Episode 823

July 02, 2024


5 Minute Prison Sentence

5 Minute Prison Sentence
The No Nonsense Show - A Funny Experiment In Black Experience
5 Minute Prison Sentence

Jul 02 2024 | 02:17:31


Show Notes

The No Nonsense Show Episode #823

What if you could do your 5 year prison sentence in 5 minutes? But you would feel like you did the whole 5 years in your head...

5 Minute Prison Sentence #TNNS823

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: The views and opinions expressed by the. [00:00:01] Speaker B: No nonsense show and its host do. [00:00:02] Speaker A: Not necessarily reflect views consistent with political correctness or the rare Sonics podcast network. So to get the show started right, we want to wish any officers of the sensitivity police a heartfelt fuck. [00:00:13] Speaker B: I think this is a first for us. [00:00:14] Speaker A: A first. [00:00:15] Speaker B: I mean, I don't think we've ever had a state champion on the show before. [00:00:20] Speaker A: All right. [00:00:20] Speaker C: State champion, coach. [00:00:22] Speaker B: Well, no, no. [00:00:23] Speaker A: Everybody gets a ring, bro. You coach. [00:00:26] Speaker C: Actually, I didn't get a ring. They all got rings. I got a banner. [00:00:28] Speaker A: Even the 12th man gets a ring, bro. Banner more important than the twelve, man. So. [00:00:33] Speaker B: Well, you got. You got on a baseball team. You got more than twelve, right? [00:00:36] Speaker A: Well, I'm just saying. Even basketball, right? [00:00:38] Speaker C: We had 14. [00:00:39] Speaker B: Yeah. So listen, welcome to the state champion motherfucking of. [00:00:45] Speaker A: Technically. Technically, we're kind of a championship podcast now. [00:00:48] Speaker B: No, for sure. [00:00:49] Speaker C: I think so. [00:00:50] Speaker A: Cause pac's been here enough times to where I feel like he's part of the family. [00:00:55] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:00:56] Speaker A: And if he wins a championship, we win it. We win a championship. [00:00:59] Speaker B: Listen, listen. You ain't gonna get no other state championships like we. This is state championship radio, right? This is it. Georgia's. [00:01:07] Speaker A: Like, we're doing at the highest level. [00:01:09] Speaker B: Listen, if you can be a state champion, I don't give a fuck what state you are. Rhode island. Like, it could be like, whatever, if you. [00:01:15] Speaker A: A mental state. I'm a mental state champion. [00:01:35] Speaker B: You are listening to the no nonsense show. [00:01:38] Speaker A: 10% less bullshit than any other podcast, guaranteed. [00:01:45] Speaker B: And it's bad if you're a state champion. Like, if you. I know motherfuckers that was bad at shit and came in third in the state. And they was. I mean, they were dope as fuck, and they weren't state champions. [00:01:56] Speaker D: By bad, he meant good. [00:01:57] Speaker A: Oh, okay. Yeah. He threw me off for a second. You did too many. It's like double negatives. [00:02:01] Speaker B: Bad meaning bad. Bad meaning good. [00:02:05] Speaker A: No, but that was really dope. For real, man. [00:02:07] Speaker B: Now, congratulations. [00:02:09] Speaker A: Did people lose their shit or was it like, everybody was trying to play cool? Like they was, you know, we knew this was going on. We knew we were gonna win. [00:02:15] Speaker C: Well, as far as, like, celebrating, we was losing our shit, that's for sure. And what I was thinking of was us or them. Cause, like, we was losing our shit. But, like, the head coach on the other team, he was pissed off. He didn't want to come out the dugout. He didn't want to talk to nobody. I would have went in there. [00:02:32] Speaker A: I would have went in there, right? [00:02:34] Speaker B: Hey, congratulations. [00:02:37] Speaker C: Part of me wanted to, but the look in his eye. I don't know, man. We in Georgia, folks got you, right? [00:02:43] Speaker A: I would have been like, we're first and you're first too. You're the first loser. [00:02:46] Speaker B: Open carry, like is a thing out here. Like you don't even need a license to be fucking concealed carry no more, right? [00:02:53] Speaker A: Yeah, well, no, no, no, you need, you need a license to conceal, I think. Wait a minute. No, you don't need a license at all, right. [00:03:01] Speaker C: No, you don't. [00:03:02] Speaker B: That's what I love about George. Ain't gonna lie to. There's a lot of things that I don't like. Like the humidity. Today I fucking woke up and it was like 87 fucking percent humidity. [00:03:10] Speaker A: Right. [00:03:11] Speaker B: At 06:00 in the morning, what percent would you like? Um, you don't even know. 30 something. [00:03:15] Speaker A: You can buy the complaint. What's a good percent? [00:03:17] Speaker B: I would like 30. [00:03:18] Speaker A: Where have you been? Where's 30? Can we look at what the humidity in Cali is right now? I bet it's not. [00:03:25] Speaker C: I was gonna say, I was gonna say, actually the humidity is more in Cali now, especially California. [00:03:30] Speaker A: Really? [00:03:30] Speaker C: Cuz I got the water and uh. I don't know how many times you've been back recently, but I'm used to this now. Like, I go back there and I'd be dying, bro. Like that dry heat is something else. [00:03:44] Speaker B: But again, dry means what? Lack of humidity. [00:03:47] Speaker A: Yeah, but, but to me, Cali's not dry. Vegas is dry. Cali is dry yer. [00:03:51] Speaker C: Yeah, it's dryer, but, but no, dry. [00:03:53] Speaker A: Heat is like New Mexico. That's dry. San Antonio is dry heat. [00:03:58] Speaker C: When I went to Vegas in January, it was funny. I went to my boy's house and they had like a little kit for me. Like they had like, you know, like they was being cool. They had like toiletries and stuff like that. But he was like, oh, and here you go. And he handed me some chapstick. He's like, bro, this is a requirement out here. [00:04:17] Speaker B: So right now it's 95 degrees in Sacramento. [00:04:20] Speaker A: Okay. [00:04:21] Speaker B: Humidity 20%. [00:04:22] Speaker A: Oh, nice. Okay. [00:04:25] Speaker B: So my nephew hit me up over the weekend, yesterday actually. And he was going out on the boat, they were taking the boats out, him and my other nephew, and he facetime me and I looked, you know, he's got the camera facing up. There's not a fucking cloud in the sky. Not a single cloud, right? There's not. I don't give a fuck, but there's no clouds. [00:04:45] Speaker A: Okay. [00:04:46] Speaker B: Maybe what it's compared to here. [00:04:48] Speaker A: There's days where there's no clouds here. [00:04:51] Speaker C: Wait, wait, wait. The difference is, though, there may actually not be no clouds here. Over there, it might be smog you can't see through or some shit. [00:05:02] Speaker B: And I think it's. It's, um. Smog is different. Smog is. That's a socal thing, right? [00:05:09] Speaker C: No, I would say, bro, when you. When you drive into Sacramento, that. That gray mist shit you see on top of the city, that's the smog. [00:05:17] Speaker B: Well, see, the funny thing is, like, when you're in the city, you don't. [00:05:21] Speaker A: See it, obviously, but isn't Sacramento manufacturing, though? They have, like, a manufacturing history, right? They got like, plants and stuff. [00:05:27] Speaker C: Not. Not so much around. [00:05:29] Speaker A: Kevin Johnson was trying. [00:05:31] Speaker C: Yes, around it. Yes. Not so much in Sacramento. [00:05:35] Speaker B: The first time I really realized smog is when I was flying, like. And I guess I was older and I was coming back in LA, and it was like you couldn't even see the city. It was just like. It was almost like that. [00:05:47] Speaker C: From the sky, you mean? [00:05:47] Speaker B: Yeah, coming in. It was like. What was that? The fifth element where they had, you know, the. The fucking level of shit underneath. [00:05:57] Speaker A: You could have told us this without fifth element. [00:05:58] Speaker B: No, no, no. Because again, fuck all of that. Be the movies be real about some shit, right? [00:06:04] Speaker C: So movies reveal some explanation. [00:06:08] Speaker A: I get it. But this has no bearing on what it looked like. We could have just. We could have sufficed with just. [00:06:14] Speaker B: Fifth element is a great movie. What are you making that face? If you don't like Fifth Element, you just don't understand movie cinema. You're not a. No, you don't like. You don't like good movies. [00:06:23] Speaker A: It's not that. It's just that that has. Whether or not it's a good movie, super Green has nothing to do with the smog over LA. [00:06:30] Speaker B: But again, the fact that they had the. They showed the. [00:06:33] Speaker A: Nobody remembers that. [00:06:34] Speaker B: No, again, there was. [00:06:35] Speaker A: Nobody remembers. [00:06:36] Speaker B: Everybody that watches it understands that there was a level that people that lived in a certain place, like, if you were a certain economic value, you lived in the smog. Right? [00:06:44] Speaker A: That's just like my daughter saying. Vinyl instead of turned. A vinyl player instead of a turntable. No, nobody remembers that movie she made up. [00:06:51] Speaker C: Some funny thing is that you're both right, though, because he'd be making good points with his movies, though. But to your point, too, J Mac has, like, a great memory when it comes to movies, because nobody else remembers that. Most of the movies he's seen, but I don't know the parts. [00:07:06] Speaker D: It's like a weird scene. It's like a. Two minutes. [00:07:08] Speaker A: It's like a 2 seconds. [00:07:10] Speaker B: It was how they got away. Like when she first came in. No, when she first landed in a cab and they had to get away from the popo. They went into the smog, nigga. [00:07:18] Speaker C: Cause I don't remember this part. [00:07:20] Speaker A: Nobody does. The writer doesn't remember this part. The guy who did the screenplay, probably. [00:07:24] Speaker B: What's the mother boom. [00:07:26] Speaker A: That was in my movie. [00:07:27] Speaker B: Big bada boom. Like, she fucking came through the fucking roof of the cab and to get rid of the. If they don't chase you, if they don't follow you for a mile, then you're good. And then they weren't good, bro. [00:07:37] Speaker A: Nobody remembers that part of the movie. What remember is we remember fucking Chris Tucker doing the noises and stuff, and we remember the little. The little weird chick that sang that weird song. [00:07:47] Speaker C: Outfit and her hair. [00:07:48] Speaker A: That's all. We don't. [00:07:50] Speaker B: We don't remember movie. The scene where she did fucking sing that. [00:07:53] Speaker A: She can't sing it. Shit was crazy. Yeah, but it was all like, you know, that wasn't her. That was like. [00:07:56] Speaker B: No, it was like auto tuning shit. [00:07:58] Speaker A: Right. But look, though, the thing about it is, is you probably just watched this movie. I had 700. [00:08:02] Speaker B: I did not. [00:08:02] Speaker A: Yesterday. [00:08:03] Speaker B: I did not. The rest of the world, I just know it. [00:08:05] Speaker A: Okay. [00:08:06] Speaker B: And really, let's talk about it. Because to talk about, like. We got a topic coming up. But again, it's a movie. Had. Pete me to this shit before we even got to this topic. Right. [00:08:19] Speaker A: Movie told you about what? Smog? [00:08:21] Speaker B: Nope. About fucking. The lobotomy shit that we're gonna be talking about later on. And it was fucking demolition man. [00:08:27] Speaker A: I would have said one flew over the cuckoo's nest. [00:08:29] Speaker B: Nah, demolition man. [00:08:30] Speaker C: One flew the road to cooking. [00:08:31] Speaker A: This a much better movie than demolition man. You see? [00:08:33] Speaker B: But not. [00:08:33] Speaker A: No, hold on. Stand by. I wanna make. I wanna make a point here. The references that I choose are all. [00:08:38] Speaker B: But let's talk about it. [00:08:39] Speaker A: Look. [00:08:39] Speaker B: No. Let's talk about it as it pertains to our topic. [00:08:41] Speaker A: Your Mac. Your Mac. You use FDA class movies? [00:08:44] Speaker B: Nope. Nobody saw them. I bet my fifth element was not. [00:08:48] Speaker A: Even a c. A c movie. [00:08:49] Speaker B: What? [00:08:50] Speaker A: It had a list actors, but it was a c list movie. [00:08:52] Speaker C: No. [00:08:53] Speaker B: Come on, get out of here. [00:08:55] Speaker A: Nobody's classic get out. Cult classic. Like a rocky horror picture show. Nobody thinks that's a great movie. It's just the one. They go dress up and do the dance in front of the stage for. It's not a good movie. Neither is fifth element. It's not a good movie. [00:09:06] Speaker B: Which one is the one? Feed me, Seymour. [00:09:09] Speaker A: Little shop of horrors, not a good movie. Cult classic. A list actors, not a good movie. [00:09:14] Speaker B: Feed me, Seymour. [00:09:15] Speaker A: When the last time you said, man, you know what? You need to check out? Little shop of horrors. [00:09:20] Speaker B: Hold up, though, as it pertains to the lobotomy and the thing, the topic that we're going to talk about. Yeah, I bet you my reference to Demolition man is a fucking better reference point than fucking one flew over the cuckoo's nest. [00:09:32] Speaker A: Well, they're both prisoners. [00:09:33] Speaker B: Nah, but again, it doesn't matter. Like, anybody getting lobotomy and demolition man. Yeah, of course. Again, so when. [00:09:39] Speaker C: I don't remember. [00:09:40] Speaker B: So when. No, so when they put fucking. What's the name? [00:09:43] Speaker A: Was it Wesley Snipes? [00:09:44] Speaker B: Yeah. Both of them were under. [00:09:46] Speaker A: No. Which one got a lot of lobotomy live Wesley Snipes. [00:09:48] Speaker B: So Wesley and Sylvester were both put in that cryo. They get a lobotomy now, but they were fed. [00:09:52] Speaker A: So what are we talking about? [00:09:53] Speaker B: No. So again, they were. You're supposed to get memories put into right while you're underneath, okay? And fucking Wesley Snipes got high tech engineering shit, so he knew shit that. [00:10:04] Speaker A: He wasn't like, you're ruining your thunder right now. [00:10:06] Speaker C: The cuckoo's nest dude got into a lot of me. [00:10:09] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:10:10] Speaker C: Okay. [00:10:11] Speaker A: He thought he was. He. You know, cuz the whole premise of the movie was he was faking. Like he was crazy because he didn't want. He wanted his crime. [00:10:18] Speaker B: No, that's a great movie. That's the one. [00:10:19] Speaker A: I'm Jackson again. My references are critically acclaimed. Fan favorite. I'm just saying, like, do better, my nigga. Just do better. [00:10:27] Speaker B: Listen, what I'm talking about. [00:10:28] Speaker C: I will not say b is right all the time, but I will say that flew over the kookist nest. I do remember lobotomy. [00:10:34] Speaker A: Exactly. So, again, neither one of us remember what the fuck he's talking about. Demolition. [00:10:37] Speaker B: Well, let me explain. [00:10:38] Speaker A: You could have said total recall. [00:10:39] Speaker B: No. [00:10:39] Speaker A: Total recall. Much better movie. [00:10:41] Speaker B: Nope. [00:10:41] Speaker A: Total recall. [00:10:42] Speaker B: Much better movie than nothing to do with the prisoners. And like we were gonna talk about. [00:10:45] Speaker A: It was implanting thoughts, though. [00:10:46] Speaker B: But it had nothing to do with prisoners. No. [00:10:47] Speaker A: Total recall is exactly what we're talking about. [00:10:49] Speaker B: Nope. [00:10:50] Speaker A: Demolition man is exactly what we're talking about. Is just a bad movie. [00:10:53] Speaker B: Exactly. [00:10:53] Speaker A: Not only Sylvester, Wesley Snipes, who are. [00:10:55] Speaker B: Both not great actors, exactly what we're talking about. Okay, so let me just tell you. In demolition, man, what happened is you got put in cryo fucking stasis and fed memories. Fucking cryo meaning what? Like, you know, like, so you weren't necessarily dead and you didn't age and you didn't fucking, like, you know, the cryo shit like they talk about what? Fucking what? [00:11:15] Speaker A: I knew you didn't know. What the fuck you some freeze. They freeze. [00:11:18] Speaker B: What's the niggas name? Who's the. [00:11:19] Speaker A: Walt Disney? [00:11:20] Speaker B: No, no, Walt is one. But what's the other nigga that hit 400. [00:11:25] Speaker A: 400? [00:11:26] Speaker B: Yeah, in baseball? [00:11:28] Speaker A: Babe Ruth. [00:11:28] Speaker B: No, no, no. He had a Lou Garrett. [00:11:31] Speaker A: He got a disease. [00:11:32] Speaker B: Yeah, but he's also supposedly. [00:11:33] Speaker A: Nigga, you made it. If you got a disease in that, for sure. [00:11:36] Speaker C: Right? [00:11:36] Speaker B: Like, if you got your well said. [00:11:37] Speaker A: You got a disease, but all. [00:11:39] Speaker B: And they didn't. Like, you were the first or you. [00:11:41] Speaker C: Were the most fix it for you. [00:11:42] Speaker B: Right. [00:11:43] Speaker A: Or anybody else. That's why I steal a disease. It would be. [00:11:47] Speaker B: Well, how come they don't call it the fucking liberace fucking disease? [00:11:51] Speaker A: Eight. [00:11:51] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:11:52] Speaker A: Rock Hudson had it for. [00:11:53] Speaker B: Right. The rock Hudson disease. Right. Like, I mean. [00:11:55] Speaker A: Well, is he the first celebrity who got it? [00:11:57] Speaker B: Rock Hudson, yeah, but he was. [00:11:59] Speaker A: And for black people. Easy at the easy e, bro. Magic Johnson. [00:12:03] Speaker B: No, the magic. That's a fake. [00:12:04] Speaker C: That's. [00:12:04] Speaker B: That's false flagging. That's like moon landing. [00:12:06] Speaker A: I'm not believing that. [00:12:06] Speaker B: That's moon landing shit right there. [00:12:09] Speaker C: How did magic slide? [00:12:10] Speaker B: Magic been as healthy as fucking a horse. [00:12:13] Speaker C: And everybody around him, like, horses don't get sick. [00:12:19] Speaker D: I heard they have bad immune system. That's what I heard. I don't know if that's true or not, but I did hear horses. Yeah, you have, like, bad immune systems. [00:12:27] Speaker B: So the healthy as a horse is like. [00:12:29] Speaker C: So they get a cold and it's over. [00:12:31] Speaker A: I don't think I've ever heard anybody say healthy as a horse. Raise your hand if you've heard. Healthy as a horse is a phrase. [00:12:36] Speaker C: I've heard it before, but I think it was, like, on tv or something. I don't think anybody's ever said it to me. [00:12:45] Speaker A: Nigga, they think it tall as an ant. [00:12:47] Speaker C: I wouldn't even want to hear healthy as a horse. Because one thing happened to a horse. They trying to put it down and make glue out the horse. [00:12:53] Speaker B: Broken, broken bones. Like, they just don't heal right. I guess. [00:13:00] Speaker A: Horses got always AIDS. Forever aids. [00:13:04] Speaker B: But. [00:13:05] Speaker A: So I've never heard healthy the horse. [00:13:09] Speaker B: So anyway, listen, so when I just type in Google, healthy as. The first option is a horse. [00:13:14] Speaker A: Okay. [00:13:15] Speaker B: I mean, that's. [00:13:15] Speaker A: So. We've already admitted that the Internet is done. [00:13:17] Speaker B: So then underneath is as a ox. [00:13:20] Speaker A: Never heard that either. [00:13:21] Speaker B: As a clam. [00:13:22] Speaker A: What? Come on, man. We just. [00:13:24] Speaker B: I don't know. Listen, this is my. I'm just telling you the third option. [00:13:27] Speaker A: I'm gonna be like, healthy as a doorknob. [00:13:28] Speaker B: The idiom healthy as a horse likely originated in the 19th century. Horses known for their strength, vitality, and endurance were used as symbols of good health, which led to the development of the expression. It's used to describe excellent physical health or condition, often in a positive or emphatic manner. [00:13:45] Speaker A: I say healthy as a camel, then motherfuckers go across the world. [00:13:50] Speaker B: We don't got camels in America. We don't say shit like that. [00:13:53] Speaker C: Well, it's funny you said that because the one that said healthy as a clam, and I'm like, what is that? In places like Boston where they do. [00:13:58] Speaker B: Clam chowder and Boston is fucking trash. Let's just be called. Yeah. What? [00:14:04] Speaker A: Whoa. [00:14:04] Speaker B: You're not a Bostonian. [00:14:06] Speaker A: The whole city is. [00:14:06] Speaker D: You mean. [00:14:06] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:14:07] Speaker D: What do you mean, trash? [00:14:08] Speaker B: Trash. [00:14:09] Speaker A: Just the sports. [00:14:10] Speaker B: South Boston nigga. All the city. Yeah. [00:14:13] Speaker A: Okay. Yeah, about the marathon. [00:14:16] Speaker D: But California's racist, too. What do you mean? [00:14:17] Speaker A: Like, racist as can be. Yeah. As a matter of fact. You know where the skinhead started, right? Northern Cali. [00:14:23] Speaker B: So what's worse? What's worse? KKK or the skinheads? [00:14:26] Speaker A: Skinheads. [00:14:27] Speaker B: Oh, really? [00:14:28] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:14:28] Speaker B: You think so? I don't. [00:14:30] Speaker A: Why? [00:14:31] Speaker D: PKK got way more bodies, right? [00:14:33] Speaker B: Come on, man, let me know. Because they bitten Laurel. [00:14:36] Speaker D: Cause it makes us the police, too. [00:14:37] Speaker A: They the first skinheads. [00:14:39] Speaker C: I'll be the first to say I have no clue. Me either. I really don't know. [00:14:42] Speaker B: Nah, nah. They get, like. [00:14:43] Speaker D: Do you think skinheads got