the nigga from the Jurassic park shit? Chris Pratt. Right? So that's her. Her husband. And she's like, listen, I want to. I wanted fucking Judith shit on me, right? And he's like, what? And then Jamie Smooth is like, listen, you got to. Did some real colorful shit, bro. Like they're at a barbecue, and he's telling like, listen, you got a fucking mexican this up. Like, you got to get some colors in there. You got to do all this other shit, right? Yeah, all these colors in there. You got to do all this shit, right? So he eats all these fucking burritos and all this shit, and he's just ready. And he just ready to shit on her. He's like, no, no, it's not like that. You know, this is romantic. But he took laxative and shit, and he can't hold it. He's like, listen, I'm ready. Like, are you up? And then she keeps wanting to talk, and he's like, let me shit on you. And she's like, offended. Like, no, nigga, like, you want to just shit on me? Like, it wasn't that I wanted you to do some romantic shit. And then he fucking runs out chasing her, and he gets hit by a car, and shit just goes all over the fucking car. But it's a laugh. [00:53:59] Speaker A: Oh, that was the end. [00:54:00] Speaker B: Well, this end of that scene. So every. [00:54:01] Speaker A: They blew it. Every scene says interconnected stories. [00:54:05] Speaker B: Yeah, well, they're all short forms. Like, they're different. Everything is different. [00:54:08] Speaker A: So the person that hit him is the next story. [00:54:11] Speaker B: Nope, it's just. That's it. That's part of the end of it. But she was like, no, she's like, you did all this for me? Then she's like, she understands, like, this is romantic. Like, you know, was it colorful? It was just brown. Oh, it's just brown everywhere. [00:54:23] Speaker A: So we stopped to talk about that, cuz. [00:54:25] Speaker B: Cuz, you know, that's. That was reminding me of that shit scene. Yeah. [00:54:27] Speaker A: Like, again, my point was, I'm not gonna shame them for if that's what they do, as long as they don't bring that shit to my guest room. [00:54:33] Speaker B: So, what, you can be as kinky. [00:54:35] Speaker A: As you want to be at your house. [00:54:36] Speaker B: What about if. What about if we just do an anal at your house in the guest room, and a little shit gets come out, you know? I mean, it's not like we were doing shit. [00:54:44] Speaker C: Things that's just backed up shit that you didn't. [00:54:46] Speaker B: But I'm just saying, we weren't doing. [00:54:49] Speaker A: Listen, I was like Russell Westbrook. Like, what? That little what? Meme? That's what I felt like, this thing. [00:54:55] Speaker C: What do you say if you're doing a little anal and then some shit came out? That's understandable. [00:55:00] Speaker A: Mac. What? [00:55:03] Speaker B: See, as a. I'm gonna go ahead and defer, because as a motherfucker that has never done anal, I can't really speak on this. [00:55:09] Speaker A: We don't believe that, by the way. [00:55:11] Speaker C: Nobody believes anal. You grew up in the eighties and the nineties. What are you talking about? [00:55:15] Speaker A: What is that? [00:55:16] Speaker B: Right? Was that. Was that when it was popping? [00:55:17] Speaker A: That's when I feel like the girls. [00:55:18] Speaker B: Of that time were much. The girls of the eighties and the nineties were much more. What analogy, nigga? [00:55:27] Speaker A: I don't know where you're coming from. [00:55:28] Speaker C: I just felt like they were more free. [00:55:30] Speaker B: Free than the bitches that are doing with wild shit now. [00:55:33] Speaker A: Sexy red told you that? The colors of her undercarriage. [00:55:37] Speaker B: Are you serious? [00:55:38] Speaker C: Now? [00:55:39] Speaker B: What? Do you make it make sense then? [00:55:41] Speaker A: Yeah. So what are you talking about? Back in the day and now. What are you talking about? [00:55:43] Speaker C: Well, who raised who? Who raised the girls of today? The ones from the eighties and the nineties. [00:55:48] Speaker A: So I guess you can make this fit eventually. If you just keep twisting everything around, eventually the Rubik's cube will be all the same, right? This nigga just trying anything now. So who raised the people from the eighties and nineties to make them that way? [00:55:59] Speaker B: The boomers, right? The sixties and seventies raised the boomers. And I guarantee the sixties in the seventies was fucking wilder than the eighties and the nineties. [00:56:06] Speaker C: Make sense? [00:56:07] Speaker A: That was free love, right? [00:56:09] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:56:09] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:56:09] Speaker A: That's why Maggie's pissed, cuz. He missed. [00:56:11] Speaker B: I did. I was. I swear. I used to think when I was. When I was younger, and I was like, I miss my fucking era. [00:56:16] Speaker A: Had you been there, you'd been shitting on bitches sixties and seventies, maybe eating it too. You'd have been letting that shit on you. [00:56:21] Speaker B: I don't know about. [00:56:21] Speaker A: I think so. [00:56:22] Speaker B: Because again, no, no, but again, that's not pain. [00:56:25] Speaker A: You like getting salmonella. [00:56:26] Speaker B: I don't like. I don't like fucking the texture like they like certain, like, oh, but you love chicken ribs. That was just because I had to win. Nigga, there was a. [00:56:34] Speaker A: What if there was a wind that. You got to eat this shit. [00:56:37] Speaker B: I can't eat oatmeal without motherfucking granola. [00:56:39] Speaker A: Okay, let's just say this. [00:56:40] Speaker B: I don't like jello. [00:56:41] Speaker A: Okay, I get it. I get it. Let's say that there. Let's just say that there was a competition, right? The three of us are in it, right? In order to win the competition, you have to get shit on by somebody. Who's the person. [00:56:57] Speaker C: If you had to shit on somebody. [00:56:59] Speaker A: No, you have to get shit on. Oh, who's the person you're letting shit on you for the. For the money, for all the marbles? [00:57:06] Speaker B: Who's the person? Or who. Who's gonna. Who's gonna win out of us? [00:57:09] Speaker A: No, who is the person? The objective is that everybody has to win. So you don't have a way to say, oh, I'm not gonna play. You have to play. The objective is to win. You're very competitive, so you can't not play. [00:57:20] Speaker B: Right? [00:57:20] Speaker A: You have to get shit on by somebody who is the person you're gonna allow to be your partner for this competition because you have to eat all of it. [00:57:28] Speaker B: So, no, you gotta eat it. [00:57:34] Speaker A: What's the competition? [00:57:35] Speaker B: I lost. [00:57:36] Speaker A: What's the company? I'm not eating because, no, if the competition is just to get shit on, the girl might not. She might be trigger shy or something. That sucks. [00:57:43] Speaker B: No, no. Come out to eat it. [00:57:45] Speaker A: What's the competition? [00:57:46] Speaker B: Just get shit on. [00:57:48] Speaker A: So just to get shit on, who is the person you're picking? [00:57:51] Speaker B: Okay. [00:57:55] Speaker A: Huh? Um. It can't be your wife or girlfriend. Sorry. [00:58:00] Speaker B: No, no, no. I'm gonna go with Rose from. [00:58:08] Speaker A: Rose from anybody. Yo, Rose from anything is hilarious because I can't think of one rose from golden