more bodies than KKK? [00:14:45] Speaker B: And we right around the corner from Stone Mountain, which is the second birthplace of the KKK, like the modern KKK. [00:14:50] Speaker A: That's why I have an affinity towards them. [00:14:52] Speaker B: They keep me in check on it. [00:14:54] Speaker A: They keep me in check. [00:14:54] Speaker B: Speak on it. [00:14:55] Speaker A: I know my place. Oh, shit. [00:15:01] Speaker D: Hold up. But quick question, though. Do they still allow lobotomies? Like, is that still, like. [00:15:05] Speaker B: No. As a form of. Like. [00:15:06] Speaker C: As a form of correction surgery of anything? [00:15:09] Speaker B: Well, I think it was like a mental thing, right? Like, lobotomy was like, yeah, we're gonna do a little. No, I don't think they do that. [00:15:14] Speaker D: They don't? Okay. [00:15:15] Speaker B: It was that just electro shock, right? [00:15:17] Speaker C: They did all kinds of shit to them. Mental patients. [00:15:20] Speaker D: Back day, that was, like, 1930s, 1940. [00:15:22] Speaker C: They had. They just had a past to just. [00:15:24] Speaker A: It wasn't just mental, page. They did that for criminals as well. [00:15:26] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [00:15:27] Speaker D: Listen, but then it started work, like, I remember. Like, from what I remember, they said. [00:15:32] Speaker C: Depends on what you mean by winning. [00:15:34] Speaker A: It didn't work. [00:15:35] Speaker C: Did it solve a problem? Yes. [00:15:37] Speaker B: Did it calm that nigga down? Did he want to kill anybody else after that? No, not at all. [00:15:42] Speaker A: He didn't want to do anything at all. [00:15:44] Speaker B: He just drooled a lot. Yeah. [00:15:46] Speaker A: He was calm, though. He had a good life. [00:15:48] Speaker B: If. [00:15:49] Speaker A: You know, he was calm, you didn't. [00:15:50] Speaker B: Have to worry about him. Like, you could leave him around. [00:15:52] Speaker A: You sit him in front of the tv and go do. Run errands. [00:15:55] Speaker C: Yep. You can leave him by any member of your family. It's fine he not do shit no more. [00:16:00] Speaker B: Like, all of that wild shit he thought about doing is gone. [00:16:03] Speaker A: It's amazing. It's a miracle we zapped all of. [00:16:06] Speaker B: That out of his fucking existence. [00:16:07] Speaker A: It's a miracle. [00:16:09] Speaker B: It's. It's. I mean, they got drugs like that, too, though, right? Like, I mean, all the other. [00:16:13] Speaker C: See clockwork orange? [00:16:14] Speaker A: Yeah, the clockwork orange. [00:16:16] Speaker C: How they had a brainwashed. That dude, anytime he thought about something violent or, like, raping a sugar or something like that, he would just feel like he had to throw up. [00:16:24] Speaker A: Yeah. They made his eyes stay open with, like, clamps and made him want. You never seen clockwork orange? [00:16:29] Speaker C: Come on. Oh, man. [00:16:30] Speaker A: Come on, Mac. Come on, Mac. [00:16:33] Speaker C: Honestly, I'm surprised you have. [00:16:34] Speaker A: Come on, Mac. [00:16:34] Speaker C: Nobody's seen that shit. [00:16:36] Speaker A: That. Now, that's a real. That's not a cult classic. That's an actual classic. [00:16:39] Speaker C: Come on, man. [00:16:41] Speaker B: Is it a movie or is it a documentary? [00:16:43] Speaker C: Stanley Kubrick. Yeah, some of his best work. [00:16:48] Speaker B: Okay, I have to check it out. But back to my point of being accurate. When fucking demolition man, they. When they put him in cryostasis, there was a process that he gave him thoughts, right? That he gave them fucking memories and implanted shit into their. Their consciousness. Because they weren't necessarily dead. Obviously, they were in cryo states. Yeah. And. But in the fucked up part was that when they got out, Wesley Snipes had been implanted with all this fucking extra shit. [00:17:17] Speaker A: How to fight, how to write engineers, right? [00:17:20] Speaker B: Like, all this shit that he didn't never have before, where. When fucking Sylvester was under, he was getting all the worst shit, right? Like, he was getting tortured, basically. [00:17:28] Speaker A: I think I figured it out. Here's the problem with why your references suck. Because the references. The time when you use a reference, it's not the way anybody else would reference it, right? That part of the movie was so insignificant that nobody would really remember that. [00:17:44] Speaker B: It's the whole point of the movie. [00:17:45] Speaker A: It's not the point of the movie. [00:17:46] Speaker B: It's how Wesley Snipes came out with a fall of fucking information. And it's not the plot of the movie. [00:17:50] Speaker A: It's not tied to the plot of the movie at all. [00:17:52] Speaker B: And how fucking. And how Sylvester was like, nah, that shit was horrible. I was on there for fucking 20 years being tortured. [00:17:58] Speaker A: That's the part people remember out that movie. It's part of torture. So fight. [00:18:05] Speaker C: You know what I remember from that movie, blonde haired? The fact that taco Bell was like a five star restaurant at that point. [00:18:11] Speaker A: I remember that, and I remember when snipes with blonde hair. That's it. That's right. [00:18:16] Speaker B: You don't remember the fucking way they had sex? [00:18:18] Speaker A: No. [00:18:19] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. Where they sat across the room with virtual things. [00:18:22] Speaker B: Right, right. They didn't touch anymore. [00:18:24] Speaker C: The chick told him, let's do it, or whatever. Started trying to touch you. Like, wait, what are you doing? [00:18:28] Speaker B: Like, we do not do that. You don't remember having fucking. [00:18:31] Speaker A: I get it, man. [00:18:31] Speaker B: They used to have shells to wipe their ass. Like, they're like, what are the three shells for? Like, what he. Again, this thing is like, shells. [00:18:38] Speaker A: I owe you an apology. [00:18:39] Speaker B: What's that? [00:18:40] Speaker C: I didn't remember the shells. [00:18:41] Speaker A: I get it. I owe you an apology. I know now how you view movies. While the rest of us are doing the things, like paying attention to dialogue and plots. You're looking at the details, and that's actually genius because I don't know about Gene. Genius is a strong word. [00:18:55] Speaker B: I'll take. [00:18:55] Speaker A: But that's actually intelligent. I'm just looking at the plot and, like, you know, trying to get the. The idea of the movie. You're looking at all the things in a wall. Remember the bed? There's a poster in the back wall that you're like the Easter egg guy. [00:19:05] Speaker B: Yeah. I do love Easter eggs. [00:19:08] Speaker A: If I could just get you to watch good movies now, you'd be the bomb. What's the name? [00:19:15] Speaker B: Which one? [00:19:15] Speaker D: Dark matter. [00:19:16] Speaker A: I didn't. [00:19:16] Speaker B: Dark matter is the dopest. [00:19:18] Speaker A: I couldn't. I couldn't remember what it was, and I was trying to find it, and I didn't feel like going. My text message and the ending. [00:19:22] Speaker D: What? [00:19:22] Speaker A: You don't say anything about the. [00:19:26] Speaker C: Up next on my list. [00:19:28] Speaker A: Don't even say that, because now I'm expecting something. [00:19:30] Speaker B: You will, but don't. [00:19:31] Speaker A: But don't. Don't do that. [00:19:32] Speaker B: You'll get it. [00:19:33] Speaker A: Please presume innocent on this one. Let's just wait until I watch it. [00:19:36] Speaker B: I'm a big fan of Apple TV right now. [00:19:38] Speaker A: Yeah. Did you watch Echo three? [00:19:41] Speaker B: No. I mean, again, I just got started. [00:19:43] Speaker A: No, no, no. Stop what you watching and watch echo three first. [00:19:45] Speaker B: Okay. [00:19:46] Speaker A: That shit is dope. It's a few of them, though, man. [00:19:48] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:19:48] Speaker A: Apple TV got some good shows. [00:19:50] Speaker B: Yeah. Nah, but the presumed innocence is the. [00:19:52] Speaker D: One with the Jake Gyllenhaal. Yeah, I like that. [00:19:54] Speaker B: Is Gyllenhaal in it? [00:19:55] Speaker D: Gylling hall. [00:19:56] Speaker B: Yeah, you said Gyllenhaal, but that's fine. [00:19:57] Speaker C: Ain't the one where he's like. He's like a lawyer. It's like framed for murder or something. [00:20:01] Speaker B: Is he framed? You don't know? [00:20:02] Speaker C: Well, that's what I read. [00:20:03] Speaker B: Yeah. I don't know if he's framed as of yet. It hasn't been stated yet. He's definitely. If you were a person going off evidence, he may not be framed. It might be him. [00:20:14] Speaker C: I really need to start watching some of this stuff because it's like, I got us. I have it, and I really don't watch anything on it but Friday night baseball. [00:20:23] Speaker A: There's a lot of good shows. Ted Lasso was good to me. [00:20:26] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. I mean, I heard about it. I just haven't gotten. [00:20:29] Speaker A: Hold on. What else, though? Echo three. Like I was saying, I like the morning show. I like black. [00:20:33] Speaker C: Morning show was good. I watched that. [00:20:34] Speaker A: I like black Bird was good. [00:20:36] Speaker C: Oh, what was that? [00:20:36] Speaker A: The last thing he told me was pretty good. Did you see that? [00:20:39] Speaker C: What's that one that they have where they was working at the place? [00:20:42] Speaker A: Severance. [00:20:46] Speaker B: They was working at the place. That's enough. And I mean, I was about to. [00:20:51] Speaker A: Say it and he. I knew what he was gonna say because I'm looking at him on my screen. The big door prize is pretty good. Shrinking is pretty funny. That's what Harrison Ford and the black chick and the white guy. Silo is. Silo is dope. [00:21:05] Speaker B: Okay. [00:21:05] Speaker A: Silo is also dope. [00:21:06] Speaker B: There are few silo. Echo three. [00:21:08] Speaker A: And they got some movies. Have you seen in their movies. [00:21:11] Speaker B: Swan song, family plan. I was watching today. [00:21:14] Speaker A: Watch Swan song. Okay, crazy. [00:21:16] Speaker B: I was watching the one was that with Mark Wahlberg? Family plan. The family plan. [00:21:21] Speaker A: Oh, no, no. This movie I'm about is, um. It's the Mara shah lala Ali. Whatever I use. There's nice. Maharashana Ali, you know, tomorrow. [00:21:29] Speaker B: Nope. [00:21:29] Speaker A: He was in. [00:21:30] Speaker C: You do? [00:21:31] Speaker A: Yeah. You. When you see him, you know? [00:21:32] Speaker B: Okay. [00:21:33] Speaker A: He was the villain in the first season of Luke Cage. [00:21:36] Speaker C: Mm hmm. [00:21:36] Speaker B: Okay. Okay. [00:21:38] Speaker A: Yeah. It's a good. That's a dope movie. There are a few good movies, though. [00:21:40] Speaker B: They got. [00:21:41] Speaker A: I can't. I can't remember all of. [00:21:41] Speaker B: Right. Yeah. They. They've. And I. And I can see that they're. [00:21:45] Speaker A: Oh, I'm sorry. [00:21:46] Speaker B: Production value. Or is gonna be like. They'll be then, above things as they kind of continue to progress. [00:21:52] Speaker A: I won't say it's the best show of all time because it's not really a show, but it's the best creative thing that I've ever seen. Calls. [00:22:01] Speaker C: Oh, calls is good. Fuck. My boy. [00:22:04] Speaker B: My boy. [00:22:05] Speaker C: Put me on. [00:22:05] Speaker B: Now it's on Apple TV. [00:22:06] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:22:06] Speaker B: Okay. [00:22:07] Speaker C: It's not even like, there's no even no video. It's not like a visual experience, but it's very visual. It is very visual, but it's not. [00:22:15] Speaker A: Like all you see on screen is, like, little frequencies popping when they're talking. [00:22:19] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:22:19] Speaker A: And there's, like, these. And it goes. When different people are talking, it'll go to different parts of the screen. And there's, like, these wavelengths going through the screen. But the shit will have you so invested in it, man. [00:22:27] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:22:28] Speaker A: Here's my suggestion. Cut all the lights off. Do it at night. Cut all the lights off. Only thing should be on is the tv. Sit right in front of the tv. Have it as loud as it is possible. Not, like, blaring loud, but loud enough to where it fills the room. [00:22:39] Speaker B: Right. [00:22:39] Speaker A: And watch that shit. You're gonna be so enthralled. You'll be like, yo, you're gonna call me right after. That's how. That's how it's gonna change you. [00:22:46] Speaker B: Okay. Telling you, you know the only thing that really had me call you right after. But you know what it was? [00:22:51] Speaker A: Hold on. Let me. Let me express what I'm saying. Not. Cause. Cause c a l l s. What did I say? No, I'm saying for people listening. [00:22:57] Speaker B: Okay. [00:22:58] Speaker A: They might have heard, you know? Cause I got a second accident. They might have thought I said calls. Calls. [00:23:02] Speaker B: Cause if they even from Cali. [00:23:04] Speaker A: Right. Calls. Now, what was it that you watched that you called me right after? [00:23:07] Speaker B: It wasn't anything that I watched. It was something that you listened to, which. [00:23:11] Speaker A: The Michael Sarian. [00:23:13] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:23:13] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. That's just crazy. [00:23:14] Speaker B: Yeah. Like. Like, I listen to that every three. [00:23:16] Speaker A: Or four years, bro. [00:23:17] Speaker B: And it's funny because when I started, I was up all night, and I just. I ran through it all, all three episodes. It was like 3 hours, right? And then I was like, yo, man, why did you send me this shit? To change my life? Like, what the fuck? [00:23:32] Speaker C: And then he sent it to me. [00:23:34] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:23:34] Speaker A: What'd you think of it? [00:23:35] Speaker C: The same thing. I was up all night. I was like, wait, what the. What the fuck did I just hear? [00:23:39] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:23:40] Speaker C: Like, it really changed my outlook on a lot of shit, to be honest. [00:23:43] Speaker B: And the thing about it is, you. You, when I love shit there where you have the. The person, the pessimist, right? That's like, this shit is bull. Like, as part of the vetting process, and then they're invested to be like, yo, look, let me. This. You know, we'll see how this works out. And then they're. By the end, they're like, yo, okay, I get it now. Like, I came into this thinking this is gonna be some bullshit, and now you got me, right? Like, I wasn't. I wasn't with this. But now I don't know what to say to anything that you said except for. Hmm. Like, goddamn. And I guess just logically, out of any of the history presentations of things and how we've gotten to where we've gotten, make any sense that makes the most sense out of anything I've ever heard, whether it's been the Bible, whether it's been anything else, it does. Like, it makes the most sense out of all of it. [00:24:45] Speaker A: I heard a quote today. I came who it was, though, which is crazy. The imagination is probably closer to reality than science. [00:24:54] Speaker B: Hmm. [00:24:55] Speaker D: Unpack that. [00:24:56] Speaker A: I didn't have a chance to watch it all, but the idea is that we have no fucking idea what we're involved in, right? It's probably closer for you just to imagine some shit and get close to what reality actually is than the shit that we've, our smart people have decided what is rules. There are no rules, my nigga, and there are rules, but we don't understand them, right. You know that all that Terrence Howard shit that was going on with, he's talking about those different numbers and shit. We have such a limited understanding of all of it for them to be saying he's an idiot or whatever. And, I mean, you know, I think he might be planted, too, but. But as far as him being an idiot, I don't. I don't know that he's an idiot. I'm saying that you could probably dream up some shit that's more. That's closer to what actual, actual reality is than what our scientists have come up with. [00:25:40] Speaker B: Like when you're on fucking shrooms for. [00:25:43] Speaker A: Right, right. You're in an extended state or some type of state that's. That's above your current existence or understanding. You're probably closer to reality than you are sitting here trying to make everything logical and. [00:25:55] Speaker B: For sure. [00:25:56] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:25:57] Speaker B: Because again, the majority of people, I guess at least what I understand is the majority of people would probably believe that they're. That aliens don't exist. [00:26:07] Speaker A: I don't think that's true. Really? I think most people believe aliens exist. You think that less than half think that aliens exist? [00:26:13] Speaker B: Yeah, I think that most people are like, nah, that's. That's wooha. Again, because it's in the movies. Right. It's et. It's, you know, they believe. [00:26:20] Speaker D: I just think they. [00:26:23] Speaker B: Do they exist out there or do they think they exist here? [00:26:26] Speaker D: They may not think it exists, but they believe. They think. [00:26:30] Speaker B: Right, but I'm talking about the majority. [00:26:32] Speaker C: I think majority don't know what the majority is. [00:26:35] Speaker B: Yeah, see, that's. [00:26:36] Speaker D: I believe they're both. I believe they're out there, but some of them are on Earth. [00:26:39] Speaker A: We got it. We got to ask our new calls. [00:26:41] Speaker B: Yeah, I think. [00:26:42] Speaker A: Oh. What percent of Americans believe in aliens? According to recent polls, a significant portion of Americans believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life. Here are a few highlights. 65% of Americans believe that intelligent life exists on other planets. 51% of Americans think that UFO's reported by military personnel are likely evidence of intelligent alien life. 34% of Americans believe that UFO's are probably alien ships or life forms. 41% of Americans think that some UFO. [00:27:22] Speaker C: Sightings have involved alien visitors. [00:27:25] Speaker A: It's clear that the idea of extraterrestrial life is not a fringe belief, but rather a mainstream one in the United States. What do you think? Do you believe that aliens exist? [00:27:36] Speaker B: For sure. [00:27:39] Speaker A: So that's what I was saying. I think that in the middle. [00:27:41] Speaker B: Yeah. And, you know, she's still in the. [00:27:44] Speaker C: Silly middle because she. She had numbers that were for. [00:27:46] Speaker A: She believe in is what I said, 65%. [00:27:49] Speaker B: Right. [00:27:50] Speaker C: Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah. [00:27:51] Speaker B: And she's. She's specific to America, which, I mean, I asked about America, okay. And I remember what was in fucking late nineties, I talked to a dude when I was doing customer service that said that he was half gray, half human. [00:28:05] Speaker A: Oh, nice. [00:28:05] Speaker B: And this is before I had ever even heard of the. [00:28:10] Speaker C: You said half gray, like the graysdez, half gray, half alien. [00:28:15] Speaker B: And I mean, I swear to God, like we talked for like 45 minutes. [00:28:19] Speaker D: And they wouldn't be able to procreate though. [00:28:21] Speaker A: Who wouldn't? [00:28:22] Speaker C: Who? [00:28:22] Speaker B: Why? [00:28:23] Speaker A: Do you know this French, right? [00:28:24] Speaker D: Just like. [00:28:27] Speaker B: No, he's really good at that. [00:28:29] Speaker D: Because I feel like it's the same concept. Was like. [00:28:31] Speaker A: How? [00:28:31] Speaker D: Like. [00:28:32] Speaker A: Why do you feel like it's the same as a dog and a what? [00:28:34] Speaker B: No, what concept? Cuz I don't even know. [00:28:36] Speaker D: Dog and a cat can't procreate or some shit like that. So that's why. [00:28:39] Speaker B: Well, if you already got a half breed, right, you're telling me that that half breed can't procreate with another half of what it is or. [00:28:48] Speaker D: I was gonna say what you said. The guy was a half alien, a half human. [00:28:52] Speaker B: Right. [00:28:52] Speaker D: And I'm saying for him to be conceived, usually an alien and a human can't conceive. [00:28:56] Speaker A: How do you know usually. What are you talking about? [00:29:02] Speaker D: The other biologies of other living creatures that live among us. [00:29:05] Speaker A: Can I, can I. [00:29:06] Speaker C: This is like the mexican vacation thing, isn't it? [00:29:08] Speaker A: I think. [00:29:09] Speaker C: I think he's manifesting this but in. [00:29:13] Speaker D: The same family I'm talking about, I guess, unless if we. In that area. [00:29:15] Speaker B: So a humanoid, humanoid and a fucking. [00:29:19] Speaker D: Gray are the same family. [00:29:20] Speaker B: Well, again. [00:29:21] Speaker A: So how did he get here if they can't mix the gray? No, the guy, he's half gray, half human. How could he. How did he get here if they couldn't do it? [00:29:30] Speaker D: I mean, he could be capping too. [00:29:31] Speaker B: Okay, again, he could have been. And it's weird because. [00:29:34] Speaker A: Oh, you think he could have been. He definitely would have. [00:29:38] Speaker B: Maybe. [00:29:41] Speaker D: It'S part of the code. [00:29:42] Speaker A: You're not saying that shit on the. On the open air. [00:29:44] Speaker C: Listen and see men in black, right? They