girls. [00:58:18] Speaker C: Really? [00:58:19] Speaker A: Rose? Which one was Rose? [00:58:20] Speaker B: The slut. [00:58:22] Speaker A: Oh, boy. I thought it was Blanche or something. [00:58:27] Speaker B: It was Blanche. So Rose was. Was that Rose, the grandma? [00:58:33] Speaker A: Rose was Betty White, wasn't it? [00:58:34] Speaker B: Yeah, I think. I think, you know what? Give me Betty. I almost said Betty White at first. [00:58:38] Speaker A: Or maybe Rose would be Arthur. I don't know. Why Betty. Why any of these old motherfuckers? [00:58:43] Speaker B: Why not? Because again, I think, opie, people poop. See, old people poop is gonna be better than people poop will be worse. [00:58:49] Speaker A: It'd be full of, why fight metamucil? [00:58:51] Speaker B: Now, again, I think it's gonna be a more cleaner poop, nigga. [00:58:55] Speaker A: Just say to anybody, friends, who you got? [00:58:56] Speaker B: No, actually, what it is, I seen, like, the pictures of all the golden girls when they were young. Autumn. Bitches is bad. Every single one of them. I swear to God. Like, look it up. Every single golden girl in her prime was a. Was a baddie. [00:59:10] Speaker A: So this is a nostalgia shit. [00:59:11] Speaker B: Was a baddie. Even. Even was. It was the old lady's name. [00:59:15] Speaker A: You said be Arthur. [00:59:16] Speaker B: Bea Arthur. Was she was. She might be the baddest. [00:59:23] Speaker A: I don't know how the hell we got here. We were already really far off the path, talking about a competition to get shit on. But we're way off now. Friends, who you got? [00:59:31] Speaker B: You already talked about J Mac. J Mac drinking. So, like, I'm about to take another shot just to. Just to get this motherfucker popping. [00:59:38] Speaker A: Terrible. What are you talking about? [00:59:42] Speaker B: Our listeners are gonna be like, okay, let me look at these bitches when they were fucking in their prime. [00:59:46] Speaker A: Yeah, but you're not talking about them? You're talking about the old. [00:59:49] Speaker B: The old one? Yeah. No, I wanted their. As their ass matured, you know, as it got older, like, you know, I mean, like, I. Sure, I would have loved to have him when they were in their prime. [00:59:59] Speaker A: Shit. No, you love that kind of shit. [01:00:01] Speaker B: Well, again, if I could get them, you know, a b rose. I mean, be Arthur as a fucking old decrepit lady or be Arthur in her prime. Yeah, I would want her in her prime shitting on me, like, if I had a choice. [01:00:13] Speaker A: Got you. What you got? Friends. My goodness. [01:00:16] Speaker C: I'm thinking either Megan good or Rihanna still up there, so neither Megan good or Rihanna. [01:00:24] Speaker A: Okay. [01:00:25] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:00:25] Speaker A: I'm not letting nobody show me, y'all. I wish I went for the mouth thing. [01:00:37] Speaker B: You like competition? My ass. Cm be my ass. [01:00:41] Speaker A: I lose. [01:00:41] Speaker B: Nigga, we are not competing. [01:00:44] Speaker A: I don't even like feet, bro. I don't even like feet. Feet are terrible to me. I couldn't imagine somebody's ass spreading out and seeing a piece of shit come out of it and hit me. [01:00:53] Speaker B: So you're not an ass eater? [01:00:57] Speaker A: Not by nature. [01:00:59] Speaker B: What the fuck does that mean? [01:01:00] Speaker A: It means it had to be, like, some, like, a wild night. [01:01:06] Speaker B: You just dropped down a little too far. Like, hey, we here. [01:01:11] Speaker A: It's not intentional from the get go. It might be afterwards, you know, after it starts, but it's not. It's never like, yo, it's not like, you know, I'm gonna do today. [01:01:20] Speaker B: I'm already here. Like, it's like, ain't no going back. Like, it already did happen. [01:01:24] Speaker A: You gotta dig in at that point. You gotta dig in. But it's never. [01:01:30] Speaker B: That's how the groceries get started, bro. Right. I did. I just. I never understood. You're ass eater. Right? [01:01:36] Speaker A: Third time. [01:01:38] Speaker C: I'm not. Like, every time. It's just. [01:01:41] Speaker A: Every third time. [01:01:43] Speaker C: It's just, like, beyond. It said, like, it gotta be a crazy night. [01:01:46] Speaker B: I'm not. Every time, and I'm not all the way in. [01:01:50] Speaker C: It's just. Just like a little around the rim, you know, a little high to the rim. [01:01:54] Speaker B: So you're a. You're a faux ass eater. [01:01:57] Speaker A: No, he's full of shit right now. [01:01:59] Speaker B: Is that what they fuck? You eat the fu. Ass. You gotta. You gotta get. You gotta lick that motherfucker. Right. So, are you okay with your ass getting eaten? [01:02:11] Speaker C: Nah. Cause you gotta be in a weird position as a man. [01:02:14] Speaker B: Do you? [01:02:15] Speaker A: What position you have to be in? [01:02:16] Speaker C: Your legs gotta get up or she's gonna have to. How are you gonna get your ass at the way you said. Do you, like, you know, a position where you look daily in the dance? [01:02:27] Speaker A: This dance that we put each other in all the time is hilarious because we used to do it to smooth all the time. Right, but he's no longer here. Right, but the dance that we put each other in, that we have to navigate and say it the right way, the right words, the exact right way without it. Sounding gay is hilarious to me. I think it's so funny. And I don't know why people don't get that when they listen to shows like they do. Who used to criticize back in the day? [01:02:49] Speaker B: Y'all. [01:02:50] Speaker A: Y'all talk about it, some gay shit. That's because the dance that niggas do when they get accused of some gay shit is hilarious. It's probably the most funny comedy that happens to men in the world, right? Because the dance is incredible. Especially when it's somebody like smooth who can't say he's saying yes, but everything he's. The words he's using are all, no, but the way he's saying it. [01:03:12] Speaker B: Oh, yes. And it wasn't until Rose came on the show and addressed that nigga in real Rose. [01:03:18] Speaker A: The real rose. [01:03:18] Speaker B: The real rose. [01:03:19] Speaker A: Rose petal. [01:03:20] Speaker B: Rose petal came on the rose petal. [01:03:21] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:03:22] Speaker B: And dressed that nigga in real time. [01:03:23] Speaker A: I gotta listen back to that show. [01:03:24] Speaker B: And was like, listen, I had you tooted. [01:03:27] Speaker A: He was scared in the corner, right? She said he was over there hiding in the corner. [01:03:33] Speaker B: I had you tooted a booted. I was like, wait a minute. You been professing this whole time that you don't do that dancing? [01:03:40] Speaker A: Just dancing. [01:03:41] Speaker B: Dancing. [01:03:42] Speaker A: Doing a marine gay. [01:03:44] Speaker B: The shit that niggas hide. Like, again, just be. [01:03:47] Speaker A: You know, it's funny, but no, it's hilarious watching that dance, but, yeah, yeah, y'all have it, man. You win. [01:03:52] Speaker B: I'm not, I'm not. I think, again. I don't think. Just for germs, man, like feet. [01:03:58] Speaker A: You touch. Do you touch feet? [01:04:00] Speaker B: What do you mean, touch them? [01:04:01] Speaker A: I don't even touch people's feet, bro. [01:04:03] Speaker C: I'm not a feet guy. [01:04:04] Speaker B: You never. Wait a minute. You never given a massage? [01:04:06] Speaker A: I haven't. I've hated every second of it. [01:04:08] Speaker B: Okay, well, no, like, I hate you lick toes, Jamie. Man, I didn't massage, nigga, I said massage. See how we do? See how we. How we go from massaging to licking toes? No, I've never licked toes. [01:04:19] Speaker A: That's the graduation, right? [01:04:21] Speaker B: No, it isn't. [01:04:21] Speaker A: You always my graduation. [01:04:22] Speaker B: No, I mean, you can go like. [01:04:24] Speaker A: That's a good massage. It could be better, though. Yo, you be licking toes, nigga. Oh, you be looking. What is the palm of a foot called? [01:04:37] Speaker B: The pad. [01:04:38] Speaker A: You'd be licking the. No, that's not the pad. Yeah, you be licking the pad. [01:04:40] Speaker B: No, I don't like the pad. You don't put the face down there. [01:04:44] Speaker A: You don't put your heel all the way in your mouth. [01:04:47] Speaker C: Have you got a foot job before? [01:04:49] Speaker B: A foot job? No, why would I want a foot job? [01:04:52] Speaker A: That's a absolute no for me. Me too. I'm turning. [01:04:56] Speaker B: I don't think that's absolutely no for you, Fred Trudgy, the way you said it. [01:04:59] Speaker C: No, me too. [01:05:01] Speaker B: And the thing about it is, I. [01:05:03] Speaker C: Don'T feel like it would be a good jack off. [01:05:05] Speaker B: I'm not even. I'm not a big. You rub your titties around that bitch. You know what I mean? [01:05:10] Speaker A: Like, again, like, that's not the same as feet, bro. Feet are disgusting. Shoes all day. [01:05:16] Speaker B: No, I'm just saying. I'm just saying. I get, again, the feel like, I mean, you could do that, but who's. Who's. Who's winning here? I don't. Who's getting some? Are you getting something out of this? Because I'd rather stick me to you. [01:05:27] Speaker A: The whole idea is nuts to me. Like, just the feet touching. Oh, my God. Just get away. [01:05:31] Speaker B: Have you heard of motherfuckers using their hair? Yeah, I've seen that they hit to jack off. [01:05:36] Speaker A: No, they don't. [01:05:38] Speaker C: They use it only to hair. Because I know some girls will you head. They use their hair sometimes to wrap it around, but it's still kind of giving you head. [01:05:47] Speaker B: I told you, sneakers are freak. I just. [01:05:50] Speaker A: You guys on another level. [01:05:52] Speaker B: I'm not ready like you did. They just, you know, wrap the hair and kind of like, use that to jack you off, you know? [01:05:57] Speaker A: I'm not ready, bro. This is way too advanced for me. Yeah, I'm still on level one. I even got to the level one. [01:06:02] Speaker B: Stop it. You are not on level. [01:06:05] Speaker C: Like a whole different tool. Like, different type of beds. [01:06:07] Speaker B: And shake it is. Think you got a. This got a massage band for non massage. [01:06:11] Speaker A: Table is crazy, bro. Y'all. [01:06:13] Speaker B: Everyone, I need to everyone listen on massage. But again, ain't not near Nair massage. [01:06:18] Speaker A: It's not true. Massage has been given now. Yeah, okay, given. But, y'all, you're missing out. I'm just gonna say like that, nigga. [01:06:26] Speaker B: You don't want to told me to wash where I was eating on the kitchen table, too, though. [01:06:31] Speaker A: No comment. No comment. [01:06:35] Speaker C: You gotta clean up after that. [01:06:36] Speaker B: I mean, I'm sure he cleaned up, but how much cleaning can you do, right? Like, there still may be, like, some residue. Like you still may. You know what I mean? [01:06:44] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:06:45] Speaker A: Yeah. But at least I didn't bring a guest with DNA spaghetti. [01:06:48] Speaker B: No, you did not. And she definitely was trying to fuck us up with that. [01:06:52] Speaker A: Yeah. And French is all with it. Did you eat any of that spaghetti? [01:06:54] Speaker B: French? [01:06:55] Speaker C: No. Cause I had already ate. [01:06:56] Speaker A: She left it, though, right? Didn't you take the pot home? [01:06:58] Speaker B: No, she left it here. Yeah, she left it to me. [01:07:00] Speaker C: No, no, she didn't leave it here. She brought it back home. [01:07:02] Speaker B: Oh, you tried. [01:07:03] Speaker A: She was tried to leave it, I think. [01:07:04] Speaker B: Right? Yeah, she was. That's. That. That's a fucking red flag. Like in a motherfucker, like, who brings. [01:07:09] Speaker A: Spaghetti the first time they meet somebody? First of all, who cooks? And. I don't know, bro, that's. [01:07:14] Speaker B: Well, again, and that was right around the time that motherfucker that I was working with up at Athens told me that they had roots put on him, and he was like, listen. [01:07:22] Speaker A: Had what? [01:07:23] Speaker B: Roots. [01:07:23] Speaker A: Roots. You don't know what roots are, lady. [01:07:26] Speaker C: I probably just don't know it by that term. [01:07:28] Speaker B: So it's like a curse. It's a yes. [01:07:31] Speaker C: When they take the man's clothes and they buried in the yard, maybe. So that's. So the men can always. [01:07:37] Speaker B: So that that was. So that was, I think, the remedy, because I think when his mom, he came home, his mom told him, you know, she took all his clothes and burnt it and did some shit or whatever, but. But no, it's when they mix their period blood with the spaghetti. Anything red, red velvet cake, anything. Anything that it can be easily blended in, and you might not know that it's in there. And so spaghetti definitely would fall in that category. And that's how she showed up with tarot cards and spaghetti. Fuck, no. [01:08:04] Speaker A: Yeah. You can't come with some alternate science type shit. And then also a pot of spaghetti. [01:08:12] Speaker B: They talk about. You looking for a man. Nah, it's not here. Not here. [01:08:20] Speaker A: Didn't smooth try to smash, though. [01:08:22] Speaker B: He tried. He tried to. He got the number and tried to contact afterwards. [01:08:27] Speaker A: Did I tell y'all that? Um, smooth and I were on a business call, and, uh, one of the. So there was a person who I was mentoring. [01:08:35] Speaker B: Okay. [01:08:36] Speaker A: I happen to, uh, bring smooth in on this call that she had because she was having some trouble with with one of the. The client partners we were working with. And, uh, so this chick decided, is. [01:08:47] Speaker B: It a zoom where she could see. [01:08:48] Speaker A: This nigga is a zoom? Kinda. But we weren't on camera at the time, so I brought smooth in because it was some stuff that was just crazy. I just wanted to hear it. She starts talking about that. She does readings, and I'll do a reading for y'all. I was like, nope, not me and Fritz, who, like, I want to do it. I want to do it. So she starts reading, like, everything to this dude. And what's so crazy is it was mostly true. [01:09:11] Speaker B: True. [01:09:12] Speaker A: And she don't know him, but it was about womanizing. It was about being. There was. There was some part where she was talking about. [01:09:18] Speaker B: You get that from his voice? [01:09:20] Speaker A: No, but she was talking about the. [01:09:21] Speaker B: Way he talked to women, but she was talking about. [01:09:26] Speaker A: Not necessarily molesting, but something where he had in his younger days, something that altered his ability to be sexual or to be, like, confident. I