were trying to keep it a secret. [00:29:49] Speaker A: Right? Like, thank you for calling McDonald's. How can I. What order do you want? Alien. [00:29:53] Speaker B: Another movie where they're like giving Easter eggs out. Right? Like, you know, I mean it's. And I. I've talked about this before, how I. My aunt, who was quote unquote, technically 5150 and, you know, everybody thought that she was not in her right mind. I can remember being 13 years old, going to her, you know, with her, to her job and her just lecturing me about how aliens have taken over the postal service. And I'm. What? So if I'm 13, what is that? That's 83. [00:30:22] Speaker D: That's been a thing though, it. Ben said that. [00:30:25] Speaker B: Well, not until after men in black showed it. Or did you hear that before men in black? [00:30:30] Speaker D: Well, I wasn't born before that. Okay, but, but I've heard that, that thing they, I heard that they got. Men in black. Got that from something else, maybe. Yeah, they've been saying that maybe because they were saying, like, think about how fast male travels and stuff like that. [00:30:44] Speaker B: The fact that they operate through sneeze. No. Sleet and storm. I. What is that? [00:30:49] Speaker D: Just all that shit. [00:30:53] Speaker B: But I remember her just lecturing me about this shit, right? And I'm just sitting there like, why did they. What did I do for this summer? For me to have to, you know, have to go to work with auntie, you know, and, and then, you know, again, I was telling someone about it and then when they said, oh, like, men in black. And I didn't even put two and two together, I was like, oh shit, that wasn't men in black. But fuck, that was way after, way after I had heard this from her. [00:31:21] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:31:21] Speaker B: And then we, you sent me a clip about a dude who's really quote unquote in the men in black. [00:31:27] Speaker A: Oh, right. [00:31:28] Speaker B: You know, I mean, like. And he's like, listen, this shit is real. [00:31:30] Speaker A: He was saying. Sound believable too. [00:31:31] Speaker B: Yeah. And he's like, we had these motherfucking zappers that would fucking erase people's memory when people speak. [00:31:38] Speaker A: That convicted, though is hard because, like, he's sure. [00:31:41] Speaker B: Yeah. So that's what the guy that I was that was half gray and half. [00:31:45] Speaker A: Human, he was sure too, I guess. [00:31:46] Speaker B: I mean, he was so convincing, right? Like he. And he was just going on and, you know, I got call handle times and shit. Right? I didn't give a fuck about none of that. Like, I'm like, let's talk about it, dude. Like, let's. Let's. You got me at fucking half Aliena. And if I get in trouble for this call. Yeah, like if I, if I get fired for this call, cuz you gonna, you gonna enlighten me to some real shit that's happening on this fucking planet? He lived in Nevada, which is, I think, one of the places where they. [00:32:12] Speaker A: Area 51. [00:32:13] Speaker C: Yeah, 51 is, you know, I mean. [00:32:14] Speaker B: So I'm like, listen, and again, I had never even heard of the term gray. Yeah, before that, him mentioning that. And then I was like, so. And I'm just asking questions. And what's weird about it is if you were to ask me to recall what we talked about. I have no idea. Like I feel like somebody came and was like, listen, hold up. You know, too much, like, in my sleep. And she was like, because I can't. I remember talking to him about it. Details. [00:32:37] Speaker A: I want to know what's inside the other area. 50. Well, other 50 areas. [00:32:43] Speaker C: We have short term memory losses because we're getting zapped all the time. [00:32:46] Speaker B: It's very possible. [00:32:47] Speaker D: You think. You believe in the reptilians? Like, they think. They say that reptilians are really running. [00:32:52] Speaker B: The world underneath the fucking amphibians. No, reptilians, like. Like v. Yeah, yeah. I mean, I will say this. Underneath the fucking Denver airport. [00:33:02] Speaker A: Do you guys know that, for instance, iPhones, when it's doing, like, the facial recognition, you know, somehow. Yeah. Take your pictures, like, oh, I'm about to mess back up. I can see. [00:33:10] Speaker B: I don't do facial recognition. [00:33:11] Speaker A: So what's gonna happen whether you're doing it or not? [00:33:13] Speaker B: Okay. [00:33:14] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:33:15] Speaker C: Doesn't mean the cameras off. [00:33:16] Speaker A: Yeah, but they're there. Pulses. It does it, like, every 20 seconds. Yeah, or more. It's very frequent. I think that there's a color to that, that little pulse too. I wonder if that's zapping us every 20 seconds. [00:33:28] Speaker B: Like, just clearing some shit, just making. [00:33:30] Speaker A: Sure we don't remember things. Like, it's just, like, constantly doing it to make sure we don't remember certain things that we learned. So you might have. You may have heard something like, what the fuck? I figured it out. And then as soon as you pick up your phone, it zaps you back and you forget, what was I thinking about? [00:33:41] Speaker C: Hey, is that why you pick up your phone a bunch of times? You'd be like, what was I finna do? [00:33:44] Speaker A: Exactly. They've got us trained to do it. And the thing about is, because it gives off some kind of pulse that you can read with a certain kind of meter, and it's visible, but we can't see it. [00:33:59] Speaker B: Right? Like a dark. [00:34:00] Speaker A: So the pulse. All of our phones right now are doing it every 20 seconds. [00:34:03] Speaker B: Right? [00:34:03] Speaker A: We can't see it. Cause our eyes can't pick the frequency up of the wave, but it's happening. What if that's the. I don't know what I'm talking about. [00:34:10] Speaker B: No, I mean, again, that's why I. [00:34:12] Speaker C: Always put my phone like that. [00:34:14] Speaker A: Everybody got quiet, so, like, I'm just. [00:34:15] Speaker B: I need to shut up. [00:34:16] Speaker A: Everybody got really quiet. [00:34:18] Speaker C: You see my phone? That's why my phone like that. I'd be like that, bro. [00:34:20] Speaker A: You see I got this on there. But guess what? Okay. So I have. I have a protector over my camera. But watch this. You go. You go be my witness. Did you see what you said? [00:34:30] Speaker C: A protector over your camera? [00:34:31] Speaker A: I have a camera protector right there. [00:34:33] Speaker D: See? [00:34:33] Speaker A: There? Look, I'm gonna show you. Here's the camera. So you can see yourself, right? [00:34:38] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:34:38] Speaker A: You see yourself. I'm gonna slide this now. You can't see yourself, right? [00:34:40] Speaker C: Right. [00:34:40] Speaker A: Now watch this. I'm locking my phone. I'm putting my face in front of it. [00:34:49] Speaker D: Technology behind that. So that. [00:34:51] Speaker A: I'm telling you, though, the sensor is not in the camera. [00:34:54] Speaker C: No, it's not in the camera. [00:34:55] Speaker A: It's not that sensor that's learning your face. It's learning your face by waves, not by vision. It knows the way your face is shaped. [00:35:02] Speaker B: So let's just touch. [00:35:02] Speaker A: That's why you do like, you turn left, you turn right, you turn up, you turn. It's not taking a picture of you. It's learning the curves of your face. [00:35:09] Speaker B: So let's. Let's just recount that for the listeners, because that happened real fast, and I don't know if they understand exactly what just happened. [00:35:14] Speaker A: Please. [00:35:15] Speaker B: So be honest. Turn. He turned. His camera blocked. Basically, it was black. And if you're looking at the, you know, video or a picture version that, you know, your camera is just all black. You can't see anything. However, with that same status, right? That same status, he's able to open his phone using facial id, facial recognition, even though the camera. If you're looking at your. Your camera lens or looking at video through that, it's black. [00:35:45] Speaker A: I'm gonna. I'm gonna paint. I'm gonna paint a picture that you'll get Mac. Remember Eraser with Arnold Schwarzenegger? [00:35:50] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:35:50] Speaker A: Do you remember the gun that they had? They could. They could see through the walls and stuff. So the way that it did that was through, I think, some kind of thermal. [00:35:56] Speaker B: Right. [00:35:57] Speaker A: Something. Right. So it's basically mapping out whatever's behind whatever's in front of it. It's mapping all of it, right. [00:36:02] Speaker B: Doesn't matter. Right. [00:36:03] Speaker A: Same thing that your Wi Fi does right now. Your Wi Fi has. My Wi Fi has mapped this entire room. It knows where the. Where the blockages are. It knows all that. Cause it knows where it has to travel, where the best road of travel is. Right. Because if it shoots a beam that way, a wave that way, and it's partially blocked, it knows where the blockage is. It can know that, because whatever's gonna pick it up down the road is gonna. They're gonna talk back to each other. [00:36:23] Speaker B: Right? [00:36:23] Speaker A: So it does. It does. [00:36:25] Speaker B: Like a roomba. [00:36:25] Speaker A: There's a map of your house. [00:36:27] Speaker D: Like, if somebody try to hack your Wi fi, they can even see you. Like, kind of, like, record, like, outlines of your shape. [00:36:32] Speaker C: Like. Like Daredevil's vision, literally. [00:36:36] Speaker A: And that's what the facial recognition is on an iPhone or any of them. Any. So it's not actually using your camera. It's mapping your face, the shape of your face. So that way, when you have a hat on, when you have glasses on, doesn't matter because it's not a visual thing. It's. It's mask. [00:36:48] Speaker D: Remember when Covid first started, it used to not be able to read people with the mask on. [00:36:52] Speaker B: Right. [00:36:52] Speaker D: They fixed that shit up in 3 seconds. [00:36:54] Speaker A: Yep. Bro, I'm telling you this. [00:36:57] Speaker B: We're just. What did fucking. They say? [00:37:01] Speaker A: The Borg, the cyborg? No, resistance is futile. [00:37:04] Speaker B: Resistance is futile, bro. Like, you see? And again, I like when you nerd out. You know what the Borg is? You know what the Borg was and you didn't. You too young. Yeah, you too young for that. Like, that was the thing. And the fucking borg was just an assimilation. Fucking species that just adapted everything into. [00:37:24] Speaker A: Everything was one, right? [00:37:25] Speaker B: You just came into one of us, and whatever you had became part of us, and now we're even that much smarter. And again, there's no. You. You could try to fight it, but it's no point. Resistance is futile. You cannot. We're gonna. We're coming for you, and you will be assimilated. [00:37:41] Speaker A: Do you say futile when you use that word, or you say futile? [00:37:43] Speaker B: Normally I say futile. [00:37:44] Speaker A: Okay. I was wondering, did you say it that way because they said it that way, or is that how you pronounce the word? [00:37:49] Speaker B: I just. You know, I say words. [00:37:50] Speaker A: No, either way is okay, right? I just say futile. You say futile. [00:37:54] Speaker C: I think most people do say futile unless they're saying that first. [00:37:56] Speaker A: Right? [00:37:57] Speaker C: They're saying it because that's how it was said. [00:37:59] Speaker B: That's what I'm saying. [00:38:00] Speaker A: I'm just wondering, did you learn that word on Star Trek, or did you already know the word maybe? [00:38:04] Speaker B: Words come out of my mouth sometimes, and I have no idea. [00:38:07] Speaker A: Like you said ideal. It's idea, right? [00:38:09] Speaker B: You know, and I say kindergarten, too. [00:38:11] Speaker A: And Kenny. And you say machete. [00:38:13] Speaker B: Yeah, it is machete. [00:38:15] Speaker A: It's not. [00:38:15] Speaker B: It is a machete. Ask a mexican machete. [00:38:19] Speaker D: I thought that's how the Mexicans. [00:38:20] Speaker B: Exactly. [00:38:21] Speaker A: We're not in Mexico and we don't. [00:38:22] Speaker B: But it's a mexican word. [00:38:24] Speaker A: But you're not mexican, and you're not speaking. [00:38:25] Speaker B: But it's a fucking mexican word. [00:38:27] Speaker C: But they said it differently, though. [00:38:28] Speaker A: Who? [00:38:29] Speaker C: He said machete. He said machete? [00:38:31] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:38:32] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:38:32] Speaker D: Spanish is. [00:38:33] Speaker A: Mac is not perfect. [00:38:35] Speaker B: No, no. My Mexican needs work. [00:38:38] Speaker D: In Creole, it's my shit. In Creole, it's my shit. [00:38:42] Speaker B: Like, you just leave the rest of it off. [00:38:45] Speaker A: Hey, friends, guess what? We don't give a shit. [00:38:51] Speaker D: About Boston. I don't give a fuck. [00:38:54] Speaker A: Wrap something that matters. How about that? [00:38:55] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:38:55] Speaker A: When you start rapping Atlanta. [00:38:57] Speaker B: No, again, this nigga is. [00:38:58] Speaker C: I think anybody from Atlanta is gonna be mad at that patriot shirt, though. [00:39:01] Speaker A: Yeah, fuck patriots. Always forever for. I don't care. I don't care if Mike Vick started playing for them, man. [00:39:06] Speaker B: If they got a black fucking mayor, who gives a fuck? Like, we don't like, it didn't matter. [00:39:11] Speaker A: I could be the mayor. I said, fuck Boston. [00:39:14] Speaker C: I don't think anybody from Atlanta gonna like your parents shirt. And I don't think anybody from northern California gonna like it either. I'm a raider fan. We got beef, too. [00:39:22] Speaker B: And the problem is with this nigga is that fris Reg. [00:39:26] Speaker A: Oh, damn. We get personal, okay? [00:39:27] Speaker B: I mean, it's not. It's not about personal. It's just. Just what it is. You know what I mean? [00:39:32] Speaker A: I mean, when you started, since the problem with this nigga and it's a. [00:39:35] Speaker D: Friend of yours, what is that? You can't say that rap Boston. [00:39:39] Speaker B: You can only say that about your friends, really, unless you're ready to fight, so. But. Cause again, like, you are not. You been out of Boston. Like, when you were in Boston, you were getting free lunches, nigga. Like, you were still poor. Like, God damn. Like, you didn't have, like. Stop the fact that you over here still repping Boston. Like, you didn't like. When you started liking Boston, you were in LA. I mean, in Atlanta. [00:40:03] Speaker D: What do you mean? [00:40:04] Speaker B: Like, again, when you became a patriot fan was when? [00:40:08] Speaker D: Ever since I could remember. [00:40:09] Speaker B: Oh, stop that. Because again, you didn't like them when they sucked. Nobody roots for sucky teams. Like, to start off like. [00:40:16] Speaker D: Let's put it that way. Based on my age, by the time I was paying attention to sports, they were winning. All of them. [00:40:23] Speaker C: Even the Bruins were already there. [00:40:26] Speaker D: Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Red Sox, bruins, Celtics, all of them. [00:40:30] Speaker B: How old were you in our. [00:40:31] Speaker D: 410. [00:40:31] Speaker C: Speaking of the cell, this nigga got the bag. [00:40:34] Speaker D: Yeah, 315 he gave. Deserves it. Everybody's about to get the bag. [00:40:38] Speaker C: He wasn't even the MVP. [00:40:39] Speaker D: Everybody's about to get the bag. Derek White got 126. That used to be the bag. [00:40:44] Speaker A: He needs it, though, for his hair. [00:40:45] Speaker C: Oh, my God. [00:40:46] Speaker A: That's an ugly nigga, man. I ain't gonna lie. [00:40:48] Speaker B: No, when he go baldo, he understands, though. Like, listen, we cannot just let the Steven a. He's too young to be a Stephen a. Smith, bro. [00:40:54] Speaker A: It's not just his head, though. His head's weird. He got his face. [00:40:57] Speaker D: He got those peanuts from Kim possible's head shape. [00:41:00] Speaker A: His teeth are weird. It's like everything is bad, bro. It's like all the wrong things happen at the same time. [00:41:05] Speaker B: I mean, it's not like when fucking Scottie Pippen went bald and you knew this had wrinkles. Yeah. You saw that nigga had a sharpie in the back of his head. Like, he was like, God damn. I see why you don't cut that shit. [00:41:15] Speaker A: Like, don't meet your heroes, right? [00:41:18] Speaker B: Got a pack of hot dogs back there. Fucking stop it. But not everybody can pull off a ball. But if you got a receding hairline in your early twenties, I think it's. Give it a shot. No, yeah, you should go. You should definitely go. [00:41:32] Speaker A: Ball. [00:41:32] Speaker C: Give it a shot. [00:41:33] Speaker B: Why are you looking like that, Fredrich? [00:41:35] Speaker D: I'm not looking like nothing. [00:41:36] Speaker B: No, you had a. You had a. [00:41:37] Speaker A: Because you should try to shit on him. [00:41:38] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:41:38] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:41:39] Speaker D: You try to point out he gonna talk. [00:41:40] Speaker A: What's wrong with you? I just got. I remember for a. I'm one of. [00:41:44] Speaker D: The niggas that's blessed with a round head, that the baldness don't really matter. [00:41:48] Speaker A: I don't know that bless is the right word. [00:41:50] Speaker B: I mean, no, first red can rock a bald, obviously. [00:41:52] Speaker A: Who said. But who said that a round head is what you need for a bald head? [00:41:56] Speaker D: You wouldn't be able to rock a bald head. [00:41:57] Speaker A: Why? [00:41:58] Speaker B: That squareness? [00:41:59] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:42:01] Speaker B: Yeah, you can't do that. [00:42:02] Speaker D: Yeah, you can't go. [00:42:03] Speaker B: It's not gonna work. [00:42:03] Speaker A: That sucks, guys. [00:42:04] Speaker C: Damn. [00:42:05] Speaker B: It's like, you gotta. [00:42:06] Speaker D: You're. [00:42:06] Speaker B: It's like you got a flat top without your. Without no hair. Like, how you still got. [00:42:10] Speaker A: It's a good thing I still have all of my hair. No, it's my turn. Good thing I still have all. [00:42:21] Speaker B: This there. [00:42:22] Speaker A: It's full in the middle. It's full in the back. [00:42:24] Speaker D: It's full on the side. [00:42:25] Speaker B: Everywhere. [00:42:25] Speaker A: Yeah. Good thing I have that. [00:42:27] Speaker B: You do. [00:42:27] Speaker A: Okay. [00:42:28] Speaker B: It's great. [00:42:29] Speaker A: You would suck at a ball. [00:42:30] Speaker B: No, no. [00:42:31] Speaker A: Like, y'all are better. [00:42:32] Speaker B: No, it's like, no, at least you. [00:42:33] Speaker C: Ain'T gotta find out. [00:42:34] Speaker B: It's like. It's like they tell you I didn't. [00:42:36] Speaker C: Get a chance to be evaluated. It's just. Cause when I had braids and I started recognizing myself as looking like Jerry rice when he had his. They had to go. All of it. [00:42:45] Speaker B: I'm telling you, it's like they. I mean, not everything in the Bible makes sense or is true, but it's like they say God don't even give you more than what you can handle. [00:42:54] Speaker A: What are you talking about? [00:42:54] Speaker B: If God gave you a bald head. [00:42:56] Speaker C: Saying you got your hair because youre. [00:42:57] Speaker B: Couldn'T, right, like he got. You couldn't handle a ball head. [00:43:01] Speaker A: I get it. I'm the one with the handicap. [00:43:03] Speaker B: No. [00:43:06] Speaker A: God had to give me hair cuz my shit is fucked up. [00:43:09] Speaker B: But you guys, we're not gonna say fucked up. I'm just saying that if you had to go bald, that would be not fair. Yeah, he's not gonna do that to you. [00:43:17] Speaker A: No. [00:43:17] Speaker B: Give you more than you can. [00:43:18] Speaker A: I've had a ball head before, actually, for a basketball team. We all. [00:43:21] Speaker D: That's when you was younger, right? [00:43:23] Speaker B: What's that mean? [00:43:23] Speaker A: It's all the. [00:43:24] Speaker D: Yeah, but the head probably wasn't the same size as it is now. [00:43:28] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:43:29] Speaker B: Wow. [00:43:29] Speaker A: What I have is I have like this little ridge about right here where it's like. It's like a ridge. One ridge. So it's not perfectly bold. I mean, circular. [00:43:37] Speaker B: Oh, no, we call that the saddle. [00:43:40] Speaker D: The saddle. [00:43:41] Speaker C: Like the horse, you know? Fucked up, though. When I was at one of the tournaments, I think it was the fourth one, it was at Mountain park. Park, park. And there was a. There was a chick. [00:43:52] Speaker B: Is there supposed to be two parks in it? [00:43:54] Speaker C: Yeah, that's how it actually is. It's one park, park. [00:43:56] Speaker B: Okay. [00:43:57] Speaker C: But there was a chick there. Older chick or whatnot. And I've never seen anything like this before, so forgive my ignorance, but like, I seen it. I thought it was a dude at first because the hairline was literally back here. I'm talking about the whole cul de sac shit where the hairs on the side, but like none of it's up here type deal. But then I saw. But then I saw titties, though. [00:44:22] Speaker A: Nice. [00:44:23] Speaker C: And the next time. I know not man booze, all right. No, no, no. They said grandma. They say grandma said, oh, shit. [00:44:30] Speaker B: She'd been braiding her shit for a long time. [00:44:32] Speaker C: I was like, oh, fuck. I've never seen that before. [00:44:34] Speaker B: Braids. The braids pull your shit back. That's why these niggas. Now. [00:44:40] Speaker C: She might have been having that. She might have been having that feather crown or whatever. White lady. [00:44:44] Speaker B: Okay. If it's braided though, right? [00:44:47] Speaker C: No, there's no braiding at all. I don't know where braids came from. Like, no, that's our dude. That was just how she was out there rocking. She was out there with her t shirt on and her jeans and it was just bald as fuck on the top. [00:45:01] Speaker A: What's the name of that hospital with the. For the kids that, like. [00:45:04] Speaker D: Children's hospital. [00:45:05] Speaker A: The dying. The dying kids. [00:45:06] Speaker C: St. Jude. [00:45:07] Speaker A: St. Jude. So you guys head look like a St. Jude's kid, but I'm the one with the handicap. Gotcha. Gotcha. Y'all are closer to them than I am. But I'm the one that has got you. Okay? [00:45:17] Speaker D: Nobody say you got handicapped. [00:45:18] Speaker A: Just trying to. Y'all both made it seem like I'm below you. [00:45:20] Speaker B: I just said, God, I can give you more than you can. [00:45:23] Speaker A: No. Right. Them either. So, so it's like, imagine being sick and then also having to do your hair, right? [00:45:28] Speaker B: No, saying, like, again, some of them kids, like, if the, you know, that's the leukemia. [00:45:33] Speaker D: That's not. They're not really bald. It's just the leukemia, right? [00:45:36] Speaker A: But imagine them. Imagine God giving them leukemia, then also making them get a haircut, right? [00:45:40] Speaker B: Like if they had leukemia in your head shape, right? [00:45:43] Speaker A: No, like, come on. Had to. [00:45:44] Speaker B: No, no. Get up and your head shape, that's. They wouldn't do that. [00:45:47] Speaker D: If you look at the commercials, it's always a perfect round head, too. [00:45:51] Speaker B: I'm telling you, it's like, again, God. So you should be thanking God for your head shape because it's kind of. [00:45:58] Speaker C: Like almost like a. I'll leave them kids alone. That's fact. [00:46:02] Speaker B: It's almost like an anti cancer head shape. [00:46:04] Speaker A: There you are. [00:46:05] Speaker B: Because you, you know, chemo in your head shape ain't gonna work, right? You know, I mean, that's all. I'm just saying, like, you. That's two things. God ain't gonna give you more than you can handle, right? Facts. [00:46:16] Speaker A: So those kids can handle leukemia? [00:46:18] Speaker B: They do. You see them on a commercial. [00:46:19] Speaker A: They do or they have. [00:46:21] Speaker C: They do handle it. You see them on the commercial. [00:46:24] Speaker A: You don't see those kids on the commercial. Every year it's a different. It's a new kid. Why do you think it's a new kid every year? [00:46:29] Speaker D: But St. Joseph is showing the commercial. [00:46:30] Speaker B: The ones that do pass, they do right. They do. [00:46:34] Speaker D: They do. Show the kid what's his name, the Giants player. His daughter just beat, I think, one of those type of cancers. [00:46:40] Speaker B: Oh, yeah? [00:46:41] Speaker A: Had her head look better now it's growing. Did she have probably a square head? [00:46:46] Speaker D: No, she didn't actually look like. [00:46:47] Speaker A: Oh, wait, am I fucked up? Look at her head. [00:46:49] Speaker C: I wonder if she felt like she could handle it. [00:46:51] Speaker A: I know she did. We should ask her. [00:46:52] Speaker B: She did it. [00:46:53] Speaker A: She did, but I don't know if she could handle it. [00:46:55] Speaker B: What? She did what? I mean, she's living life. [00:46:57] Speaker A: You heard Jimmy v. 10% make it. [00:46:59] Speaker B: No, never give up again like you just did. Who is Jimmy Van. Oh, like the one that did the espys. [00:47:06] Speaker A: And then they get to be on social media, something v. He's like a motivational speaker. [00:47:13] Speaker B: Jimmy v. Had the motivational speaker of all time. Right? Like, he went up there, cancer written, and he just was like, didn't he die? [00:47:22] Speaker A: Cancer? [00:47:23] Speaker B: He did. Okay, but he. His head never was Baldo. That's true. Right? His head never went, and he wouldn't look good ball. [00:47:32] Speaker D: You wouldn't. You wouldn't have the right. [00:47:33] Speaker A: Okay, so we've made an assumption that you guys think you guys look good. [00:47:38] Speaker B: Yo, for sure. [00:47:39] Speaker A: We gotta start there. So y'all think y'all look good bald? [00:47:42] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:47:43] Speaker A: Oh, no. You look good bald. So you don't think you look good? You think you look good for a bald. [00:47:46] Speaker B: No, I know. I'm just saying, you can't rock ways. [00:47:49] Speaker A: So first you said. [00:47:50] Speaker D: You said what? [00:47:51] Speaker A: You go both ways. [00:47:52] Speaker D: Not that way. [00:47:53] Speaker A: You go, bro, which way do you go for we look good. [00:47:57] Speaker C: My ears heard we look good. Unless these headphones is messed up. I think that's what I heard, too. [00:48:05] Speaker D: Or if we had hair either way. [00:48:07] Speaker A: How would we know? We gonna do a picture of you or something? [00:48:11] Speaker B: How do we know you could. [00:48:12] Speaker C: And that's like, that one thing you saying, b, when you saying, like, you can't say, like, I'm peaceful if you are unable to be violent. So those things where you can't say, I look good with hair if you. [00:48:22] Speaker A: Don'T have a choice. [00:48:23] Speaker B: We wasn't born like this. Mad ways, boy. [00:48:29] Speaker A: Win, my nigga. [00:48:30] Speaker B: Like, when I wore a duke rag, who got. [00:48:32] Speaker A: Who's vouching? [00:48:33] Speaker B: I got a picture. [00:48:34] Speaker A: Who is vouching? No picture they gave. You can doctor, though. [00:48:37] Speaker C: All I'm saying is I have many different hairdos back in the day. Long, short, whatnot. But 20 years ago is 20 years ago. I don't know what the hell that shit looked like. [00:48:46] Speaker A: Now I seen a nigga on Instagram talking about two niggas, forties, a new 30, or whatever. All you own niggas think y'all look 20 until you stand next to a 20 year old man. It's a lot of grown niggas thinking they really like doing it. Go stand next to a 25 year old and see how fine you are. [00:49:02] Speaker B: So it's. But we talked about this last week about these gen zers. They. And I think what's happening is they're. They're falling into the alteration phase way before, like, you had to be old before you started getting skin tucks or, you know, like other shit, right, where you. [00:49:22] Speaker A: They're using it as preventative maintenance. [00:49:24] Speaker B: They're doing it way too soon. [00:49:26] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:49:27] Speaker D: 22 year old girls getting Botox already. [00:49:29] Speaker B: Yeah, like. Yeah, like, I mean, so classic, you know, example is fucking starlight from the boys. The boys. The chick that plays that. [00:49:40] Speaker A: That's the blonde chick. [00:49:41] Speaker B: Yeah, she's. She's got so much. Like. [00:49:44] Speaker A: She saw that she changed her whole look. [00:49:46] Speaker B: Right. Well, she just looks older now than she did. Like, I mean, she looks like an older person than she did to when the season first started. She's also the daughter fucking Vince Vaughn. In what? Yeah, they know that in reality. Oh, of the. The watch. [00:50:05] Speaker A: Again, another B movie. [00:50:06] Speaker B: Not a fucking B movie watch is not a b movie at all. [00:50:10] Speaker A: You talk about the neighborhood watch thing? [00:50:11] Speaker B: Yeah, with Ben Stiller. Nobody like that. What? Who don't like that? Jonah. He'll be. [00:50:16] Speaker A: You notice. You notice how nobody knew what movie you're talking about? [00:50:19] Speaker B: Tell me you haven't seen that. [00:50:20] Speaker C: I know. I know what movie it is, but I don't remember. I know what movie it is, but I always want to know what it is cuz I've never seen it, but always. Why? I know what it is because of the controversy around it when it was about to come out. [00:50:32] Speaker A: You don't need to see. [00:50:34] Speaker C: Yeah, it was about to come out around the time that what's his name got killed. [00:50:39] Speaker A: Oh, yeah, that makes sense. I can see how black people. [00:50:42] Speaker C: That was the only thing I remembered. [00:50:43] Speaker A: About always fucking with us. [00:50:46] Speaker B: Unless Trayvon's an alien, I don't think that really tracks to me. [00:50:50] Speaker A: What do you mean? [00:50:50] Speaker B: Because this wasn't about fucking that. [00:50:53] Speaker A: It doesn't. [00:50:54] Speaker C: I mean, it's not the same, but it is about a situation where a guy was thinking he was protecting his neighborhood from those guys. [00:51:05] Speaker B: I see. [00:51:06] Speaker A: Yeah, they just looking for some reason. [00:51:11] Speaker D: You saw that black girl did that thing to JJdev. [00:51:13] Speaker B: No. What's your. [00:51:14] Speaker D: You know, when JJ Reddick got the job, she said, oh, yeah, I was called a nigga one time, and it was a Reddit university, blah, blah, blah, like he. By basketball player at Duke University. And now I bet, you know. [00:51:24] Speaker A: You know, she's probably been called nigga before a million. [00:51:27] Speaker D: I think he's JJ been hooping for 14 years. And now you want to talk about this? [00:51:30] Speaker B: Let the white kid. Let the white kid say nigga. Come on. [00:51:33] Speaker A: No, don't let him say nigga. But. [00:51:35] Speaker C: But my thing is, is that it bothers you today because he became the head coach of the Lakers. [00:51:41] Speaker D: Sneakers playing for 15. [00:51:42] Speaker A: I want to know where you act like a nigga. [00:51:44] Speaker B: Right. What you do know? [00:51:46] Speaker C: Why you only upset about this today? Why wouldn't you upset about this yesterday? [00:51:49] Speaker A: Because he didn't. He didn't. I mean, you know, he's been popular for a long time, though, so, like, where. [00:51:53] Speaker C: That's what I'm saying. This ain't the first time the nigga been somebody talk about terrible this laker. [00:51:59] Speaker A: Season is gonna be. I can't wait. I'm here for it. [00:52:01] Speaker B: I don't know if it's gonna be as terrible. [00:52:03] Speaker A: It will be. [00:52:03] Speaker C: They gonna be better than us. [00:52:05] Speaker D: 45 wins. [00:52:06] Speaker A: I heard. I heard. Clay is trying to get there, though. Minimum. [00:52:10] Speaker C: Clay playing. Clay playing with Kyrie and Luca. [00:52:13] Speaker A: Oh, really? He already got it? [00:52:15] Speaker B: Yep. [00:52:15] Speaker A: Happen today? Yeah. Oh, shit. [00:52:16] Speaker B: Should be happening fast. [00:52:20] Speaker C: About 50 minutes before or what's his name got the bad. [00:52:24] Speaker D: The Lakers didn't make an offer, though. He just declined. [00:52:26] Speaker B: I mean, he probably wasn't enough, right? [00:52:27] Speaker D: No, they made more than the maps. [00:52:29] Speaker B: Really? [00:52:29] Speaker D: 80 mil. [00:52:31] Speaker C: He probably predicted what they. [00:52:35] Speaker B: California income taxes. You mean, like, again, if you got a place to play where there's. There's no Oregon, Dallas, Miami, Florida. You know, whatever you get, you got no state taxes. That's. That. Your bag goes a whole lot further. [00:52:50] Speaker C: Than Kyrie selling Dallas, too, right now. [00:52:53] Speaker B: His transformation, at least, you know, in the public. [00:52:57] Speaker C: No, no, I'm just saying he's selling it right now. [00:53:00] Speaker B: A couple years ago, that nigga was the anti jew, right? Like, he was. He was like the. [00:53:05] Speaker D: I still don't understand why, but I. Yeah, that's what. [00:53:07] Speaker B: Cause he liked. He liked the post. [00:53:11] Speaker D: To this day, the Kyrie slender. Doesn't make sense to me. He was never a cancer to nobody. [00:53:16] Speaker A: He just. No, he was never. [00:53:17] Speaker C: Does any of this stuff ever really make sense, though? [00:53:20] Speaker A: He did the flat earth thing, so what? To piss Mack off. And he also was acting like a crybaby underneath the biggest crybaby in the league, which is LeBron. But I think that turned a lot of people, including Mack, off to him. [00:53:31] Speaker B: But it wasn't about the Negroes to. What was it? I forget the name. [00:53:36] Speaker A: Who cares? Because nobody, nobody. He bruised the Negroes, said nothing about. [00:53:39] Speaker D: He just posted it. He didn't even say, your guys watch this posted, right? [00:53:43] Speaker B: He just retweeted, no comment, no nothing. [00:53:45] Speaker D: And then Joe side wants to get offended. [00:53:47] Speaker A: Did Paul George make it Philly? Oh, you go to Philly instead of going to state? [00:53:51] Speaker D: Yeah, going to state. Not late. Clippers didn't want to send him there because he did a sign and trade. [00:53:55] Speaker A: That would have been okay. If he went to the Golden State, though. I think they might still got a little run in them. [00:53:59] Speaker B: Yeah, but now Golden State, I mean, Philly actually made some moves because they got. They got some backup. [00:54:04] Speaker D: Shit. Well, he's never gonna play 82 games. [00:54:08] Speaker B: Andre Drummond, when he gets fucking minutes, all he does is rebound balls. Like, I mean, he's one of those professional rebounders we talked about fucking Dennis Rodman. He's an elite rebounder. Then they get the boards. [00:54:20] Speaker A: Not because of Dennis Robbins thing. It's cuz he's big and wide. It's hard to get around him, to get whatever. [00:54:26] Speaker D: Gordon too, right? [00:54:27] Speaker B: They got. They got some shooters, right? Like they. They've. They've built their team up. I don't know if they've done as much as fucking New York did. [00:54:33] Speaker A: It's not gonna be enough. They're not gonna be Boston with that team. [00:54:35] Speaker D: Yeah, New York maybe. Because New York got a squad. [00:54:38] Speaker A: New York got a shot. They're not gonna be Boston. They won't be Boston. [00:54:41] Speaker B: Well, it depends on Embiid. Embiid when healthy. No, seriously, if he's healthy, it's different. It's a different dude. Like, he's the. He's the probably the most complete scorer one of them. If not because he can. He can score inside mid range, three point. [00:55:02] Speaker A: Like him versus him versus Kat. [00:55:07] Speaker C: When are you going to be healthy enough to make something like that happen? [00:55:12] Speaker A: I'm just saying y'all better watch out. We got rid of Dejante and got Larry Nance Junior. [00:55:19] Speaker B: I didn't believe it. I thought I was getting trolled. [00:55:21] Speaker D: I was like two first round picks, too. [00:55:23] Speaker B: I was like, they gave. They gave her. I mean, they gave up Dejante for what? Like a bag of fucking. [00:55:28] Speaker A: Honestly would have rather got rid of. I would have got rid of. Rather got rid of. [00:55:32] Speaker B: I would agree. [00:55:32] Speaker D: I think he's gonna probably get rid of Trey, too. [00:55:34] Speaker B: Fucking wasn't able to play his defense at least. [00:55:35] Speaker A: I don't like small guard. Other than Isaiah Thomas. I don't like, not. Hold on. Zeke. Not new Isaiah, right? Old Isaiah. Other than old Isaiah. Number eleven, Isaiah Thomas. I don't really like small guards. [00:55:46] Speaker D: What about Iverson? [00:55:49] Speaker A: But he's not a point. No, I meant point guard. Sorry. [00:55:52] Speaker B: Right. [00:55:53] Speaker A: Iris is my favorite player of all time, but he's a shooting guard. [00:55:55] Speaker D: Eric Snow was the point. [00:55:57] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:55:58] Speaker B: And I mean. And, you know, AI just was different. He really. [00:56:01] Speaker A: Yeah, you can't. I mean, I wouldn't call him a guard. [00:56:04] Speaker D: What about Ja? Cause ja's technically smart. [00:56:05] Speaker A: I don't like ja Moran at all. Not even a little bit. Not even kinda. His game is not great. [00:56:10] Speaker B: This nigga went all DMX like when he was talking about Drake. He's like, I don't like nothing about that nigga. [00:56:14] Speaker A: I don't like, honestly. And it's probably because I'm on some DMX shit. He's too fruity. The little dancing and the little gay hands and shit. And the little colorful braids. My nigga, stop. Like. And then you wanna be a gangster, too. You a gangster. Gay hair dude. Gay dancing asshole. [00:56:35] Speaker C: And obviously, it isn't the most intelligent, because you out there doing the shit at all. Yo, that's what got me. Cause I remember I liked Jon when he was in college. I was like, this dude gonna come to the NBA and ball out. [00:56:47] Speaker A: He did. [00:56:47] Speaker C: But then when he started doing this dumb shit, I was just like, okay, he's not that smart. [00:56:51] Speaker B: Well, and then. [00:56:51] Speaker D: Okay, so he did ball out, though. [00:56:53] Speaker B: You did make dumb shit once. [00:56:54] Speaker D: Yeah, 28. Who does he make better? The Memphis Griffs? No, they were in a western conference. [00:57:00] Speaker C: Finals that one year. [00:57:01] Speaker D: Yeah, the next year, he got suspended. [00:57:03] Speaker A: Yeah, but his teammates. [00:57:04] Speaker C: That's the dumb shit his teammates were. [00:57:06] Speaker A: Balling to, though, that got them there. Who does he make better? I don't think he really makes people better. That was Iris his problem, too, though. [00:57:12] Speaker B: Yeah, for sure. I mean, I think they built that team for that, right? They got a people. Bunch of people that. I mean, we don't need it. We don't need to get better. We just, you know, Aaron McKee. [00:57:22] Speaker C: We just need bodies on the court with. [00:57:24] Speaker B: Right. To do their roles. Right. Like, while you're hogging the ball, doing everything else, we just need these other players to do the other shit. [00:57:34] Speaker A: Who's the basketball. Tunis, who's the big man down there? I forgot Adams. Adams, right. [00:57:40] Speaker D: But it just got Ed now. From, from. [00:57:42] Speaker C: Yeah, they just got him. [00:57:44] Speaker A: I don't know. That is national. That's what John needs is a big man. If he's gonna be that guy, he needs somebody who's can, who can be big enough to be a. [00:57:53] Speaker B: Got the biggest nigga, two time national player to you. [00:57:55] Speaker A: It might work out. And I know people. I know a lot of people make the comparison of John Moran and Iverson. I just don't. I don't like it. Cause I don't like him. [00:58:02] Speaker B: Yeah. I would probably put him more in a not Iverson. I would probably compare him more to D. Rose. [00:58:09] Speaker A: But let me ask you this, though, even more important question. What percent are you of NBA fan anymore? Like, if I was 100% back when I was young in the eighties and nineties, I would say now it's probably like 25, 30%. I'm not fucking around. Like, I have no interest in the NBA. I'm still a high. Me and Pac talked about this the. [00:58:27] Speaker D: Other day, high NBA fan. But I'm not a fan of NBA media. [00:58:31] Speaker A: What NBA. Period, my nigga. Like, let's not split it apart. What type of NBA fan or fanatic are you at this point? It was a time when I was a fanatic, 100%. I knew everything about every player, bench players, where they came from, what their game was, what their philosophy. I knew that kind of stuff, what shoe deal they got, that kind of stuff. I knew. Me and Pac were talking the other day. He was like, yo, I didn't watch any of the finals, except maybe like the first game. [00:58:53] Speaker C: I watched part of the first game. [00:58:54] Speaker A: And I was like, yeah, I kind. [00:58:55] Speaker B: Of caught him this year. Finals. [00:58:56] Speaker A: I didn't watch any but NBA total. What's your percent? [00:58:59] Speaker B: I watched. [00:59:00] Speaker C: I watched literally two games this season. One of them was one of the Timberwolves games, and one of them was game one of the finals. [00:59:06] Speaker B: I'm. I'm gonna say probably I'm at a still, like, at a good high 70%. Wow. [00:59:11] Speaker A: What you have? [00:59:12] Speaker D: I'm a 90. [00:59:13] Speaker A: Wow. [00:59:14] Speaker B: Cause it's fucking pseudo fake team. [00:59:16] Speaker A: I'm in like 25, 30, bro. It's. This is not interesting to me. [00:59:19] Speaker C: None of it is the higher than me shit. [00:59:21] Speaker A: Where you at? [00:59:22] Speaker C: Cause like, when we. You talked about, of the three major sports, it's definitely the bottom third. [00:59:27] Speaker B: Okay. Can we talk about it, though? Yeah, can we talk about it? [00:59:30] Speaker C: We talk about. [00:59:31] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. So I know you like we go back, way back. [00:59:35] Speaker C: And I understand, and I think I already know where this is going. [00:59:38] Speaker B: I understand where. Where you're disconnect, you know, from the NBA. [00:59:45] Speaker C: Let's see. Let's see. [00:59:46] Speaker B: Well, I'm gonna say was a 2003. [00:59:50] Speaker C: That I became connected or disconnected. Oh, okay. Yeah, that's probably pretty accurate. [00:59:55] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:59:55] Speaker A: 20 years ago. [00:59:56] Speaker B: Yeah. It's when it's winning, quote, unquote. [00:59:59] Speaker C: But that's got the reason why. [01:00:02] Speaker A: Oh, no, fuck the Lakers. I'm with him on this