don't know. Yeah, exactly. That's where. That's exactly where my brain went, bro. And he brought it up, boy. I think he really did. I think we were joking about that. And that's why he kind of got, oh, no. [01:09:49] Speaker B: There was definitely some awkward moments when we brought that shit up, and he. And it seemed like, yeah, there was. It was definitely some odd boy scout conversations that you're like, are we laughing still, or is this still funny? Right? It's so funny. [01:10:09] Speaker A: No, no, but y'all are. Y'all are definitely. Y'all are definitely the advanced mode. I'm still. I'm still in. [01:10:14] Speaker B: So do you believe in that shit, then? [01:10:16] Speaker A: In what? [01:10:16] Speaker B: The readings? [01:10:17] Speaker A: No, come. [01:10:18] Speaker B: How does she do this, then? Be. Explain it. Make it make sense. How can she. How can she be mostly right and there be nothing to it? [01:10:25] Speaker A: Because people who do that kind of thing, they speak in the. They. It's almost like they have a template for things that most people will relate to, and they just. All they do is they give you a little bit. A little bit of a hint, and then you feel the rest of it out for yourself. [01:10:41] Speaker B: You tell me the chick that he brought was full of shit. She was like, oh, wow. [01:10:46] Speaker A: That's how we're doing it on our guests. We just gonna call our guest. [01:10:50] Speaker C: Wasn't she writing on a lot of smooth shit? Cause only smooth got the reading. [01:10:53] Speaker A: Yeah, I wouldn't. I recommend. [01:10:54] Speaker C: None of us did the reading except for smooth. And she was. [01:10:56] Speaker A: So why do you think she was full of shit? [01:10:57] Speaker B: Man. [01:10:57] Speaker C: Yeah, she got a lot of it right. [01:10:58] Speaker B: I thought. Just in my experience, I thought that she didn't get too much. I don't know. Maybe she experienced. Well, I remember. [01:11:06] Speaker A: Well, I mean, I don't think that any of them are real, so I think it's all full of shit. But you specifically said that. No, she's full shit. [01:11:11] Speaker B: What does you believe in? [01:11:12] Speaker A: The New England medium or the Long. [01:11:14] Speaker B: Beach medium or Long Island Lolita? Long. And the Hollywood nigga, too. Yeah. You believe that dudes that draw on this shit. [01:11:21] Speaker A: You believe that? [01:11:22] Speaker B: Yeah. That thing, he's different. [01:11:24] Speaker A: Sure. [01:11:24] Speaker B: A little skinny white boy. [01:11:25] Speaker A: Sure. [01:11:26] Speaker B: Okay. I bet you won't let him come tell you some shit. [01:11:28] Speaker A: I won't let him come tell me. I would. [01:11:30] Speaker B: Yeah, let him a house. [01:11:32] Speaker A: No, I don't know this nigga. [01:11:33] Speaker B: See, again, that's the thing. [01:11:35] Speaker A: You keep wanting to bring these strangers. You think it's, can we meet at his house? [01:11:39] Speaker B: Nigga, we've had hella strangers in this house, nigga, for yes. You never know. But one of us fucking. [01:11:45] Speaker A: We never brought somebody in who was just advertising. Hey, you guys want a reading done for free? [01:11:52] Speaker B: Bro, we white, though. [01:11:55] Speaker A: What does that have to do with anything? You racist. I. [01:11:59] Speaker B: Of course you could trust them. [01:12:01] Speaker A: I am not gonna let anybody do a seance in my house. I'm not gonna let anybody turn a man into a goat in my house. I'm not gonna let anybody do a voodoo ritual in my house. I'm not gonna let a soothsayer come in and read the future. I'm not in my house. [01:12:12] Speaker B: Okay. What about us? Can we play Ouija board? [01:12:15] Speaker A: Sure. [01:12:16] Speaker B: Okay, let's do that next week. [01:12:18] Speaker A: Okay. You bringing it? [01:12:19] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:12:19] Speaker A: You're gonna buy it and you're gonna bring it? [01:12:23] Speaker B: Yeah. Cause I. Listen, I'm admitting I'm not fucking with that shit. [01:12:27] Speaker A: Don't test me on that. [01:12:28] Speaker B: Look, I'm already with it. I'm. [01:12:30] Speaker A: I thought you were competitive. I bet you won't. [01:12:32] Speaker B: Nope. [01:12:32] Speaker A: Oh, got you. I bet you won't. [01:12:36] Speaker C: Thinking about it. [01:12:36] Speaker A: I bet you won't get a Ouija board and bring it and let's do it. You, son. [01:12:40] Speaker B: I will bring a Ouija board. [01:12:41] Speaker A: Ever pussy. [01:12:42] Speaker B: I bet I bring a Ouija board. [01:12:43] Speaker A: Whatever, pussy. [01:12:44] Speaker B: You gonna do it, French gotta do it, too. [01:12:46] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:12:46] Speaker B: Oh, my gosh. We're offering to get possessed. [01:12:51] Speaker A: Next level we gonna do on the air. [01:12:53] Speaker B: What are you talking about? Yeah. No, it's gonna be another voice documentation. Like in case I don't ever come back. They like this is the last time. I think it was like Jamie Mac. [01:13:12] Speaker A: Like Blair Witch project. [01:13:13] Speaker B: Yeah, like. No, that was honestly before I found out. Yeah, that shoe was like I was. [01:13:19] Speaker C: Before you found out what? [01:13:20] Speaker A: It was fake. [01:13:21] Speaker C: Oh, really? [01:13:22] Speaker A: Cuz you were too young probably. This was in what, 97? How are you in 97? Like three. Oh, you were three? Yeah. [01:13:29] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:13:30] Speaker A: So Blair witch. This how they brought this shit out. They came out with a documentary that they put on. Not National Geographic, on. Not PBS. What was it? Help me out, man. [01:13:42] Speaker B: I'm trying to think of it. A lot of shots. [01:13:46] Speaker A: No, like National Geographic or something like that. [01:13:48] Speaker C: Discovery. [01:13:50] Speaker B: Yeah, I think it might have been discovery, right? [01:13:52] Speaker A: They came out with a fucking documentary, right, about the Blair woods in history. [01:13:57] Speaker B: Right? [01:13:57] Speaker A: But it was fake. But they never said it was fake. They played it as if it was. [01:14:01] Speaker B: A real documentary of what happened to these motherfuckers. [01:14:04] Speaker A: Because the movie was coming out next week, right? And they'd only given us like glimpses of what the movie was. And this shit looked crazy, right? They showed this documentary. So now I'm like, you gotta be kidding me, man. This is real. This is like real documentation. And of course, this is before the Internet had just started really for public use, right. So there wasn't really a lot of information you could get on it, right. I remember going to the movie theater and like sitting there, like in fear the whole time at the very end, the way it ended, where the camera just dropped it, like, oh, fuck. [01:14:32] Speaker B: And the motherfucker sitting in the corner. Shit. And basically. So it's all video camera. [01:14:36] Speaker A: He's seen blur. What, you seen it before, right? [01:14:38] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [01:14:38] Speaker A: Yeah. But I remember going out to my car from the movie theater, looking around and shit. I remember when I was walking back to the ship. Cause it was when I was in the Navy, going back to the ship and looking around while I was just. Cuz, you. There's like this