one. [01:00:05] Speaker C: That was not the reason. [01:00:06] Speaker A: That was my squad that year with Sacramento. [01:00:07] Speaker D: That's why. [01:00:08] Speaker A: That few years. [01:00:09] Speaker D: That's not why. [01:00:09] Speaker C: You said that's not why. [01:00:11] Speaker D: So why then? Because that's what happened. [01:00:13] Speaker A: They got. [01:00:13] Speaker C: I actually was a huge fan of hoop then. [01:00:16] Speaker A: Here's the problem. Here's the problem. [01:00:17] Speaker B: Until I was like, politics. [01:00:20] Speaker C: Here's the problem. [01:00:20] Speaker A: I saw his face. He agrees that they were robbed. He just won't say it. [01:00:24] Speaker B: They were not robbed. [01:00:25] Speaker A: I read it on his face, bro. [01:00:27] Speaker C: He agrees with what I say about that. That sure, things happened and things might have got called a certain kind of way, but at the end of the day, it was game seven. The Kings could not make a free throw to say they liked. [01:00:40] Speaker B: Not to mention they couldn't make a free throw. Peja couldn't hit a. This nigga was hitting. He didn't even hit rim a couple times. Yeah, like, I mean, like, and this is page. It was one of the best shooters in the league, period. [01:00:51] Speaker A: Doubt. [01:00:52] Speaker C: I mean, but fizzle worse than the warriors did against the Cavs that year. We lost in game seven. [01:00:58] Speaker A: Like, oh, they didn't fizzle. That was a block, my nigga. [01:01:01] Speaker C: No, I'm talking about when Kyrie busted. When Kyrie busted Steph's eye and for the. For the buzzer and game. [01:01:09] Speaker A: Exactly. That was that one. [01:01:10] Speaker D: But yeah, equal dollar got blocked right after. [01:01:12] Speaker A: But yeah, that was all of that. And it wasn't. There wasn't a failure on the warriors. [01:01:18] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, it was. [01:01:19] Speaker A: No, it wasn't. [01:01:19] Speaker C: Yes, it was. [01:01:21] Speaker A: They got beat. [01:01:22] Speaker C: When you are winning three one, it's your fault. [01:01:26] Speaker A: No, no, no. I'm talking about game seven. The last three minutes was not the warriors fault because it was 89. [01:01:32] Speaker D: 89 for the longest. [01:01:33] Speaker C: It's the same thing like with the Kings and the Lakers that season at the same time. Whatever happened, you got there game seven. You got to do it. So whatever happened before game seven, if the Kings hit free throws and pages hitting his threes, they winden win. [01:01:48] Speaker B: Facts. [01:01:48] Speaker C: No matter what happened? So, same thing with the warriors. They showed up game seven. They would have won. [01:01:53] Speaker A: But I don't remember anybody saying that the refs were a part of that loss to the Cavs. I remember Sacramento. [01:02:00] Speaker C: Yes, they were. [01:02:00] Speaker A: I don't remember that. [01:02:01] Speaker D: Because you said Draymond got suspended. [01:02:02] Speaker C: That whole Draymond suspension is. [01:02:04] Speaker A: Needs to be suspended. [01:02:06] Speaker C: He's always fucking up before what he didn't hit. He didn't hit LeBron. [01:02:12] Speaker D: Because that was his last technical. Terry always doing some dirty technical limit. That's why he got. It was never because of that specific hit. And they hit only. [01:02:21] Speaker C: The reason why they called it is they called it afterwards because LeBron was over there campaigning in the locker room game, trying to sell the fact that he actually hit him there. [01:02:31] Speaker A: His nuts hurt. [01:02:32] Speaker C: And then was bringing up the fact, with all the other things, he deserves the suspension. And then you got Matthew Della Vadova, who was the tumble artist going into folks knees, who took out Andrew Bogan, and he took out Della Dova. [01:02:44] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. [01:02:45] Speaker B: We don't like him in Atlanta, either. [01:02:47] Speaker C: He took out what's his name in Atlanta, too, or tried to. No, he did what's his name that just won. Al Horford. [01:02:54] Speaker B: Yeah, he injured Al Horford. He sure did. [01:02:56] Speaker C: And somebody else in that same year. [01:02:58] Speaker B: He. [01:02:58] Speaker C: That's what he would do. He would do this tumble. [01:03:02] Speaker B: You can't play. You can't call it effort if you just. You constantly hurt niggas. No, no. [01:03:07] Speaker C: With the same move. [01:03:08] Speaker A: Didn't Draymond nigga that grabbed nigga by his ankle this year. [01:03:10] Speaker D: Draymond got suspended twice this year. [01:03:12] Speaker A: Yeah. Come on, Mandy. [01:03:13] Speaker B: The ankle digger grabbing, that was, uh. That was, uh. Embiid. Embiid grabbing. [01:03:19] Speaker C: That. [01:03:20] Speaker A: That was in beef. [01:03:20] Speaker B: Yeah, it was. He grabbed a nigga in the air. [01:03:23] Speaker C: While I was thinking of what's his name against the Kings, when he grabbed what's his name. That's a good one. He was stepping over him. [01:03:30] Speaker B: He said, I don't know where the. [01:03:31] Speaker A: Fuck we at, y'all. So I'm gonna just play this. This clip, because this is where we were supposed to get into eventually. So this is something that came across my Twitter feed, which, you know what? I've kind of slowed down on Twitter. [01:03:43] Speaker D: It's too much. [01:03:44] Speaker A: Yeah. I hadn't been on Twitter for a long time, but I recently got back on there, say, maybe shout out to elon a couple of months ago, and I had to get. I had to get back off, though. [01:03:56] Speaker B: Really? [01:03:56] Speaker A: Yes. It's different. It's different than any other social media. [01:03:59] Speaker D: Open source now, bro, you can do whatever you want and say whatever you want. [01:04:02] Speaker A: And it's. And it's. And if I look at my talent, maybe I'm just an asshole, but my timeline is all brutal fights. Oh, yeah. Murder and death. Genocide of. [01:04:11] Speaker D: You know what they do, too. Because of. He pays you now for engagement. So people will post lies. Like, Google will give you $5,000 a month, put a nice meme to it and all that, so people can engage in things like that. So things like fights, things like ratchet. People are going to talk about it. [01:04:29] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:04:29] Speaker D: So that's why the timeline is consistently feeding you that. [01:04:32] Speaker A: But that's all I see, though. [01:04:33] Speaker D: That's what people are doing. So they can get paid for engagement. [01:04:36] Speaker A: And I don't. But I don't want. I don't want that to be your timeline. No, I don't want that to be my resting place. [01:04:41] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. I feel. [01:04:41] Speaker A: You know what I'm saying? Like, when I put my phone down, if all I've seen on my phone was negative, like hurtful violence or whatever, I just. Like, I don't. There's not room for that in my life. Just all the time. So I kind of slow down on Twitter. What I'll do now is if I see a post somebody sends me, then I'll go there for that. Might stay for one or two swipes, but after that, I can't do it. It's just. It's not. It's not even depressing. It's just. I don't want that to be what takes up the most time in my head. But anyway, this was, coincidentally, this was a Twitter post. [01:05:14] Speaker D: Let me see. [01:05:14] Speaker A: I don't know who this is from, but this particular one. Let me see here. This is about. [01:05:20] Speaker E: Welcome to cognify. [01:05:22] Speaker A: This is about five minutes long, though. So. So I think it's good. Do you think we should play it, or you think we should? I just play it all the way out, the whole six minutes. Okay. All right, so we're gonna play this six minute clip here from somebody. Linus. Somebody says, why limit this only to future prisons? Just hook everyone up and we can truly enter the matrix. [01:05:40] Speaker B: Before you play that, can I just say one thing? [01:05:42] Speaker A: Sure. [01:05:43] Speaker B: Shout out to kit for the new soap in the downstairs bathroom because it says, bridgerton diamond of the season. Let's go. Like that shit, man. That's some good shit right there. [01:05:54] Speaker A: Okay. [01:05:55] Speaker B: You know, good old. [01:05:56] Speaker D: Hey. [01:05:56] Speaker A: No, that wasn't me. [01:05:58] Speaker B: You don't know nothing about Bridgerton. [01:05:59] Speaker A: Nigga, you don't know what I know. [01:06:01] Speaker B: You don't know nothing about Bridgerton. What's the diamond of the season? [01:06:03] Speaker A: I don't know. That's what I thought the diamond season is. Whichever cut clarity is. No one. [01:06:10] Speaker B: Where is it? It's who the queen picks at the beginning of every fucking mating season where they have, like, for the royals and shit. And then she picks out the top notch motherfucker. [01:06:21] Speaker A: So you. [01:06:22] Speaker B: Can we take a shot? No sitting there. [01:06:26] Speaker A: Take the shot. That gay situation. [01:06:27] Speaker B: No, we want to take a shot. To the champions they get. [01:06:29] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. To the chance we were supposed to. That hour. [01:06:31] Speaker B: Listen, they've been sitting there for about an hour. They getting warm? [01:06:34] Speaker A: Okay. They're warm. [01:06:36] Speaker C: So are you taking a shot? [01:06:37] Speaker A: No, sir. I took a shot last week for. [01:06:38] Speaker C: My three of them. [01:06:40] Speaker B: You're not taking that. [01:06:42] Speaker C: You know I don't drink. [01:06:43] Speaker B: Okay, well, it's your championship, so I just assume. Don't trip. I got you. [01:06:47] Speaker A: Okay, you the one tripping. That's sound like. Go ahead, French, so we can get back to the show. [01:06:54] Speaker C: Oh, he's doing it right now. Okay. [01:06:59] Speaker A: All right. What are y'all drinking? Tequila. [01:07:02] Speaker B: Tequila. [01:07:07] Speaker A: All right, let's get to this clip here. [01:07:11] Speaker E: Welcome to Cognify, a facility designed to treat criminals like patients. Instead of spending years in an actual prison cell, prisoners could finish their sentence here in just a few minutes. Cognify could someday create and implant artificial memories directly into the prisoners brain. These complex, vivid, and lifelike memories are created in real time using AI generated content. Depending on the seriousness of the subjects crime and their sentence, the memories could be tailored to the rehabilitation facilitation needs of each subject. The artificial memories implanted by cognify would be seamlessly incorporated into the existing neural networks of the brain, preventing cognitive dissonance and ensuring the subject experiences the memories as if they were real. The cognify concept offers a new approach to criminal rehabilitation, transforming how society deals with offenders by focusing on rehabilitation rather than punishment. First, the prisoner is given a choice, either spending tens of years in a prison cell or seeking fast track rehabilitation through artificial memory implantation. If the prisoner chooses to undergo fast track rehabilitation, the cognify device is used. Next, the prisoner undergoes high resolution brain scanning to create a detailed map of their neural pathways. This brain map helps guide the cognify device to target specific brain regions responsible for memory, reasoning, and logical thinking, such as the hippocampus, prefrontal cortex, amygdala, parietal lobe, and anterior cingulate cortex. Once the target brain regions are identified. Cognify is then placed around the head of the prisoner. The intensity and the type of artificial memories is then adjusted depending on the crime. Inside the criminal's mind, time would pass differently slower than in real life, making them experience years worth of artificial memories in just a few minutes. Synthetic memories are customized depending on the crime committed and the unique brain structure and psychological profile of the individual. Violent offenders could experience memories that are designed to trigger empathy and remorse, seeing their crime from the perspective of their victim, feeling their pain and suffering firsthand. Some memories are designed to trigger consequences and trauma. Such memories could simulate the long term consequences of violent actions, such as the grief of the victims family or the physical and emotional trauma endured by the victim. Artificial memories could cover a wide range of crimes, including domestic violence, hate crimes and discrimination, embezzlement, insider trading, theft, and fraud. Cognify emotion regulation system could modulate neurotransmitters and hormones to induce specific emotional states such as remorse or regret, which is crucial for rehabilitation. Real time monitoring and feedback mechanisms could track the prisoners neural responses throughout the process, allowing the system to adapt and optimize the rehabilitation in real time, with new visuals, sensation, and realistic AI generated content. To ensure the long term effect of the therapy session, the memories could become permanent, fully integrated into the subjects mind as if they were part of their own personal experiences. While subjects are undergoing therapy session, valuable data are collected from all the prisoners into a central computer for scientific research, which will help understand the criminal mind and determine the best approach to tackle crimes in society. AI driven analytics could enhance the device's functionality, optimizing future procedures based on gathered data and insights. Cognify could feature encrypted storage for sensitive prisoner information and rehabilitation data. A compact and portable design would allow cognify to be used anywhere in the world. It would be constructed with durable materials to withstand frequent use. Its energy efficient design would ensure long operational life, reducing the need for frequent recharges. It would have the ability to integrate seamlessly with other prison systems like security cameras and biometric identification. Once the therapy session is concluded, family members of the subject could be provided with a comprehensive report on the new artificial memories that have been implanted, offering them a chance to adjust to the subjects new positive personality traits. The subject is then released back into society to start a new life away from crimes. The dognify concept could revolutionize the criminal justice system by significantly reducing the need for long term incarceration and its associated costs. Traditional prisons require substantial budgets for construction, maintenance, staffing, and prisoner care, including food, healthcare, and rehabilitation programs. By replacing extended prison sentences with brief, intensive rehabilitation through artificial memory, the costs of maintaining prison facilities and supporting inmates could be drastically lowered. The funds saved from reduced incarceration and recidivism rates could be reallocated to other critical areas. These might include education, healthcare, infrastructure development, social welfare programs, or research and development initiatives that benefit society as a whole. By rehabilitating offenders more quickly, cognify could enable them to reintegrate into society sooner and contribute to the workforce. This increased productivity could boost the economy and generate tax revenue, further offsetting the initial investment in such technology. Successful rehabilitation through cognify could lead to safer communities, reduced crime rates, and improved social well being. This could have far reaching positive impacts on individuals, families, and society as a whole, contributing to a more stable and prosperous future. Apart from treating criminals, cognify could also be used to treat severe memory loss by helping patients recall their past memories. It could also treat patients with PTSD by implanting positive memories that replace the negative ones. [01:13:27] Speaker C: Nope. [01:13:32] Speaker A: So I don't know if this is real or not anyway, but let's just say. Let's. Yeah, let's talk as if it's been proven and it's real and it's happening. Okay. [01:13:42] Speaker D: Why. [01:13:43] Speaker A: No, not why would you pick ten years in prison or five minutes on cognitive? [01:13:48] Speaker B: I see you in the yard, dog. [01:13:50] Speaker D: Yeah, same here. Cause that. Five years in cognified confusion. [01:13:53] Speaker B: What was. How many minutes? [01:13:54] Speaker A: Five minutes. [01:13:55] Speaker B: Right, five minutes. [01:13:56] Speaker D: But after. After I spent that five minutes, for the rest of my life, I could recall these memories. Yeah, fuck that. [01:14:03] Speaker B: What are you talking about? These memories are what. These memories are positive things. What do you. What do you mean? [01:14:08] Speaker A: What do you. What do you. [01:14:09] Speaker C: What do you mean? [01:14:13] Speaker A: No. [01:14:16] Speaker C: Shit. Like, you gotta suffer like they suffered. [01:14:20] Speaker D: That's right. [01:14:21] Speaker A: Again. [01:14:21] Speaker B: So this is why you don't fucking take a bitch behind the garbage can no, more like, you know, I mean. Huh, like that. No, the white dude that was raping that bitch behind the dumpster. [01:14:31] Speaker A: How did you connect that and thought we would know what you were talking about? [01:14:33] Speaker B: I'm just saying, that was. That was the thing. [01:14:35] Speaker C: So are you saying that he, in this now new scenario, doesn't do that? [01:14:41] Speaker B: Right? He would cognify. And he would be like, yo, she's kind of drunk. I bet I could, you know, snatch her up real quick and get that behind a dumpster. It was that fucking rich white boy that fucking got off. Like the. That didn't. [01:14:55] Speaker D: Yeah, I think six months for raping. [01:14:57] Speaker B: Exactly. Six months. [01:14:58] Speaker D: The judge felt like he was a nice guy. Oh, yeah. [01:15:02] Speaker C: He had a future ahead of him. [01:15:03] Speaker B: He didn't want to ruin his future. [01:15:05] Speaker A: So I look at it a different way than you guys. I look at it from the sense of, what is the one thing we don't have enough of? [01:15:12] Speaker C: Time. [01:15:12] Speaker A: Time. If I can do my whole sentence in five minutes, physically, now, my mind thinks it's longer, but physically, it was only, you know, I walked. It's like Lacey surgery, for sure. I go in to get my Lasik done. [01:15:26] Speaker B: You are a Lasik guy. French Reggie. [01:15:27] Speaker A: And now. And now today, I see better. Like, today. That's magic. [01:15:33] Speaker B: Alien technology is what I would call it. [01:15:35] Speaker A: Hold on. But here's the thing, right? So I'm looking at it. I'm looking at this as far more long term, right? So not just that ten years I was about to waste away sitting in the cell beside you, you know what I'm saying? Hoping that. You know what I'm saying? We don't have to get into. With these niggas across the yard. [01:15:48] Speaker B: No, we gonna have a spread. Nigga. He's gonna have a. Yeah, but it's still ten years. Yeah, for sure. [01:15:54] Speaker A: So I get out. [01:15:55] Speaker B: But you just think. Just good. Think of. Think about how good you would be at Domino's. [01:15:59] Speaker A: Right? [01:15:59] Speaker B: And spades. [01:16:00] Speaker A: But here's the thing, though. Let's say. Let's expand that, right? [01:16:03] Speaker B: How swole you be? [01:16:04] Speaker A: No, no, no. I can go to the gym in five minutes when I get out of this cognitive scene. [01:16:08] Speaker C: I was about to say. They say what they said over there, but I guarantee you them niggas won't. [01:16:12] Speaker A: Do the cognitive shit with them. [01:16:15] Speaker C: Yes. [01:16:15] Speaker A: Yeah. Cause what I'm saying is, like, you. [01:16:17] Speaker C: Know, ten years is a long motherfucking. [01:16:20] Speaker A: I think at the end of our lives, the thing we're gonna wish we had more of would be time. [01:16:23] Speaker B: No, for sure, the end now. [01:16:27] Speaker A: Right? So what I'm saying is, why do we limit cognitive? I'm not even talking about prison. I'm just talking about. Man, I just want to go. I want to go. I want to go live ten more years in my life right now. So I want to get an extra ten years. How much is ten extra years cost me? Oh, so $7,000 in cognify. Okay, do it. Let's do it. [01:16:42] Speaker B: So, my counter argument would be, and it's probably me, because I'm not at a state in my life where I trust easily. [01:16:49] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:16:50] Speaker B: I don't trust you not to. When you get into, like, I'm gonna be out, right. And you're gonna have full access to change whatever the fuck you wanna do, right? I don't trust anything or any person right now to do right by you. [01:17:09] Speaker A: Don't trust it fast, you trust it slow. [01:17:11] Speaker B: Well, no, I don't. I don't trust. [01:17:13] Speaker C: He was just out for his colonoscopy, too. [01:17:15] Speaker B: No doubt. [01:17:16] Speaker C: No, I don't know what them niggas was doing. [01:17:18] Speaker A: They ain't planted some shit in your ass. [01:17:20] Speaker B: Yeah, like, to the point where you. [01:17:21] Speaker D: Said that you didn't. [01:17:22] Speaker B: It was the best. [01:17:23] Speaker A: It was the best. [01:17:25] Speaker B: Chill again. I don't remember anything. [01:17:26] Speaker A: That ain't no play. And you say it's the best. [01:17:28] Speaker B: Good. [01:17:29] Speaker A: I got you, bro. [01:17:30] Speaker C: If you like Atlanta, you already did. There's a whole episode about