heightened sense of awareness that something else is out there, right? And it turns out it's all bullshit. [01:14:54] Speaker B: It's all bullshit. [01:14:55] Speaker A: They made up. Even the documentary, they made it, like. [01:14:57] Speaker B: When I'm watching this shit and these motherfuckers cameras dropping and motherfuckers is, you. [01:15:01] Speaker A: Know, now when the niggas. When the niggas found a footprints again. [01:15:04] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:15:04] Speaker A: And they had been walking all day. [01:15:06] Speaker B: Yeah, my name's done. I was like, oh, in the Mavis. And they're yelling at each other and I can. Could feel the despair and I'm like, but let's just talk about it. That's some good shit, like. Like the fact. [01:15:16] Speaker A: And they spent like $40,000. [01:15:17] Speaker B: Yeah, that's. That's like fucking Napoleon dynamite. Shit. [01:15:20] Speaker A: It was wild, bro. [01:15:21] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:15:21] Speaker A: I'll tell you this. There's only one other movie that I felt so uncomfortable in, and that was, uh. What's the one with, um, who's the funny guy that's been doing a lot of serious movies? [01:15:30] Speaker B: Uh, Ben Stiller. Not. [01:15:33] Speaker A: Not him. Um. [01:15:34] Speaker B: Adam Sandler. [01:15:35] Speaker A: Adam Sandler. What was Adam's uncut gem? Yo, that movie was so uncomfortable, bro. [01:15:40] Speaker C: This is when the ending was. [01:15:42] Speaker A: All of it. [01:15:42] Speaker B: Yeah. So check this out. So I'm watching, and I'm telling you, it's a hard watch to. Both of these motherfuckers are hard watches. So it was the Rivnet revenant. [01:15:52] Speaker A: The revenant is hard. [01:15:53] Speaker B: And followed by uncut gems. [01:15:55] Speaker A: Oh, you watch them back to back. [01:15:56] Speaker B: It was on. It was on. Fucking is on. Whatever. It was either Max or fucking stars or one of the shits that I. [01:16:03] Speaker A: Have, I couldn't imagine, bro. [01:16:04] Speaker B: It was because I was watching Revenant and I was like, like, okay, what's next? And I look at the fucking live tv, and I'm like, uncut gems. I'm like, y'all really trying to fucking nigga up like day. Like. And the fact that how the. The fight scene at the end of the revenant where then where, you know, Tom Hardy and him are fucking fighting, right? And then it's just like, he just stares into the camera and it's just like, that's how that shit ends. And you're like, yo, so Max. [01:16:30] Speaker A: It was on Max. Now. It must just got there. Hadn't been there. [01:16:32] Speaker B: Yeah, that shit is. Listen, it is some wild shit. Like the fact that what he went through. [01:16:40] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:16:40] Speaker B: All the shit from fucking. [01:16:42] Speaker A: Just pitiful. [01:16:43] Speaker B: I mean, that when he was running from the Indians and he's fucking slept in the horse and shit, I was like, some snowflake was like, oh, no. Yeah. Did he sleep in a. And I'm like, now you. You mistake in Star wars. Then fucking when Luke cut open that damn thing and step inside of it, I'm like, that's. That doesn't happen in revenant. And I was like, like, oh, because she said it was the bear he slept in. [01:17:05] Speaker A: Now he's having a horse, right? [01:17:06] Speaker B: And I was like, yo, no, he did. And then when the motherfucking nigga saved his life, and then when he story, bro, I mean, it's just non stop. [01:17:14] Speaker A: Almost as sad as most that shit is on BT. These come on all the fucking time with Qtip, where he kept going to prison. Prison song. A prison story, right? No, it's so pitiful, nigga. SATA jail. The fuck? Poor Q tip. [01:17:31] Speaker B: I watched fucking the other day. Million ways to die in the west. [01:17:34] Speaker A: Never watched it. No, never watch that. [01:17:38] Speaker B: It's fucking Charlie Staron. Fucking. [01:17:42] Speaker A: Oh, it's newer. [01:17:43] Speaker B: Yeah. The nigga that created the Simpsons, or. No, no, it's the Simpsons. [01:17:49] Speaker A: Seth. Seth Arlane. [01:17:52] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:17:52] Speaker C: Family guy. [01:17:53] Speaker B: Yeah, family guy McFarland. And it's about basically 1882. And he's just. He's making fun of, like, all the shit that. How it was. Like, you know, like, no one smiled in pictures and how much there was to die. You know? How many. [01:18:09] Speaker A: There's a reason for that, though. You know? The reason why people didn't smile at pictures back in the day? [01:18:12] Speaker B: Because it took hella long for the picture to give. [01:18:14] Speaker A: And the fray would look like. It would look blurred if they didn't sit still. [01:18:17] Speaker B: You would look like. In this movie, they make it seem like. Right. Like you would look like a psycho sitting there staring. You smiling for 30 seconds before the actual shit took place. You like, they're like. You fucking. Can you imagine a crazy motherfucker that look, you know, me. And then there was a picture, but then, like, all of this shit, you know, was, you know, they dramatize how many ways that, you know, he's like, look, you know, I went to a doctor. This thing. I wanted to fucking peck my out with a. Fucking. With a little bird and shit. You have my guy. Yeah, that's that. That thing in the back is throwing old school. [01:18:55] Speaker A: That's throwback. [01:18:56] Speaker B: That's revenge. [01:18:57] Speaker A: Throwback, Reggie. [01:18:58] Speaker B: Revenge. Like, I'm not dead. [01:19:01] Speaker A: He can't. He can't not do that, though, because his voice will go back to the soft voice. That's what allows his voice. Ah, that was the best remnants of the surgery. [01:19:08] Speaker B: Yeah, that's. That's like. That's like pre Michael Jackson. [01:19:12] Speaker A: He had an Adam's apple inserted. I wonder, can they. Can they do that? [01:19:20] Speaker B: Man, remember when we saw. We had one episode when in motherfuckers was out in Atlanta and it was like the. All the females that were having a competition on looking like dudes and they had beards and. Yes, that shit was wild. Yeah, they look like niggas. [01:19:38] Speaker A: Like Reggie need to go to Turkey and get that. [01:19:43] Speaker B: I mean, I feel like Reggie and the coach from the Celtics both got the same doc Rivers, Missoula Missoula that. [01:19:50] Speaker A: They got Rivers coach for the Milwaukee Bucks. [01:19:52] Speaker B: The coach for the. You guys. [01:19:54] Speaker A: Missoula? [01:19:55] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:19:55] Speaker A: Yeah. Similar beer structures. Oh, consistency. I'll say. You actually got a little bit more than him. [01:20:01] Speaker B: No, for sure. [01:20:02] Speaker A: He's a little better than him. [01:20:03] Speaker B: Yeah, he's definitely doing better. [01:20:04] Speaker A: This nigga should never be at a finals game again until he gets a haircut. [01:20:08] Speaker B: He should at least fucking get rid of that beard. And then there's what's up with these young niggas with receding hairlines. Like Derek White. [01:20:17] Speaker A: I didn't mean to look at you. French, I'm sorry. I didn't. French, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to look at you. I apologize. [01:20:23] Speaker B: I really wasn't talking about French. [01:20:25] Speaker A: I know, but for some reason, when you say that, I'm like. And he was looking right at me like, fuck. [01:20:31] Speaker B: Because on TNT, Charles was talking about Derek White. [01:20:34] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:20:34] Speaker B: For the Celtics. [01:20:35] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:20:35] Speaker B: And he's like, he was caught. He was comparing them to Stephen. A and I was like, yo, he does kind of have a Stephen a thing going on. [01:20:43] Speaker A: He don't have hair anymore, though, but. [01:20:45] Speaker B: That'S because he knows better. Yeah, he's like, ridiculous. Just shave that shit off. Like, if you're that young and your shit is that. Back that far. [01:20:52] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:20:52] Speaker B: Stop. Like, quit playing. [01:20:53] Speaker A: Yeah, his, his. I don't think as a kid, I think he had that. [01:20:56] Speaker B: It's almost like these niggas that there was another nigga young dude that just had a NFL player or somebody that fucking had cardiac arrest. And there I saw when I was at the gym today, they were talking about on the news, I think it was good morning America. They were talking about the rise in athletes with heart issues. And I'm like, by. So we're not going to talk about this vaccine. Like, we're going to act like this shit is all of a sudden happening. [01:21:24] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:21:24] Speaker B: Out of nowhere. Like, niggas, athletes used to be the motherfuckers that had the strongest hearts, right? Now, all of a sudden, these niggas is having cardiac arrest in fucking twenties. Yeah, come on, man. Like, let's make it. Come on, let's talk about it. But anyways, I'm french. Reggie, you need to be worried with my heart. Nikki, you don't want that. God, the prick, the poke. [01:21:42] Speaker A: Come on, man. I don't even want to talk about that. [01:21:44] Speaker B: I'm just saying he should listen. I'm not wishing anything on you, but don't over exert yourself. I probably don't wrestle with g money. Too much. [01:21:53] Speaker A: Oh, she wins that. Anyway. Obviously, he's heard. You hear the way that he said it, she rushed. Oh, me too. I rough her up. She's like, no, he did. He tried to make it like his equal. No, nigga, we not buying it. [01:22:06] Speaker C: Y'all not buying it. But that's what it is. [01:22:07] Speaker A: Sure it is. [01:22:08] Speaker B: Sure. [01:22:09] Speaker A: Sure it is. [01:22:10] Speaker B: Sure. [01:22:11] Speaker A: I'm gonna be looking for bruises now, right? Not just a hickey? No hickey. [01:22:15] Speaker B: This thing. Go get his nigga to knit the number to me. [01:22:19] Speaker A: I don't know what that is, but it sounds like a hotline. [01:22:22] Speaker B: Men escaping a violent environment. [01:22:23] Speaker A: There you go. You might need it, bro. Blink French if you need help. [01:22:28] Speaker B: But see, that's how that fucking revenge is. Like, blink, nigga. I'll put you out your misery. [01:22:32] Speaker A: Right? [01:22:32] Speaker B: Tom Hardy. I'm gonna. I'm gonna say the villain that Tom Hardy was, Tom Hardy's good at villains. He is in that fucking. The villain that he was in, the. [01:22:42] Speaker A: Revenant, wasn't he, bane? [01:22:44] Speaker B: He definitely was bait. Yes. [01:22:45] Speaker A: He's a good villain, bro. [01:22:46] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:22:47] Speaker A: He's been in some other stuff too. [01:22:48] Speaker B: And he was the. He was a fucking. The quote unquote the jew in Peaky Blinders. [01:22:54] Speaker A: Wasn't he also the craze? Those two guys, he was the twins, right? He played both of them. [01:22:57] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah. [01:22:58] Speaker A: He's a good villain, bro. [01:22:59] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:22:59] Speaker A: Tom Hardy's a good villain. [01:23:00] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:23:01] Speaker A: There's a show I want to watch. [01:23:02] Speaker B: I think it's called. There was one twin that was okay, right? And the one that was just fucking. Nah, Nigel. [01:23:10] Speaker A: Anyway, I saw something other day. French. I mean, Mac, they're reminding me of you. Did you notice that they're doing 0% down for houses again? [01:23:17] Speaker C: You saw. You posted that. [01:23:20] Speaker B: I'm telling you, it's fucking. It's fucking something about Mary. What kind of dog did you say? [01:23:26] Speaker A: But have you seen the zero down thing? [01:23:28] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:23:29] Speaker A: No, you're not buying it or you. [01:23:30] Speaker B: I didn't. I thought it was. I didn't really look at it, so I don't know. I thought it was the stated loans. I thought we were getting back to that, bro. [01:23:37] Speaker A: They're saying now 0% down to buy a house. What? No, no. [01:23:42] Speaker C: So you got to have, like, a 700 credit. Like, how do. [01:23:44] Speaker A: Like. [01:23:45] Speaker C: I don't get that. [01:23:45] Speaker A: They what? [01:23:46] Speaker C: Like 0% down? Like nothing. [01:23:48] Speaker B: Like, you just pay the closing cost. [01:23:51] Speaker C: That's it. [01:23:51] Speaker A: 0% down, bro. [01:23:52] Speaker B: You might be able to get married tomorrow. [01:23:54] Speaker A: Yeah, go get y'all a house, man. [01:23:56] Speaker C: He got a house. [01:23:57] Speaker A: That's true. [01:23:58] Speaker B: I mean, but, you know, that's not why there's other people in it. There's other people in it. [01:24:02] Speaker A: No, that's why that. [01:24:03] Speaker C: It's my house. [01:24:04] Speaker A: That's not why they're not getting married. It's because it's. They got a. They have a plan. They have a plan. [01:24:10] Speaker B: Mac got a plan. [01:24:13] Speaker A: No, they have a plan. Just like they had a plan to get French a graduate degree. [01:24:18] Speaker C: They had a. [01:24:19] Speaker A: Have a plan. [01:24:22] Speaker C: Why you're not getting married, Matt, because you're in a little relationship. It's been. [01:24:28] Speaker B: I don't fuck around. I already told you, marriage is for fucking suckers. [01:24:32] Speaker A: French, you can. French, you can't see his hand on the side. His hands like this on this couch. He's like this. His hands started doing like this. [01:24:37] Speaker C: When you rush me. [01:24:39] Speaker B: No. No marriages for suckers. I already told you, digga, I'm a sucker. No, you already know. You already eat it, though. You can't. [01:24:45] Speaker C: So the moment I get married, I'm a sucker. [01:24:47] Speaker A: Both of us are sucker. I'm already in sucker. [01:24:49] Speaker B: No, because again, it's too late, though, right? You already in it. You're in it. [01:24:53] Speaker A: So can I be a lollipop? I gotta be a sucker. [01:24:55] Speaker B: You give me a sucker. [01:24:56] Speaker A: I want to be when I get. [01:24:57] Speaker C: Married, I'm a sucker. [01:24:58] Speaker A: Yep. Pretty much sucks for you, French. Sorry. [01:25:01] Speaker B: Because again, why? What? For what? Why are you getting. Why. Why are you getting married? [01:25:05] Speaker A: Oh, my God. [01:25:05] Speaker B: Because the society, right? [01:25:07] Speaker C: The main reason why I'm probably. I'm probably really gonna get married is because of the tax benefits. And I know it's not that. [01:25:12] Speaker