it, right? [01:17:34] Speaker B: And listen, all I know is that I didn't remember it, so. You're right. [01:17:38] Speaker A: Yeah, but, Mac, what I'm saying is, right now, look, let's say. [01:17:42] Speaker B: But they didn't get into my brain like, they weren't sure they did. That was my ass. [01:17:46] Speaker C: Know what they got? [01:17:47] Speaker D: Yeah, sure. [01:17:48] Speaker A: But what I'm saying is, and I'm not talking about the colonized men. Talk about your life. You're living in a life now where you're slowly boiling to wherever it is you think you're going to go in contact. They're already sending you there. The fact that your choices are Joe Biden or Donald Trump. They're already sending you there. They're already sending you. They're already sending you there. [01:18:04] Speaker B: So we can't even get in. [01:18:05] Speaker A: So what I'm saying is cognify is going to give the opportunity to do it in five minutes. So why slow? Boil me. Just go on and boil me. Let me. Let's get it. Here's my thing, though. I'm not talking about the nefarious side of it. I'm talking about, you know, most of us get about 80 something years, right? Most of us get. But imagine if every couple of years, I wouldn't got ten extra years at cognify. I saved up my 7000 or however much it'd be. [01:18:27] Speaker D: Cause you're talking about adding new memories. [01:18:28] Speaker A: Yeah, I would like. I want to go. Here's what I want to do in my cognify. I want to go to Italy, Greece, Bali. And I want to also, I want to go back to. [01:18:38] Speaker D: I think I want to use that shit for entertainment. [01:18:39] Speaker B: So this sounds, like, not entertaining. [01:18:41] Speaker C: No, no. He's actually saving gang of time. This sounds like total ricoh it is. [01:18:46] Speaker A: Exactly. That's why I was saying it's more like total recall demolition man. Because what I would like to do is I would like to extend my life expectancy. [01:18:53] Speaker B: Well, the way you're talking about it is more total recall. When they were using as a luxury vacation as opposed to a fucking prison. [01:18:59] Speaker A: Total recall was a vacation. But no, it turned out that it was more like the prison side, though, rumor. Cause his homeboy was trying to shut him out of the business, and they were. They were trying to get him out when it. Total recall where they were trying to. [01:19:11] Speaker C: Watch total recall, I think his friend. [01:19:13] Speaker A: Was trying to get him out of the business they had invested in together or something. [01:19:19] Speaker B: So in total recall, that basically it was the. The guy who was managed. So he had already got his memory fucked, right? And then he went to total recall. He was trying to prevent him from doing that because he didn't want to have him trigger the old. [01:19:32] Speaker A: Oh, they had messed up on his vacation. [01:19:34] Speaker B: They didn't want him to trigger the old memories or like, you know, unbreak what they had already done by going to total recall. Because once they get into your shit, who knows what. What might happen? [01:19:43] Speaker A: So what I'm trying to do, and this, this is why, this is, this is powerful to me. What do they say about youth is ruined as wasted on the. On the young or something like that? Yeah, fuck that. I'm not going to extend years to the end of my life. I want to extend years to the middle of my life. That's what I'm after. I don't want to be old and get more years. I want to be the age I am now and get more years. So let me get 30 years right now in the middle of my forties. Let me get 30 more years. So that really what I ended up being is I'll live to be 120. [01:20:11] Speaker B: I'm telling you. You be talking shit, nigga. But I'm telling you, every movie that I fucking watch has some sort of, you know, I feel like it relates to some shit. So I watched it, a movie called Upgrade, you know, and it was about it. You probably. It's not a great movie, but it's about a nigga who's wife. [01:20:28] Speaker A: When I say, what else did I say? You watch terrible. [01:20:34] Speaker B: This nigga, this nigga gets in an accident, right? And he's paralyzed. Paralyzed. And they give him his chip that kind of fixes all of his, you know, shit, right? Like his body, everything. [01:20:45] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:20:45] Speaker B: And really what it was was the chip. This was the AI that started it. And he paralyzed him on purpose so that it could be implanted in him so that it can become more or kind of experience more human related shit. Fast forward to the end. It's like, listen, forget it for at the end, okay? There was a part where he was fucked up, the computer was fucked up, and he had to go to this, like, tech genius person. Right. In the future. [01:21:12] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:21:12] Speaker B: And in this tech genius person's house, they got people under AI, right? And they're fucking all got the goggles on and they're all doing random shit. Some people were playing, some people were fighting, some people were dancing. He's like, the fuck are they doing? And they're all hooked up to iv's. [01:21:25] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:21:26] Speaker B: And he's like, listen, they're on VR. And he's like, I don't. I don't get why. Why someone would fucking choose a fake reality over the real reality. Yeah, like, this doesn't make sense to me. And that brought me back to remember we had the show way back in the day about those korean motherfuckers that let their kids die, right. While they were sitting in a fucking. [01:21:46] Speaker A: Not the same. [01:21:47] Speaker B: No. Well, again, they were in a Vi fucking camp, a VR camp, where they were under, you know, VR and doing shit. To the point where they forgot about their real kids at home and they starve to death. [01:21:59] Speaker A: Yeah, but I'm talking about something that's undiscernible, though. [01:22:01] Speaker B: Well, again, it indiscernible. [01:22:03] Speaker A: Excuse me. [01:22:03] Speaker B: Right? So if you. If you don't come out of it, then it is what it is. [01:22:09] Speaker A: That's a choice. I'm talking. I'm talking about to the point where you don't recognize that it's not. This would not. I don't want 30 fake years. I want it to feel like 30 real years. So if it doesn't feel like real years, I don't care. The idea here is I want to extend my life. Well, in the middle, don't you have. [01:22:22] Speaker B: To fuckin put everybody else underneath that? So doesn't kit have to go through this to get the same memories? [01:22:28] Speaker A: No. [01:22:28] Speaker B: Fuck. So she just gets a script? [01:22:30] Speaker A: No. [01:22:31] Speaker B: What? [01:22:31] Speaker A: You know, you're misunderstanding in that sense. She would have to. But everybody would have to, I guess I'm saying. But is it necessary? I have memories before, kid. [01:22:40] Speaker B: But that's not what you're extending. You're extending the part right now so everybody that you're connected to. [01:22:45] Speaker A: I just really miss her when I got back. Nah, she's like, damn, Nick. [01:22:48] Speaker B: I just saw you, everybody. You right now, to get the script that they would have to read to go, this is what he knows, and this is what you have. So, again, you can't. [01:22:59] Speaker A: If I go on a trip when I get back, I got stories. [01:23:02] Speaker B: So. So you. You. We talked about it before. We just show started. Dark matter, the. [01:23:07] Speaker A: I've never seen it. That's not. [01:23:08] Speaker B: No, no, but part of it is, like, you need to know what you don't know. So as a new person coming in or with new memories or whatever, everybody needs to know what you know. Right? Like, you just. How the fuck are you gonna exist with these new memories that nobody else can fucking vouch? [01:23:23] Speaker A: That happened to me during my. Cognify. They'd be like, what are you talking about? Oh, yeah, it happened. Let me tell you the story about what happened during my cognitive. [01:23:28] Speaker B: You don't know. It can't be. Every conversation is gonna be, nah, it can't be when I had cognify or it doesn't make sense. It has to be part of what reality is. [01:23:36] Speaker A: No, it doesn't. [01:23:37] Speaker B: If you're saying this. [01:23:39] Speaker A: No, no. [01:23:39] Speaker B: So, again, if it doesn't feel real, if you're like, oh, that's an implant memory, then what are we really talking about? You're just. You can't fake the fucking shake. [01:23:47] Speaker A: Tell me about the time when you were scared at your house. You hit in the bathroom because you thought breaking in. [01:23:52] Speaker C: Uh huh. [01:23:52] Speaker A: I don't know that story. But you told me, and now I do know that story. What's the difference? [01:23:57] Speaker B: That's not. That's not. [01:23:59] Speaker A: I don't. We're still. We're still friends. We can still exist. [01:24:02] Speaker B: You weren't a part of that, though. [01:24:03] Speaker A: Exactly. But you can tell the story. And now I know about. [01:24:06] Speaker B: So begin your. All your stories that cognify are individually. [01:24:10] Speaker A: Your individual, but we still are friends, even though I didn't experience it with you. [01:24:13] Speaker B: I'm just saying the shit that you're extending, your fucking vacations and all this other shit that you're going. Going on or by yourself, you're not having these memories. Cause again, this is not the rehabilitative part. [01:24:25] Speaker A: I get what you're saying. [01:24:27] Speaker B: You're saying that you're extending, you know, memories of good shit in your prime time, right? It's not gonna be with kids. It's not gonna be with your kids. It's not gonna be with anybody but yourself. So that for when you recollect it, nobody can fucking co sign or has to know anything. About it. [01:24:43] Speaker A: Cosign. [01:24:43] Speaker B: Cosign. Like to say yes. [01:24:45] Speaker A: Why do I need somebody to be able to cosign? You're making up a problem that doesn't exist. [01:24:48] Speaker B: And I'm not making up a problem. [01:24:50] Speaker D: I went to Mexico. I got hella memories from Mexico. [01:24:52] Speaker B: Oh, let's not use this. [01:24:53] Speaker A: Did you go to Mexico? You might have cognified that, right? [01:24:57] Speaker B: This is not the fucking. This is not the argument you think it is. [01:25:01] Speaker D: So if I come back now, I'm giving you a memory about what happened. [01:25:05] Speaker B: You gave me a memory before, so stop it. [01:25:09] Speaker D: You remember the same type of concept. [01:25:12] Speaker B: So again, so if you. So if you went with Gmail money. So if you went without G money and cognified it all, and then you're telling me all this, and G money is like, I don't know what the fuck this nigga's talking about. [01:25:24] Speaker A: Well, Mac. [01:25:25] Speaker D: Well, the memory wouldn't be with G money because I didn't cognitive. [01:25:28] Speaker B: Course you would be what you could be. Okay, so again, that just puts. I'm asking a question. So all your memories of all this shit that you're doing is individualistic. It's all by yourself? It has. [01:25:38] Speaker A: This is not a problem, bro. [01:25:40] Speaker D: Yeah, this. [01:25:40] Speaker A: You're making a problem out of nothing. No problem. So when you. [01:25:44] Speaker B: So tonight you're extending time night. [01:25:46] Speaker A: Tonight you're gonna go home and drink, right? [01:25:48] Speaker B: So, no, these memories that you're extending. [01:25:50] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:25:51] Speaker B: Or just by yourself? [01:25:52] Speaker A: Why is that so impossible or hard for you to understand when you gave that example? [01:25:58] Speaker B: Because again, I don't want to. When you do that. [01:26:01] Speaker D: When you gave that memory of when you find that mexican dudes wallet that probably got murdered, none of us was there. But you told us, and now we are part of now we part of it. [01:26:09] Speaker B: So that I don't want to cognify that. That's not something I'm paying for that. [01:26:13] Speaker D: But that could have happened on vacation. That could have happened on your mexican vacation while in cognitive fall. [01:26:17] Speaker B: Okay, so you went on mexican vacation, right? Who'd you go to Mexico vacation with? By yourself? Yeah. [01:26:23] Speaker D: Solo. Cause I was cognified. Yeah. [01:26:24] Speaker B: Okay. [01:26:25] Speaker A: Or let's just say. [01:26:26] Speaker E: No. [01:26:26] Speaker A: Let's say you. [01:26:27] Speaker B: No, not never. I've never been on a vacation by myself. [01:26:30] Speaker A: But what if G money also did a cognify and that vacation just. That part was part of hers, too. [01:26:36] Speaker B: That's what I'm saying. [01:26:37] Speaker A: You're making it as if it's a problem. If they can do one, they can do 50. It's not that's not a real problem. [01:26:41] Speaker B: All I'm asking you is again, it was just a question. So everybody. [01:26:45] Speaker A: It wasn't a question. [01:26:46] Speaker B: Everybody else needs to be cognified. Right? Everybody else needs to be cognified with this. [01:26:50] Speaker A: No, need is the wrong word. That's the wrong word. [01:26:53] Speaker B: In order for it to puzzle together. [01:26:55] Speaker A: Does it have to puzzle together? This is about you. Your black ass is gonna die at a certain age. Nobody's dying with you, my nigga. Unless it's a plane crash or a car crash. You dying by yourself. [01:27:04] Speaker B: Y'all don't get what I'm saying? [01:27:05] Speaker A: I do, but it doesn't matter. I think that's not the problem. You're creating a problem that nobody else would give a shit about. [01:27:10] Speaker D: Yeah, nobody's gonna be tripping. Cause you got a memory. [01:27:12] Speaker B: It's the same way I watch movies. [01:27:14] Speaker A: What do you mean? [01:27:15] Speaker B: I watch movies the way nobody. [01:27:16] Speaker C: There's some petty people that will be mad about that. [01:27:19] Speaker D: Oh, you get this memory. I don't have, like, just don't. [01:27:22] Speaker A: Don't pay for it, then you don't do it. [01:27:24] Speaker D: Where's your 7000? [01:27:26] Speaker A: Basically, you just don't do it, my nigga. That's the case. I'm trying to give you 30 fucking years. You complaining about who else get the 30? How much you spending? Seven times every person. [01:27:35] Speaker B: Who are you sharing this extra 30 with? [01:27:37] Speaker A: What are you talking about? Go get you. Somebody else decided not to stay married. Is talking about sharing something with somebody. [01:27:46] Speaker C: I think the thing is. Yeah. Addressing that. This whole shit changes a lot of shit. [01:27:51] Speaker D: Yeah. You're gonna come back a different man. [01:27:53] Speaker B: My point is we're all gonna be different people. You can't come back to me with all this fucking new age shit, right? Like, you're talking about some shit she had. [01:28:02] Speaker C: Demure. She may not come back. [01:28:04] Speaker B: Right. So again, like, right, she met was the nigga. Like, what did Eddie Murphy say to swinging? [01:28:10] Speaker A: What's a crying boat? [01:28:11] Speaker B: What? You cry. [01:28:12] Speaker A: What's a crying boat? [01:28:13] Speaker B: You see that shit over his shoulder? Like. Like, so I don't. I need to neither know the script of what you've been through. Right? [01:28:24] Speaker C: Look, and then memory, she. [01:28:28] Speaker A: Oh, I remember you, but differently. [01:28:29] Speaker C: In my dream, in my memory, she. She remember getting some. Some other that made you seem kind of inferior. [01:28:37] Speaker B: Right, right. You come back, be better. [01:28:40] Speaker C: My nigga may not be for the. [01:28:43] Speaker B: Reason you think you can be better than fucking AI. [01:28:48] Speaker C: Not just move on faster, that's all. [01:28:50] Speaker B: No, man, they get, like, you think that artificial creation of what is fucking perfect. You think you can be better than that, bro? [01:28:58] Speaker C: It's gonna be a real life thing, because we start perfecting ourselves like this, nobody's gonna be good enough. There's always gonna be somebody. [01:29:05] Speaker A: I'm gonna say, like this. Do you watch porno? [01:29:08] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:29:09] Speaker A: Are there some really bad women in porno? [01:29:11] Speaker B: What you mean by bad? Bad meaning bad or bad meaning good? [01:29:13] Speaker A: Bad meaning good that you jack off to. [01:29:15] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [01:29:16] Speaker A: Can you go in and have sex with the pussy that you've been having sex with for three years afterwards? [01:29:21] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:29:21] Speaker A: A day later, maybe the same day. [01:29:22] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:29:23] Speaker A: And you don't even think about it, do you? [01:29:24] Speaker B: Same day, you don't even think about it. [01:29:25] Speaker A: You're like, man, this pussy is good. But the one that is tailored to me, the one I searched for, I searched for this. I had certain characteristics I was looking for, and I searched it, and it popped up. And this person or this video that I saw, this is exactly, if I were to choose a pussy, this is how a pussy would be. However, that's not the pussy that I'm with, but the pussy that I'm with is perfectly fine. It's great. [01:29:45] Speaker B: Right? [01:29:45] Speaker A: So after I get done masturbating to. [01:29:48] Speaker B: That whatever great pussy quote, perfect pussy. [01:29:51] Speaker A: I'm going to tell the one, but I'm not going to say no to this one, now that I've seen that 01:00 a.m. i. [01:29:55] Speaker B: No, I think that just goes back to what we talked about way long ago. [01:29:59] Speaker A: Oh, boy. [01:29:59] Speaker B: No such saying as bad pussy. [01:30:02] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:30:02] Speaker B: Like, I mean, pussy is pussy. Pussy is great on all levels. Like, it's. I mean, except for that one. Indian chicks, pussy. [01:30:10] Speaker A: Both sides are bad. [01:30:11] Speaker B: It just seemed hollow. Like, it just didn't, it didn't. It was, like, in and again. Hmm. [01:30:17] Speaker C: Yeah, I guess you can hold your breath to it. [01:30:19] Speaker B: Yeah, no, there's some stanky pussy, too. Right? [01:30:22] Speaker C: And it just me, that was what, the bad. [01:30:24] Speaker A: But that's not bad pussy. That's bad smell, right? The pussy might feel. [01:30:28] Speaker C: It's just not cared for properly. [01:30:30] Speaker B: And it always takes me back to, again, another movie from Dusk till dawn, when Cheech is out. He's like, we got stinky pussy, bloody pussy, fucking everybody who sees. [01:30:42] Speaker A: I don't remember that. [01:30:43] Speaker C: You don't? Oh, boy. [01:30:44] Speaker B: You remember that, right? Oh, I fell in love with that movie. [01:30:47] Speaker C: That's gotta be one of the parts I remember the most. [01:30:49] Speaker A: You know, I think I'm probably by myself here. Quentin Tarantino is not great to me. What do you mean he's not great? [01:30:55] Speaker B: What do you. What do you mean by that? [01:30:56] Speaker D: Definitely by himself. And this. [01:30:58] Speaker C: I can't agree with Brian. [01:31:00] Speaker B: What movie you think that. Which movie? Quentin Tarantino movie? Do you think it sucks? [01:31:05] Speaker A: They're all. They all got the same. [01:31:06] Speaker B: Oh, my God. [01:31:10] Speaker A: I thought kill Bill was terrible. Django is. I. It's not great. [01:31:13] Speaker C: Fucking Django is not one of his better ones. [01:31:15] Speaker B: No. Okay. [01:31:16] Speaker C: Django is fucking Django's good. It's not one of his better movies. [01:31:19] Speaker B: So it's not. [01:31:20] Speaker C: It's not one of those better ones. [01:31:21] Speaker B: But you fucking reservoir. [01:31:23] Speaker C: Dope, though. What kill Bill was, it was dope. It was our dogs. [01:31:28] Speaker B: It sucks. [01:31:29] Speaker C: So. So what is. Is it. Is it Omar? Or is it homage? [01:31:33] Speaker A: I say. I say homage. [01:31:34] Speaker C: Okay, well, for kill Bill, what it was. It was a homage to, like, the old kung fu flicks. [01:31:39] Speaker A: Yeah, I get that. [01:31:40] Speaker C: And it was. [01:31:41] Speaker A: Those weren't good. [01:31:43] Speaker B: Jackie Brown. It's terrible. [01:31:45] Speaker A: Come on. [01:31:45] Speaker B: What? [01:31:46] Speaker A: Jackie Brown was not a good movie. [01:31:47] Speaker B: Come on. You got. You be tripping, bro. [01:31:50] Speaker A: Okay. [01:31:50] Speaker B: You be tripping. I don't. [01:31:52] Speaker A: I don't. [01:31:52] Speaker B: Hateful eight. [01:31:53] Speaker A: I don't. I never even watched that. [01:31:54] Speaker C: A full eight was good. [01:31:55] Speaker B: Hateful eight is fucking dope. [01:31:58] Speaker A: I thought reservoir dogs was the best of those. [01:32:02] Speaker C: Reservoir dogs was amazing. [01:32:04] Speaker B: Reservoir dogs is. I mean, again, that's his coming out party, right? Like, that was. [01:32:08] Speaker A: That was the best of the ones that I've. [01:32:10] Speaker C: That's the first one. You see, I'm actually wrote I'm from dust till dawn. [01:32:16] Speaker B: I'm done with you. You said pulp fiction wasn't good. You have no credibility at this point. [01:32:20] Speaker A: Really? [01:32:21] Speaker B: Yeah. No, for real. If you say pulp fiction wasn't good, I didn't. [01:32:23] Speaker A: Was good. I thought it was heavily stylized. [01:32:26] Speaker B: You have no credibility. [01:32:28] Speaker A: I felt like. I felt like it was too. It was over. It was over. It's like overproduction in a song. It's just over to produced. And I mean, it's what's so crazy about. He makes it look like it's low quality. Like lo fi. He low fis things, but they're actually way overproduced. [01:32:42] Speaker D: So because of that, I don't. [01:32:44] Speaker B: Like a fuck, man. It's not even a cult classic. Can you open that? [01:32:48] Speaker A: See if it's raining outside with that noise? [01:32:52] Speaker C: Raining? Like I'm. That would be. [01:32:54] Speaker B: That would be storming. [01:32:55] Speaker A: Y'all don't have windows down or anything, do you? [01:32:56] Speaker B: Nah, nah, I don't. I don't ever leave the windows down in Georgia, cuz. Fuck fuck the weather. It's the. It's the outdoors that will fucking end up inside. [01:33:08] Speaker A: So, you know, I know that I. This is not a popular opinion. So that's why I started with that. I just. I'm not a fan. I don't know. It's too stylized. [01:33:14] Speaker D: I'm mad because he retired. Right. He said that last movie he made was his last one. [01:33:18] Speaker A: Good. Good. [01:33:18] Speaker C: That once upon a time in Hollywood. [01:33:20] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:33:20] Speaker D: Cause he said he's only going that. [01:33:21] Speaker B: You didn't like that. [01:33:22] Speaker A: I liked once upon a time Hollywood. I forgot that was him. That's actually better than reservoir dogs to me. [01:33:26] Speaker B: I mean, once upon a time in Hollywood is great. [01:33:28] Speaker A: What I like about reservoir dogs is that it was dialogue driven. So most of it, like the action was. Was explained more than it was shown. [01:33:36] Speaker C: Yeah. Cause it takes place all in that same. [01:33:37] Speaker A: Right. And I love that. I love that idea taking place in one place in one location. And I love the fact that at the end the dude jumped up and we hadn't thought about it. There was a lot of great things. Things. [01:33:47] Speaker B: I just feel like Mister White was a fucking under. [01:33:49] Speaker A: Like, I just feel like it's like too poetic in a way. It's like it's so stylized. It's like everything is a monologue every time somebody speak. Just like this grand thing that hit this. Like, people don't talk this way and they don't act this way. This is stylized. [01:34:03] Speaker C: I know, but you know, he's doing that on purpose. [01:34:06] Speaker A: I know, I don't like it. [01:34:08] Speaker B: It's too much Jackie Brown. I'm. [01:34:10] Speaker A: Jack Brown's not a good. [01:34:11] Speaker B: I'm not getting in. Why I gotta get in the truck. [01:34:13] Speaker A: It's not a good move. [01:34:13] Speaker B: Why gotta get in the track. Nigga, you. [01:34:15] Speaker A: And it was the worst Pam Gray has ever looked in her life. I don't. Yeah, I'm good. [01:34:20] Speaker B: Listen, like coffee Brown is why don't. [01:34:22] Speaker A: See Pam Gray's not Jackie Brown. [01:34:24] Speaker C: Listen, there is a reason coffee Brown didn't you. [01:34:27] Speaker B: There's a reason why fucking coffee. There's a reason why Samuel is in a lot of his shit. Like, you know, I mean, again, I. [01:34:35] Speaker A: Think Samuels in everybody's shit. [01:34:36] Speaker B: He's. [01:34:37] Speaker A: He's got the most movies of anything ever. [01:34:38] Speaker B: Like he doesn't refuse anything. He's like, yeah, I gotta feel for you. [01:34:41] Speaker C: So that's not saying about Quentin to though he used a lot of the same people over. [01:34:45] Speaker B: No, really, like Mister Wolf. Like you. You're tripping. If you say pulp fiction wasn't good. [01:34:51] Speaker A: It was too stylized. [01:34:52] Speaker B: That is just so John Travolta. Back to the, like. John Travolta was gone. [01:34:57] Speaker A: I don't give a fuck about that. That is not. That is not something I measure my movies on. [01:35:02] Speaker B: Did it brings it matter? [01:35:03] Speaker A: Yo, they brought John Travel back like each their own. [01:35:06] Speaker C: Because I can name a bunch of movies that it probably make me look like a weirdo. Y'all be like, what is that shit? [01:35:11] Speaker A: No. [01:35:11] Speaker C: Never even heard of. [01:35:12] Speaker B: Go ahead, movie. [01:35:14] Speaker C: He knows we talk. Well, we already mentioned one in here that only me and you knew. A clockwork or. Yeah, yeah. A scanner darkly. [01:35:22] Speaker A: Oh, wow. Yeah. [01:35:24] Speaker C: You know about that? [01:35:24] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. [01:35:25] Speaker C: Oh. [01:35:25] Speaker A: Robert Downey Junior. Yeah, that's. I think it's a Philip KK dick book. [01:35:29] Speaker C: It is. Have you read it? [01:35:30] Speaker A: Yeah. Because it's too complex. [01:35:32] Speaker C: It's very. [01:35:32] Speaker A: The book is too complex. The movie is complex because there's so much going on. It's animated, right? [01:35:38] Speaker C: It's live action animated. It's like it's a filter. [01:35:41] Speaker A: Every time I think. Every time I feel like someone's crawling on me, I think of that movie, you know, saying, you get that. Feel like something's crawling on you. [01:35:48] Speaker C: Rory Cochran with all the bugs on. [01:35:50] Speaker A: It, and there's nothing on him for real, but he felt like there was, and then they actually. Yeah, whatever. Yeah. But what else? [01:35:57] Speaker C: Hurley burly. [01:35:58] Speaker A: Never heard of that. [01:35:59] Speaker C: Most people haven't heard of that movie. It's hella good, though. It's got hell with stars in it. Too early burly. Yeah. It's called Hurley Burly. [01:36:06] Speaker A: Okay. [01:36:06] Speaker C: And it's like a drug film. Okay, well, I guess it's a drunk film. It's. It's one of those ones where, like, not much is happening, but a whole bunch of shit is happening. Yeah, there's hella people there, but, like, not much. It's weird, but it's a great movie, though. Yeah. I'm named get weird. [01:36:23] Speaker B: Nigga. [01:36:24] Speaker A: You're weird. [01:36:24] Speaker B: Yeah. I mean, like, let's just bring it out. Like, what's the wisdom? Get. [01:36:27] Speaker A: But he's saying some pretty off for sure center movies. [01:36:31] Speaker C: I wasn't going to go places like Cannibal Holocaust or anything like that. [01:36:34] Speaker A: Cannibal Holocaust? [01:36:35] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:36:35] Speaker A: Is that a b movie? [01:36:36] Speaker B: Cannibal or Hannibal? [01:36:37] Speaker C: No, cannibal Holocaust. It's a horror movie that was done, like, back in the day, but it was like. It got popular because we are in the graphics, like. Like graphic gore and shit that, like, on the COVID of it, they had the lady that they had her body out there. That was. They impaled her through her pussy and it came out her mouth type shit. And they had her posted there like, shit like that. But there's hella movies out there, yo. [01:37:04] Speaker B: Again, this is my favorite time of year. [01:37:06] Speaker C: Play it all. [01:37:06] Speaker B: The June. [01:37:07] Speaker A: Why have you called them that? [01:37:09] Speaker B: It was July and June. [01:37:12] Speaker C: I heard that. [01:37:15] Speaker B: June in July. Like, what are you talking about? This nigga here, that's the best. [01:37:21] Speaker A: Like, never heard it called that way. [01:37:23] Speaker C: Me neither. Never heard that in my life. [01:37:25] Speaker B: It's like when the seasons are, when the weather is at as optimal, it's the June months. [01:37:32] Speaker C: You know, they ended up. They did eventually get Kanye to break, right? [01:37:37] Speaker B: I mean, I did. [01:37:38] Speaker A: He's talking about June and July. [01:37:40] Speaker C: I know. He's saying the jew months. I'm just saying, don't go around talking about the jew months. Folks gonna get that miss, I guarantee you, going out talking about the June months. [01:37:52] Speaker A: Ain't no mothers getting mad. You talking about in May and march of the month. My months. [01:37:56] Speaker C: No, they ain't. [01:37:57] Speaker B: So again, nobody should get mad about the June and July are the fucking. And I'm saying they're the best, so I don't know why. Yeah, right. [01:38:08] Speaker C: So basically, Hitler wasn't talking about people. He was talking about months he might have been, and people just misunderstood and got it wrong. [01:38:15] Speaker B: No, no, real talk, though, because we talked about this. I was talking about this with someone else. Like, I don't know why you. If you told me that I was good with my money, like, that's not, that's not a slander. Like, if you tell me, like, that's. [01:38:27] Speaker A: Not what they're saying. [01:38:28] Speaker B: No, no. Like, if you're saying that I'm frugal with my money, like, so when they're, like, you know, when they say, someone says, you know, oh, that, you know, you being jew. [01:38:37] Speaker A: Like, they're talking about cheating people, not talking about being frugal. [01:38:40] Speaker B: Okay, I thought, I just thought it was like, you don't spend a lot. [01:38:42] Speaker A: No, they're talking about keeping a clamp hold on all the money and controlling things. That's what they're offended by. [01:38:48] Speaker C: Not people saying frugal, which is a something. I mean, I was tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes. [01:38:55] Speaker B: Again, when the money comes in, and. [01:38:57] Speaker C: I'm usually offended because people don't think I'm what I am. Like, I'm beneath what I am, not better than. [01:39:03] Speaker A: What are you talking. [01:39:04] Speaker C: I am. [01:39:05] Speaker A: What do you mean? Underneath what be what you are. What do you mean? [01:39:07] Speaker C: What do I mean by that? Like, we just said it. Like, we were talking about how they get offended when we talk about they have all the money and they own everything. And what? [01:39:13] Speaker A: Oh, you're saying when you feel we're. [01:39:15] Speaker C: Making them better by saying they do own everything, you do have this. And that's a bad thing? [01:39:21] Speaker D: Well, it's a bad thing to them, because that's how Hitler started to convince people to do. [01:39:25] Speaker C: I know. Why? I'm just saying it's funny how that works. [01:39:28] Speaker B: I think, too, though, right? Like, you don't want. Nobody is. [01:39:30] Speaker A: I mean, what are we talking about? You're talking about June and July. [01:39:33] Speaker B: No, really. [01:39:34] Speaker A: We're not talking about jewish people. We're talking about the jew month, which is June and July. Why are we even talking about. [01:39:39] Speaker C: I get it. I just said, don't go around talking about the g ones. [01:39:43] Speaker B: No, real talk, though. The people that are really rich don't want you to. They don't want you to tell, you know, everybody that they really rich. [01:39:50] Speaker A: Right? Don't want you to tell people, everybody. [01:39:53] Speaker D: Can ask for $5. [01:39:55] Speaker B: Don't let everybody know I got all the money. Like, fuck you. Stop saying that. Like, it's better off if people think that I'm broke. Shout out to Bill fucking. Not Bill Gates, but Steve jobs still in new balance. Yeah, I mean, like, this nigga was a new balance. Jeans, turtleneck nigga. Like, he. He was the, you know, pioneer of rich pope. Right? [01:40:20] Speaker C: Like, they should have gave him a shoe, bro. [01:40:21] Speaker B: Yeah, for real. [01:40:22] Speaker C: They should have had a Steve job once. [01:40:23] Speaker B: Oh, my gosh. You know how much the SJ ones? I'd buy a pair. And you know how much they be worth right now? [01:40:30] Speaker D: Excited. [01:40:31] Speaker A: He's already. He's already get the Caitlin Clark ones. [01:40:33] Speaker B: Oh, for sure. Up be. Because I'm fucking. I'm mad. [01:40:40] Speaker A: What do you mean? Because you realize that this propaganda. [01:40:42] Speaker B: Yeah, because I just. I just was. While we were fucking listening to that video, my ADHD got me, and I started scanning shit, and I did a fucking power rankings for the NBA. WNBA. [01:40:53] Speaker A: What? [01:40:54] Speaker B: It was. [01:40:54] Speaker A: No, stop. [01:40:55] Speaker C: You heard this, b? We heard. Remember we talked about earlier? [01:40:58] Speaker A: Stop right there, Mac. Okay, Park, what does this make a time? [01:41:01] Speaker D: I mean, power. [01:41:02] Speaker A: Do they even have power rangers for women, bro? When did they ever have power rangers? [01:41:07] Speaker C: Telling you. [01:41:09] Speaker B: WNBA. It just came up. [01:41:11] Speaker C: Real thing. [01:41:12] Speaker B: It was like WNBA power rankings. [01:41:14] Speaker A: No, there isn't. [01:41:15] Speaker C: No, no. It's exactly what I said. Like, they're seriously force feeding you this shit. [01:41:18] Speaker A: And he's fine. [01:41:19] Speaker B: He's eating all no way. [01:41:20] Speaker C: Look, they push that shit to this nigga phone. [01:41:23] Speaker B: What the problem was, though, when I started, when I went through the power rankings, because it was like, yo, the fever have went up to, you know, they've, you know, crossed into the top ten. [01:41:34] Speaker A: Where the fever. [01:41:35] Speaker B: Six. [01:41:36] Speaker A: Where are they? It's the country. [01:41:37] Speaker B: I mean. [01:41:37] Speaker A: I don't know. [01:41:38] Speaker B: Indiana. [01:41:39] Speaker A: Indiana. Okay. This is Caitlin Clark's team? [01:41:40] Speaker B: Yes. [01:41:40] Speaker A: Okay. [01:41:41] Speaker B: But the problem is, as I started to go through the fucking power rankings, right? [01:41:45] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:41:46] Speaker B: Only out of the top ten, only five of them got winning records. I'm like, give me the fuck. Like, come on, my nigga. This is a problem. Like, if you got top ten motherfuckers. And Kagan Clark's team, I was like, oh, she's number six. And I was like, well, well, damn. That's interesting, because her. Her team got a crazy losing record. Like, they're not even close to 500. And I was like, okay, well, let me see everybody else underneath. That was. [01:42:14] Speaker A: You're lost, though. [01:42:15] Speaker B: I am. You. [01:42:16] Speaker A: Because last week, you said some shit like, I like Angel Reese's game. No, I like her game. [01:42:21] Speaker B: I just don't like her. [01:42:22] Speaker A: No, no, but the fact that you're like, I like somebody's game. And we're talking about WNBA, you're, like, separating the player from the game, the player from the person. Like, this is not important enough to separate the player from the person. [01:42:35] Speaker C: No, that's the angle. That's the way they gotta get you in there. [01:42:38] Speaker A: I don't give a fuck about. [01:42:39] Speaker C: You made this point before, on a previous show, angel reset. You made a dog's point. Like, why are we gonna get serious or get. Why are we gonna get, like, why are we gonna care about something that's less than what we're already, you know. [01:42:50] Speaker A: A website I'll never go to? You know, wnBa.com, powerranking. I'm never going to that webpage, bro. Never. That will never be on my computer. I guarantee. If you try to type that in, if you type w in, nothing's gonna come up behind that. Nothing. It won't autofill anything behind that. Could you imagine? [01:43:09] Speaker C: Oh, no, it will now. Cause they done sponsored that shit now. [01:43:13] Speaker A: Could you imagine looking up the power rankings? French for WNBA. [01:43:17] Speaker B: It came up. It's actually didn't come up. No, no, no, no. [01:43:21] Speaker C: He's absolutely right. I can't see many people. People wonder. I wonder what the power rankings are for the WBA. No, but I bet you that she got pushed to they phone. [01:43:31] Speaker A: Why did it get pushed to his phone and not my phone is because other searches he's been, if you go. [01:43:36] Speaker C: Because they didn't heard him say he's a Caitlin Clark fan. [01:43:38] Speaker B: No, but it's on the phone nose. But on the ESPN.com website or the app, right? Yeah, it's one of the top headlines. [01:43:45] Speaker A: Guess what other website I'm not going to? Espn.com. wbapower. [01:43:49] Speaker B: It doesn't even have to be.com because. [01:43:51] Speaker C: I'm telling you, you were right, b. You were right. They pushing that to the top. So when you go to ESPN now, that's gonna be the first thing you see. [01:43:58] Speaker B: It's gonna be like it says, fever breaks through the top ten. [01:44:02] Speaker C: They got good writers, so they're gonna sound appealing and gonna make you want to click on that. [01:44:06] Speaker A: But how can you not be offended when you see it happening to you? [01:44:09] Speaker C: Oh, I see. Clear as day now. [01:44:10] Speaker A: You do? And he does too, though. But why is he still caught up in it, cuz? [01:44:14] Speaker B: Caitlin Clark is that bitch. [01:44:17] Speaker C: I don't know. Part of me, though. Part of me, though. Part of me, though, I think part of it. I think. I think Caitlin Clark is hot, though. [01:44:27] Speaker B: Oh, I don't think so. [01:44:28] Speaker C: That might be part of the chick they got. [01:44:30] Speaker A: You have an authority. You have an affinity for her. Kind or tight. [01:44:33] Speaker B: You do. [01:44:34] Speaker A: You do. [01:44:35] Speaker B: Nigga, y'all are. [01:44:36] Speaker A: We got an affinity for a type, bro. [01:44:38] Speaker B: Again, y'all are weird. Yeah. [01:44:41] Speaker C: There's nothing wrong with it. [01:44:42] Speaker A: Yeah, ugly. You like long hair white chicks? [01:44:45] Speaker B: Mmm. Do I? [01:44:46] Speaker D: Don't you? [01:44:47] Speaker B: I like. [01:44:48] Speaker A: Name a short hair chick you bear with a short hair hair chick. Nope. Nobody name a brown skin or dark skinned woman you been with. Nobody. [01:44:56] Speaker B: Nobody? Nobody. You don't even got a dark skinned chick. [01:45:04] Speaker C: So what are you calling? [01:45:04] Speaker A: We talking about you right now. Stop deflecting. [01:45:07] Speaker B: There's plenty of. There's plenty of dark skinned chicks that I fucking. I'm not dark skinned. Brown skin. [01:45:12] Speaker C: I'm hella weak brown. [01:45:16] Speaker B: Let's be clear. Because dark is one thing. I can't go there. There's only been probably one or two of those. [01:45:27] Speaker A: The fact that I can't go there. [01:45:29] Speaker B: Yeah, there's been plenty of Mexicans, Filipinos, fucking mixed. [01:45:40] Speaker D: White Mexicans. [01:45:42] Speaker B: Nigga, you not from Boston. [01:45:43] Speaker A: How many? Not Japanese? Nigerians? [01:45:44] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:45:44] Speaker B: None. [01:45:45] Speaker A: How many bots want. [01:45:46] Speaker B: Insane. [01:45:48] Speaker C: How many of these came from California? [01:45:50] Speaker B: Right, exactly. Where do I see Nigerians in Botswana? [01:45:52] Speaker D: Nigerians are everywhere. [01:45:54] Speaker B: No, they're not. Only been in two places. Get the fuck out of here. And only been on this fucking continent for 20 years plus. [01:46:02] Speaker A: The point is, Megan, I know why you defensive. The point is, is that pac has a point. You have an affinity for a certain type. That type white and long hair. [01:46:12] Speaker C: No. [01:46:12] Speaker A: Or lighter. Lighter complexioned and long hair. Okay, okay. You ever seen they can fold like that? In his own? On his own? Like, nobody did anything. That nigga collapsed on his own. [01:46:31] Speaker C: He was going through the lid. [01:46:36] Speaker B: Keep the same energy. Right. Like I do. I do like, light in long, right? Like, I ain't gonna lie. So that could be. And that could be you fucking a whole bunch of shit, but it ain't. It's not. [01:46:47] Speaker A: Okay? [01:46:47] Speaker B: This niggas over three. [01:46:48] Speaker C: She can hoop. [01:46:48] Speaker A: That's what I'm about to say next. Do you like chicks that can hoop? Is that something that's attractive to you, sexy to you? Kind of. Not her. Just a chick that can hoop. Yes, exactly. [01:46:58] Speaker B: So what? [01:46:59] Speaker A: She's checked three boxes. [01:47:00] Speaker B: No, that's just because she's part of the. One of the. The sports that foster and generate a lot of bisexual lesbian chicks. [01:47:09] Speaker A: You have a great memory. Can I ask what you said about Caitlin Clark just a second ago, when I said. Oh. Cause you like Caitlin Clark. You said, she's the. She is out of camera. [01:47:18] Speaker B: Short term memory. [01:47:20] Speaker A: You can't remember that? Yeah, you asked, but you remember a fucking dialogue. [01:47:22] Speaker B: Yeah, you. A short term memory is not my. [01:47:24] Speaker A: Third scene of the second half of five. Fifth element. Whatever. [01:47:29] Speaker C: Yeah, this is probably what he said either. What he's. [01:47:31] Speaker B: Exactly. Short term memory is not. What is it? What you said. [01:47:35] Speaker A: Ken Clark's bad. [01:47:36] Speaker B: Well, because she. [01:47:37] Speaker A: Along those lines. [01:47:38] Speaker B: Because again, so you already have an affinity to her. She was at a triple double. [01:47:42] Speaker C: I only said what I said because I was thinking about it. When he mentioned her today, I was like, huh. I think in the past, like, maybe five or six shows, at least. He's mentioned her every show at least once. [01:47:53] Speaker B: She almost had a triple double. So again, what? Because I saw it, right? She played against the liberty. She had fucking. She had 1512 and nine. What the fuck? [01:48:04] Speaker A: Name me a player on the liberty. [01:48:06] Speaker C: Hold on. Wait. Do you have to be. No, no. Okay. I just had to check because