A: What are we doing? Stop. You're about to ruin your relationship, bro. Do not do this on the podcast. [01:25:18] Speaker B: Hold up. Listen. This is what. This is what happened to my nephew. This is what his wife said. Some bullshit about fucking loans and tax benefits and all that. And it's like, you might as well be on Bridgerton, nigga, when you ask why? [01:25:31] Speaker C: Cause, like, I suppose the. As far as you might as well. [01:25:36] Speaker B: Be married. [01:25:40] Speaker A: As a. [01:25:41] Speaker B: To your tv show, you might as well marry for a dowry digging. Like, come on. Like, this is. This is what you're saying? Like, again, it's because a lot of that happens, right? There's different things. People are trying to marry for love, but then other motherfuckers are like, listen, fuck love. [01:25:54] Speaker A: This show is still not interesting to me. [01:25:56] Speaker B: Shut up. Listen. It's about. They're like, listen, it ain't about love. It's about fucking security, you know? I mean, like this, that and the other. And this is what this nigga saying. Like, look, you know, I mean, you know, it's. It's. It's about a fucking tax benefit. [01:26:09] Speaker A: Is that a third world audio ideology? [01:26:11] Speaker B: I was in England, too, though. [01:26:13] Speaker A: No, but they. You know, they're colonized there. It. See, it feels like they're more colonized than we are, which is crazy, but it feels like it. Yeah, like they take on a lot of the identities of the place that colonize them. For instance, French knows some bullshit pigeon ass French, right? Because the French came in and took over. [01:26:31] Speaker B: Well, we know pigeon as English Jamaicans are. [01:26:33] Speaker A: They. A lot of them sometimes will have, like, british accents. Like, what the fuck? Why do you have this? It's because they were so colonized. [01:26:41] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:26:41] Speaker A: So, you know, maybe that's why. Maybe that's why his ideals are this way. [01:26:45] Speaker C: I mean, what. What part of the ideas? You kind of lost me. [01:26:49] Speaker A: Well, what he was saying was, from the Bridgerton days of, like, you know. [01:26:53] Speaker B: Mean marrying for status, dowry, you know. [01:26:57] Speaker A: They may be more connected to that. [01:26:59] Speaker B: You want to. You want to connect. You want to marry a duke? Because, again, that gonna make you a fucking. [01:27:05] Speaker C: Make you. [01:27:05] Speaker B: Yeah, no, no, make you a duke. Unless you do. [01:27:08] Speaker A: Haitian parents get mad if you don't bring a haitian girl. [01:27:11] Speaker C: No. [01:27:11] Speaker A: Okay, okay. [01:27:14] Speaker B: Do, uh. What was g money? [01:27:18] Speaker C: Kate Verdan. [01:27:19] Speaker A: Kate Verdean. [01:27:19] Speaker B: Do Kate Verdeans get mad if you don't bring Kate Verdian? [01:27:21] Speaker A: Oh, he's way too dark. I guarantee. Her dad's like, he's so dark skinned. [01:27:24] Speaker C: I'm just as dark as the dad. [01:27:26] Speaker A: And he's like, no, no, I know how this goes. [01:27:27] Speaker B: So what's her mom? White? [01:27:29] Speaker C: Her mom's light skinned. [01:27:30] Speaker A: She's Kate Verdian. [01:27:31] Speaker B: Well, isn't her dad Kate Verdean? [01:27:33] Speaker A: Yes. [01:27:33] Speaker C: Yeah, both of them are. [01:27:34] Speaker B: Well, then don't say Cape Verdean as a meaning. That's a fucking light skinned thing. [01:27:37] Speaker A: No, you said, is she white? I said, no, she's Cape Verdean. [01:27:40] Speaker B: Well, again, okay, Cape Verdeans can be. [01:27:43] Speaker C: Light skinned like my girl, but they can also be dark skinned like me. [01:27:46] Speaker B: So can Ethiopians. I see. [01:27:47] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, yeah. [01:27:48] Speaker B: So that's all. [01:27:49] Speaker C: Same thing goes with Haitians, too, in America. [01:27:52] Speaker B: I don't know. I never seen a light skinned Haitian. [01:27:54] Speaker A: I have. [01:27:54] Speaker C: That's hella light skinned Haitian. [01:27:55] Speaker A: I've seen light skinned Haitians. Again, this has nothing to do with evolution. I know y'all really wanted to be like, oh, Africans are black because they were in the sun and f. No. [01:28:03] Speaker B: Light skinned Haitians. [01:28:04] Speaker C: You've seen light skinned dominicans, right? [01:28:06] Speaker B: No. So light skinned Haitians seem like they've been pollinated with something else. [01:28:12] Speaker A: French. Yeah, they all were, right? [01:28:15] Speaker B: Well, not French. Reggie hadn't. [01:28:16] Speaker C: Yes, he was. [01:28:17] Speaker B: No, you can't put white in that and get that. Have you ever seen coffee? You listen. You put any kind of fucking creamer in your coffee, you don't get black. [01:28:26] Speaker A: I can't believe you still exist. [01:28:31] Speaker B: I know coffee. I don't know a lot of things, but I know when I put my fucking. If I put some creamer in my black coffee. [01:28:37] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:28:38] Speaker B: It is no longer black. [01:28:40] Speaker A: Okay. [01:28:41] Speaker B: And when I say black, I'm pointing at French. Reggie got you. You know, I mean, like, you could put a tattoo on my coffee and see you. [01:28:52] Speaker A: How much do you spend on tattoos, prince? Overall? [01:28:54] Speaker B: Too much. [01:28:57] Speaker C: Over. Over two. Over 2000. [01:29:02] Speaker A: How much you think they're worth? [01:29:04] Speaker B: You might as well just light that shit on fire. [01:29:07] Speaker A: Light went on fire. [01:29:09] Speaker B: The money. [01:29:10] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. By the way back, I heard that you cried like a bitch on your lion tattoo. You got through criticizing. [01:29:21] Speaker B: Hold up, hold up. I didn't cry like a bitch. [01:29:23] Speaker A: I heard you cry like a. I. [01:29:24] Speaker B: Did not cry like fuck. There's differences. [01:29:30] Speaker A: I heard. You ready to shut it down. [01:29:31] Speaker B: I was. Listen, there's a difference. You crying like a bitch. I took it all. Look, I was sitting there and holding. [01:29:35] Speaker A: Took it all. I bet you did. [01:29:37] Speaker B: Listen, listen. I fucking was sitting there. No, what it was is. Fuck you. This nigga was on the fucking collarbone. So if you see up here. [01:29:44] Speaker A: Nah, nigga. [01:29:45] Speaker B: No, no. It was this part. [01:29:47] Speaker A: Lean in, like what you told me. Lean in. [01:29:48] Speaker B: No, so there was two parts. [01:29:49] Speaker A: I like pain. [01:29:50] Speaker B: No, no, hold on. So you're in the middle. You got. You got a tattoo in the middle of your fucking back, all meaty and shit. This nigga hit me right here on the collarbone. [01:29:59] Speaker A: So, forgetting that there's a spine down the very middle of that meaty back you're talking about. [01:30:03] Speaker B: Right, so. [01:30:05] Speaker A: And it goes all the way down. [01:30:07] Speaker B: And then the underarm part, right, like. So there's a part that's, like, underneath. And then there was a part where the nipple. [01:30:12] Speaker A: Did you act like a bitch? [01:30:13] Speaker B: No, I did not act like a bitch at all. I was quiet. [01:30:16] Speaker A: You didn't try to quit a couple times? [01:30:17] Speaker B: Listen, I asked. I said, if we ain't done, we could be done. Let me see what it looked like. Cause I might be good with it, the way it is. [01:30:27] Speaker A: Outline, bro. Just outline. [01:30:30] Speaker B: We had been here for a minute, and I swear I thought I did poke a hole in the fucking shit because I was gripping at my fucking. There was times I heard when it. [01:30:40] Speaker A: Got around your nipples, when you really got. [01:30:41] Speaker B: The nipple part was ridiculous. [01:30:43] Speaker A: I thought. [01:30:44] Speaker B: I thought he. [01:30:44] Speaker A: No, I thought real bitch came out. [01:30:46] Speaker B: No. So again, and I'm looking at it. It's not even on the nipple. But I thought he was. I thought he was tattooing my nereola. I thought. Yeah, I thought he was on the nipple, though, bro. Like, and I was just like, oh, my God, are you kidding me? Like, we could be done right now, right? [01:31:01] Speaker A: So, like a bitch. [01:31:02] Speaker B: So in. When I could hear the needle bouncing off my collarbone. [01:31:05] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:31:06] Speaker B: Nah, fuck that. That shit hurt, motherfucker. There was no. There's nothing there. And in the armpit. I thought he was all the way in. Arpa, I don't need no. No shit in there, nigga. But it wasn't even in there. It just. It was. It was weird how the sensations made me feel like it was places it wasn't, because again, he didn't even get to the nipple. But I guarantee I felt like he was going right, like he was holding a nipple. Like, he was just tattooing my nipple. And I was like, God damn, bro. [01:31:31] Speaker A: Like, so not. [01:31:31] Speaker B: Like I didn't say nothing. Fuck you. I didn't say a word. [01:31:36] Speaker A: I. I held karate man crying inside. [01:31:39] Speaker B: That's all I did. [01:31:39] Speaker A: I was so flustered right now. [01:31:41] Speaker B: I was crying on the inside. Well, I'm just saying we could bring k on, you know? I mean, like, on the show, and ask, like, what did I say? I didn't say anything until afterwards. Like, I was like, yo, we could stop. And he's like, no, I got a little bit more to do. And I was like, okay, go ahead, then. If you only got a little more. But don't lie me. Like, I was serious. Like, don't. Don't say it's a little more. [01:32:02] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:32:03] Speaker B: And it'd be a little. A lot more. [01:32:05] Speaker A: Right. [01:32:05] Speaker B: And it could be. What you looking for is perfection. [01:32:08] Speaker A: Four and a half hours is what I was doing. [01:32:09] Speaker B: Yeah, there. [01:32:10] Speaker A: Four and a half hours. [01:32:10] Speaker B: Yeah, it was close. [01:32:11] Speaker A: Okay, good. [01:32:12] Speaker B: It was close. [01:32:13] Speaker A: I love that that happened to you. [01:32:14] Speaker B: And then I had. And then I caught the fucking. Was it tattoo flu? [01:32:22] Speaker C: I never had. [01:32:23] Speaker B: Oh, come on. [01:32:24] Speaker A: Never heard of that. [01:32:24] Speaker B: Yeah. So when you get, like, massive amounts of ink in your system, you could get tattoo flu. [01:32:30] Speaker A: Never heard of. [01:32:31] Speaker C: What is it? What kind of flu, though, is it? [01:32:33] Speaker A: I don't think it's actually a flu. I think it's just, like, maybe you. [01:32:35] Speaker B: Have an allergic reaction, like flu, like symptoms. Like. Like. I mean, like, I got a fever. [01:32:39] Speaker A: Like a snotty nose and stuff, too. [01:32:40] Speaker B: I got a fever. I was down bad, so. [01:32:43] Speaker C: Yeah, I didn't even get that for that. [01:32:44] Speaker A: That might just be that. You're a fucking bitch. Yeah, and getting a tattoo show how much of a fucking bitch you were. This. This. [01:32:52] Speaker C: This took the whole day. And we did it all in one day, and I was fine. [01:32:57] Speaker B: So this tattoo flu is pretty common and should fade into memory in a few days. So let's see. [01:33:04] Speaker A: Where did you start? You start in the middle of a paragraph. [01:33:10] Speaker B: Is the beginning of the paragraph or not? [01:33:11] Speaker C: It's beginning. [01:33:12] Speaker B: Okay, see, that's gonna get him interested. It's beginning. Beginning. It's begging in. It's not begging. Your. Your body's immune system is making you feel wiped out. While it attacks potential threats to your body. Be on the lookout for a mild fever, chills, fatigue. That's what it was. I got the chills, too. [01:33:33] Speaker A: Like, real bitches. [01:33:34] Speaker B: Like, this is worse, bro. [01:33:36] Speaker A: You're making. You're making a case for how much of a bitch you are. [01:33:39] Speaker B: Hey, wait a minute. [01:33:39] Speaker A: You got sick? This thing, French. This thing, like, when he got a tattoo, it got sick. [01:33:46] Speaker B: I'm not going to say the last sentence. [01:33:48] Speaker A: No, please do. [01:33:49] Speaker B: And some. And some tummy discomfort. [01:33:52] Speaker C: Tummy discomfort is crazy. [01:33:54] Speaker A: You are such a bitch. I love it, though. I love that you realize at the. [01:33:58] Speaker B: End that, oh, motherfucker, I gotta talk to people. You was acting real fucking brand new, nigga. Don't talk to me. Don't say nothing to me. Like, for real, like you just gonna kick me out your house. [01:34:07] Speaker A: I did. [01:34:07] Speaker B: I thought. You. [01:34:08] Speaker A: Shut the fuck up because you kept going. [01:34:09] Speaker B: If I said another word, you get kicked out. [01:34:11] Speaker A: Kick you out? [01:34:12] Speaker B: You probably would have. [01:34:13] Speaker A: I would not have kicked you out. [01:34:14] Speaker B: Listen, I felt like I was gonna get kicked out if I said another. [01:34:17] Speaker A: Word, but you were wrong. [01:34:18] Speaker B: No, nigga, you were. [01:34:20] Speaker A: I was trying to disassociate. Just like how you didn't want to talk. You didn't want to say anything. That's all I want to do. You kept trying to chat it up with me. Fuck this game. Fuck what you're talking about. Shut up. Stop talking to me. This shit hurts. [01:34:33] Speaker B: Okay? [01:34:34] Speaker A: And probably the most sensitive bone in your body. [01:34:36] Speaker B: Your spine, man, I don't know. You could just say that. You just fucking making up shit. I don't know if that is the most. It's a. [01:34:42] Speaker A: It's a japanese dude. They can come here right now, push on your spine as a matter, make you fall up. They gonna stop talking this shit right now. Doctor spock your ass bullshit. [01:34:51] Speaker B: Oh there's not even really a bone. Let's be clear. [01:34:54] Speaker A: What is it? The spine? [01:34:55] Speaker B: Yeah, it's like cartilage and some other shit. [01:34:57] Speaker A: Okay, I'm dead. Listeners, we appreciate you guys tuning in once again to the no nonsense show. Make sure you go out to the website and check out all the shows on the network. What else we got? Anything else? [01:35:07] Speaker B: Follow us on the socials at no nonsense show. [01:35:09] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, so look, keep supporting us, keep interacting with us and we'll keep bringing the nonsense because we realize that sometimes people just need to laugh. [01:35:17] Speaker B: Till next time, 10% less bullshit than any other podcast, guaranteed.

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