they be. They be trying to get me to. [01:48:15] Speaker A: Watch their games on WNBA. I saw WNBA the inaugural season, so. [01:48:24] Speaker C: I've actually been to a game, though. [01:48:25] Speaker B: Oh. [01:48:25] Speaker A: You know, I went to a monster. [01:48:26] Speaker C: I went to the monarchs when they first came. [01:48:28] Speaker B: Right. I used to sell weeds to some of the monarchs back in the day. [01:48:30] Speaker A: That's not applicable. That don't have nothing to do with this. Stop it. [01:48:33] Speaker C: We're talking about you talking about attending as a fan. [01:48:35] Speaker A: You're not a businessman. [01:48:37] Speaker C: Businessman, but not trying to further exploit them. [01:48:40] Speaker A: Yeah, so my thing is, though, Mac, if you know that it's happening to you and you're still letting it do it, then you sure fault. I don't care anymore. If you get, you know, propaganda eyes. [01:48:49] Speaker B: Is on you again, I think that. [01:48:51] Speaker C: We'Re gonna have to have an intervention. This thing come in with a jersey? [01:48:54] Speaker B: Yeah, I got one. [01:48:55] Speaker A: It's probably on order. [01:48:56] Speaker B: No, listen, back on. [01:48:57] Speaker A: It's back order right now. [01:48:58] Speaker B: Okay, let's be clear. [01:48:59] Speaker A: Let's be clear. [01:49:00] Speaker B: If there was one jersey from the WNBA. [01:49:03] Speaker A: Well, yeah. [01:49:03] Speaker C: Be Caitlin Clark. [01:49:04] Speaker B: It would be a Clark jersey. [01:49:05] Speaker C: But you haven't got it yet, though, right? [01:49:07] Speaker B: I haven't got. [01:49:07] Speaker C: Okay. [01:49:08] Speaker B: I'd be on the fever. [01:49:09] Speaker A: What's your elevator pitch if you ever met her? [01:49:12] Speaker B: What up, dog? Listen, did you see she hit some logo? Fucking three in this bitch's face. This is the thing about it is, I like the way she plays the game. [01:49:22] Speaker A: If a little kid hits a logo three against another little kid, that's not important. Impressive. [01:49:27] Speaker B: It is. A logo three is impressive regardless who you do it. [01:49:30] Speaker A: That's not true. [01:49:31] Speaker B: If you hit a logo three in. [01:49:32] Speaker A: A gym, by yourself, that's not impressive. [01:49:34] Speaker B: It is by yourself. [01:49:38] Speaker D: For 25,000. In the game. [01:49:39] Speaker A: Yeah, bro, fat dude. A fat dude with some loafers on. [01:49:43] Speaker B: Yeah, but they throw it. [01:49:44] Speaker C: I got a video. I got a video of my old. [01:49:46] Speaker B: Boss hitting half court shotgie. Suck a dick. Like you trying to fucking compare. [01:49:51] Speaker A: Why do you get so mad at him? [01:49:52] Speaker B: Because again, like, he. No, because again, he just jumps in, like, free. Free, like people do. Like. No, okay. A nigga that's fucking out of shape and just fucking chucks a ball and gets lucky is not Caitlin Clark. This bitch is skilled. [01:50:08] Speaker A: If you hit a. If you hit a logo three, that's not the same. If you had a logo three on. [01:50:13] Speaker B: An NBA player, or shooting the ball, not throwing it. [01:50:15] Speaker A: If you hit a logo three on an. I would say college or higher, professional or college level player, male. And they're playing defense. That's commendable. If you hit a logo three on a girl. Stop it. [01:50:29] Speaker B: What is she playing? [01:50:31] Speaker A: Doesn't matter. It's a girl, nigga, stop. [01:50:34] Speaker C: I was gonna say. That actually goes into what I was gonna say, cuz. I'm about to say, like, for me, it's more like your competition. [01:50:40] Speaker A: Right, right. [01:50:41] Speaker C: So, like, is she good enough to play with the dudes. [01:50:43] Speaker A: Exactly. If she can hit that on a dude. Now you got me. Now you got me, cuz. [01:50:48] Speaker C: That's where I'm at at this point. [01:50:48] Speaker B: Like, is that what we do in it? Yes, because we know niggas, the fucking Shan quita bitch Williams, that the fucking lost to weed. [01:51:00] Speaker C: There's a difference. You wonder why she don't run. There's a difference. [01:51:04] Speaker B: She fucking Jackie Jordan Cursey nigga. She didn't run against dude. [01:51:09] Speaker D: But Shakari can have a faster time. [01:51:10] Speaker C: But there's a difference. There's a difference. [01:51:17] Speaker B: Fucking with his bold ass chest stick out. [01:51:19] Speaker C: The reason why it's different in the WNBA is because this is a new thing that they're trying to make comparable to the old thing. Were you talking about track? There's always been tracks. Are they running and women doing it? [01:51:31] Speaker A: But ain't nobody checking women's. Why do we like them? [01:51:38] Speaker C: The reason why I mentioned her playing with the dudes is because it goes back to the comment that be said on a couple episodes ago about, we already have this product that gives us this, and now we introduce a new product that gives us something similar but not as good. Why should we be excited about that? [01:51:55] Speaker A: And let's not forget that track bitches are in tights, showing their ass and thighs and everything. Nigga. That's why we watched that. We didn't watch Jackie, Jonah and Flojo. Cause we thought they were fast. Like that. Bitch fine like, oh, if I'm gonna see somebody run, I wanna be somebody fine like that. That's why you watch that. Marion Joyner, all them people, you watch that. Cause they're in tights and they're bending over and they're running and sweating like, oh, my God. Not all these NBA bitches are all dykes. Nobody wants to watch it. [01:52:20] Speaker C: Yeah, that's why it's starting to be more of a different focus on, like, they're trying to put that. [01:52:27] Speaker B: They look like fucking fools on a draft. Did you. [01:52:32] Speaker A: They look like pelicans and heels. [01:52:34] Speaker B: Bridge. Reggie saw. [01:52:35] Speaker A: And I'm not talking about the New Orleans pelicans. Not real fucking pelicans. They're too big for high heels and dresses. [01:52:40] Speaker B: Reggie. [01:52:41] Speaker A: 6868 in a micro skirt is ridiculous. [01:52:44] Speaker B: You five six. So everybody's big to you. You. Yeah, like, stop it. Like, of course she's six foot and she's too tall. [01:52:50] Speaker A: So you want a six eight chick in a micro skirt. [01:52:53] Speaker B: I would fuck her. Yeah. [01:52:54] Speaker A: I didn't say, would you fuck her? You want her. [01:52:56] Speaker C: I would take her and take. [01:53:01] Speaker B: No, listen. I don't want. I definitely don't want a chick taller than me. I don't want to be looking up. When it's Saturday, we slow dancing. And my arms up around your shoulders and yours around my. My waist. I don't want. [01:53:14] Speaker C: And you kind of taller nigga, too. [01:53:15] Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah, I'm six too. Right. I don't want none of that. [01:53:17] Speaker A: What if you're. What if you're about to take her to bed or whatever, you have to go to the restroom real quick. [01:53:21] Speaker B: You can't. I don't know who said it, but when we lay down, we all say. [01:53:25] Speaker A: Like, no, we not. No, we not. Because this bitch calves is off the bed. [01:53:28] Speaker C: I was about to say her calf's. [01:53:30] Speaker B: Her shit bending at the knee. [01:53:33] Speaker A: We not the same nigga. That's who you try to hit. They cannot make these pelicans sexy. [01:53:39] Speaker D: They big ass. [01:53:40] Speaker C: You got her a missionary with her legs cocked back in her knee. Way to your head. [01:53:47] Speaker B: Some of them look good, right, with that slit. Come on, bro. I don't know how to. She's six. [01:53:58] Speaker C: It's real talk. [01:53:59] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:53:59] Speaker C: Where they call that when you. When you compare into what's around them. [01:54:03] Speaker A: Like, recently bias. Proximity bias. [01:54:06] Speaker C: Proximity bias. That's what it's called? Yes. Proximity bias. [01:54:09] Speaker D: Yeah, they came in. Brian is fine. [01:54:11] Speaker C: I think when you compare it to other WNBA players. She's compared to a fine woman. [01:54:16] Speaker B: Not exactly. [01:54:17] Speaker A: Y'all can't do it imaginary. [01:54:19] Speaker B: I'm just saying. Now you're wrong. [01:54:21] Speaker A: Okay. [01:54:21] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Compared to anybody. She look good? [01:54:24] Speaker A: No. [01:54:25] Speaker C: Okay, so she's. I'm just saying she's in the runnings with, like, you know, normal. Like hot chicks. [01:54:31] Speaker B: Yeah. Like. Like bright. [01:54:33] Speaker A: Who's she comparable to in a. In a regular height, or. [01:54:35] Speaker C: Tell me someone she's hot, then what? [01:54:37] Speaker B: I mean, would hotter then comparable to. [01:54:40] Speaker A: She hotter than is an opinion comparable to. Is arranged? [01:54:43] Speaker B: I would say that she's any. Any. [01:54:46] Speaker A: Not any. Give me a name. Not any, man, you can't do it, cuz. These bitches are just regular. But they 7ft tall. [01:54:53] Speaker C: Honestly, the only one to me. To me, the only one that I can. But it's. It's still. It's like a. It's almost. I don't know. This sounds. [01:55:01] Speaker B: She looked better than Simone Biles. She looked better than Simone Biles. [01:55:05] Speaker C: Nobody's saying that she's angel. Like, angel's cute to me. But. [01:55:19] Speaker A: We'Re talking about the one from. [01:55:20] Speaker B: The Wiggins brinks is definitely not even close to Scott. She's up there. Get out of here. Yes, she is. [01:55:27] Speaker A: Whatever. It doesn't matter. [01:55:28] Speaker C: The point is, that's how much I don't know about. Because I don't even know who y'all talking. [01:55:31] Speaker A: I don't know, either. I saw. I saw white, right? [01:55:33] Speaker C: Skyler Hagin. [01:55:34] Speaker A: Is it a. She went in the top five, right? That's the only reason I know is because these niggas been talking about. [01:55:42] Speaker B: And what was the other one? There is no, no, hold up. The one that. From Tennessee. [01:55:52] Speaker A: Anyway, the point. The point I'm trying to make is. No. [01:55:55] Speaker B: Who was the Tennessee. The chick that went to Tennessee and she was fucking played for. Candace Parker. [01:56:00] Speaker A: Candice Parker's okay. She's not. She's not. [01:56:03] Speaker C: Candace Parker was a good standard to try to defend the fact that not. [01:56:08] Speaker A: All of them are Amazon, but she's not top tier. Stop it. Candace Parker is a good looking person. She's not talking. [01:56:15] Speaker B: Okay. What do you talk? [01:56:16] Speaker A: Well, you were just saying. [01:56:18] Speaker B: Okay, pretty boy. Everybody can't be on your fucking level. They get. [01:56:21] Speaker A: There comes the anger. Now I'm getting a french ready treatment. [01:56:23] Speaker B: I'm just saying. [01:56:26] Speaker A: Yeah, I don't think there's another. There's another. There's not another WNBA players better. They look better than her ever. [01:56:32] Speaker C: Real pretty. [01:56:33] Speaker A: Not that there aren't good w e players that she's the. To me, though, the one that. If you're gonna say somebody looks good in WNBA beer scholars. [01:56:40] Speaker C: Did you play guard? [01:56:41] Speaker A: She used to date guys, right? [01:56:42] Speaker C: She play guard? [01:56:43] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:56:43] Speaker A: I don't think she does anymore. [01:56:44] Speaker B: Yeah. Shooting. [01:56:44] Speaker C: She played guard. [01:56:45] Speaker B: Shooting guard. [01:56:45] Speaker C: I'm just saying that because, I mean, whether you come. Whether she, like, a little bit taller than me or, like, astronomically taller than me. [01:56:51] Speaker A: Yeah. But, um, the problem here is that if we were. If we were having conversations about the WNBA on this level all the time. [01:56:58] Speaker B: Cool. [01:56:59] Speaker A: But that's not the conversations we're having. [01:57:00] Speaker C: That's just said power. [01:57:02] Speaker A: Power rankings. You know? I'm saying. [01:57:04] Speaker C: That's what I'm saying. When have you heard that being discussed? [01:57:07] Speaker A: Today, but before when? Today. Years old. [01:57:10] Speaker C: But how many years have we been talking about NBA power rankings? [01:57:13] Speaker A: Right? WBA has been around, I believe, since 25. Six. No, it came out, like 96. Well, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Damn, that's some shit. Power rankings around that long in year 30, they talk about power rank. It's ridiculous. Anyway, um. We've run out of time, y'all. We didn't even. We got got to half a topic. [01:57:36] Speaker D: Jamie Mac just then was mad that you wouldn't be able to share the memories with him. That's the problem. [01:57:40] Speaker A: Yeah. Fucking pissed. [01:57:43] Speaker B: Scott Diggins is five nine. [01:57:45] Speaker A: Yeah. You see what I'm saying? [01:57:46] Speaker C: Perfect. [01:57:46] Speaker A: You see what I'm saying? [01:57:50] Speaker B: I'm just saying, like. I mean, she had me in french range, right? [01:57:55] Speaker A: We can't put no heels on. [01:57:57] Speaker B: No. Yeah. Y'all can put shoulder to be each hand over each shoulder. Right. [01:58:00] Speaker A: She can't fuck around with no heels. But me and frizzle. Get that. I don't know how tall you are. [01:58:06] Speaker C: Pac, but about five nine. [01:58:07] Speaker A: Really? [01:58:08] Speaker D: Dating a tall girl would really bother you, Jamie Mac? Not like super tall. [01:58:12] Speaker B: I mean. No, no. Again, she wear heels, she'll be taller than, you know. So I'm six two. [01:58:18] Speaker D: She's six, too. So when she wear heels, she's taller. [01:58:21] Speaker B: No, again, so if you wear heels and you're taller me, that's fine. [01:58:24] Speaker A: Okay. [01:58:24] Speaker B: You know, I mean. But again, I don't want no six six chicken short of him. I don't want to be looking up at you. You know what I mean? [01:58:33] Speaker D: You feel like she can beat you up. That's why. [01:58:35] Speaker B: Not at all. I just don't want to. I don't want to be looking up. Again. If we slow dancing, I don't want my hands around your shoulders and yours around my waist. [01:58:43] Speaker D: Because it just makes you feel like a bitch. [01:58:45] Speaker B: It just. Yeah. Yeah. [01:58:46] Speaker A: Maybe the other way around. [01:58:47] Speaker C: My thing is I just don't want to have to stand up to hit your shit doggy style. [01:58:50] Speaker B: That's what so Skyler did. So Cameron break is six four. [01:58:54] Speaker C: That just would make me feel a certain kind of way. [01:58:56] Speaker B: French. [01:58:56] Speaker A: But you said that. But would you want to check that has. That shows off better thigh than you. [01:59:01] Speaker B: You can't fuck with Cameron Brink, nigga. You cannot fuck with Cameron Brink. She's six'four, nigga. [01:59:05] Speaker A: No, I'm not. [01:59:06] Speaker D: I don't mind dating a taller channel. [01:59:07] Speaker B: She's a whole lot taller than you. [01:59:08] Speaker A: No, no, no. I'm saying, would you, like. Would you be able to date a woman that could show off more thigh than you would show off more thighs? [01:59:16] Speaker B: More? Like. So, would she come through? [01:59:18] Speaker C: I would hope so. [01:59:19] Speaker A: I'm saying, like, you like all of this? [01:59:22] Speaker D: Yeah, I like that. [01:59:23] Speaker B: She got more to show in than this. [01:59:25] Speaker D: Yeah, definitely. I would hope she got more thought good thighs than me. [01:59:28] Speaker A: I say show off more. I was making a joke about how much thigh you're giving us today. [01:59:32] Speaker B: It is a lot it's a lot. [01:59:33] Speaker A: Of thigh going on over here. [01:59:34] Speaker B: No, truck, no. [01:59:36] Speaker A: Don't be that ticket. [01:59:37] Speaker B: That don't make me call Kendrick, nigga. Because you not like us. Stop it digging. You tried to pull your shit up and you still not like us. How many inches? [01:59:49] Speaker A: Five. [01:59:49] Speaker B: Plus five. Nigga, you got like, a lot of inches. [01:59:52] Speaker A: Come on, thigh guy. What's what? [01:59:53] Speaker C: I'm trying to remember that other girls name. I'm trying see what she looked like. [01:59:56] Speaker A: Which one Cameron brings. She's not awful, but she's not. You're not picking her. If she was somewhere. If she was not WNBA, you didn't know who it was. You're not picking her, bro. Stop it. [02:00:10] Speaker B: But again, you already said that California niggas only date white girls. [02:00:13] Speaker A: I didn't say that. [02:00:14] Speaker B: You did. Last week. [02:00:15] Speaker A: I did not say that. [02:00:17] Speaker B: You did. Before we even recorded, you was like, California niggas like me. [02:00:20] Speaker A: You said before you recorded guys. Yeah, yeah, you made that up. I never said that. Listeners. It's okay, though. [02:00:26] Speaker C: She cute. [02:00:27] Speaker A: You. You would choose her if she wasn't she cute. [02:00:30] Speaker C: Is this when you start seeing full body pictures? She's hella big. [02:00:33] Speaker A: She's like, 620, bro. [02:00:37] Speaker C: She cute in her face, but her hands are hella big. [02:00:40] Speaker B: She's six four. Was she supposed to have little McDonald's? [02:00:44] Speaker C: But that's what I'm saying, though. That's the whole reason why. [02:00:54] Speaker B: There'S only one fist. [02:00:55] Speaker A: Only one. Fine. She got too much hand. You're like, God damn. [02:01:04] Speaker D: That ain't gonna stop me, bro. [02:01:06] Speaker C: You can put your hands together. Swallows your shit. [02:01:09] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Two hands like this, you can't do on top. You gotta do side by side. Two hands. [02:01:13] Speaker B: I was watching some shit today and developed a celebrity crush for, uh, fucking Ron Howard's oldest daughter. [02:01:19] Speaker C: Who. [02:01:20] Speaker B: Yeah, uh, Bryce. Bryce. Bryce Howard. [02:01:23] Speaker A: We don't know. This is. [02:01:24] Speaker B: She's the same chick from fucking Jurassic park. She was. Why you looking like that? [02:01:31] Speaker A: Because nobody knows this person is. [02:01:33] Speaker C: Wait, no. [02:01:34] Speaker A: How. [02:01:34] Speaker C: How old is this woman? [02:01:36] Speaker B: She said, I think she's 49. [02:01:37] Speaker A: Okay, she was in drags park as the kid. [02:01:39] Speaker B: No, no, she's. Fuck no, she's in the. The later drag. Jurassic parks. The redhead. [02:01:44] Speaker C: Okay. [02:01:44] Speaker A: Don't know who this is. [02:01:46] Speaker B: I think part of it, again, is that redheaded thing, you know? [02:01:48] Speaker C: I mean, I can dig that. I'd have to see you talking about. [02:01:51] Speaker B: What she's looking at. [02:01:52] Speaker A: Brighter development show. And she'd, like, dated Michael towards the end of the seasons there. [02:01:59] Speaker B: You know what? I haven't ended I didn't get to the end of Bryce. [02:02:02] Speaker C: What? [02:02:02] Speaker B: Bryce Dallas Howard. [02:02:04] Speaker A: I think that is that chick. She kind of got a little rotic face. [02:02:11] Speaker B: So again, I think the. What was it? [02:02:13] Speaker C: Definitely the red hair. [02:02:14] Speaker A: Let me see how she looks. Oh, you think she's cute? [02:02:21] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:02:22] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. [02:02:23] Speaker C: Definitely the red. [02:02:24] Speaker B: So. So, again, when it comes to redheads, there's just two types, hot and homely. And she's definitely the hot type. [02:02:32] Speaker C: No, it's definitely type. [02:02:34] Speaker B: She is not the homely type. [02:02:36] Speaker A: Her face is wide as my thigh. [02:02:37] Speaker B: Okay, so this nigga pulls up the fattest picture of her that you can figure that you can find. [02:02:42] Speaker C: This one that came up money. [02:02:44] Speaker B: This nigga pulled up the picture that came. [02:02:50] Speaker C: Loading. [02:02:50] Speaker A: Bro, none of the other pictures are loading. I'm watching him try to push them. The only one that loads. Is that what? There goes it. Finally loaded. Okay. [02:02:58] Speaker B: All right. [02:02:58] Speaker A: Let me look. [02:02:59] Speaker B: Better. [02:02:59] Speaker C: There. [02:03:00] Speaker A: Face, look. [02:03:01] Speaker C: Where'd it go? [02:03:02] Speaker A: Yeah, they don't want you to see this picture. [02:03:03] Speaker C: It. All right. [02:03:09] Speaker A: Nah, still nothing. [02:03:11] Speaker B: I know. [02:03:12] Speaker A: Still nothing, bro. [02:03:13] Speaker B: I know. Yeah, no, yeah, for sure. [02:03:16] Speaker A: She looked like that Olympic is took. Took her soul. [02:03:21] Speaker B: I don't know what date that was, but that's probably pre Olympic. [02:03:23] Speaker A: You could probably. Yeah, whatever. [02:03:25] Speaker B: So, again, you were saying, like, again, all I'm just saying, they weren't chunky as the picture that you first brought up. Again, you know, I mean, like, that was the Jurassic park years, I think. That's, like, when she was doing the Jurassic park. [02:03:41] Speaker A: Yeah. My dick didn't even move, not even an inch. [02:03:43] Speaker B: Of course not. Now, again, this is what you pulled up. She's all fluffy. Like, better. [02:03:49] Speaker C: That's better than what I put. [02:03:50] Speaker A: That's better than the skinny one. [02:03:52] Speaker B: No. [02:03:52] Speaker D: Yes, it is. [02:03:53] Speaker B: Now, when you. [02:03:54] Speaker A: Yes, it is. [02:03:55] Speaker B: When you got the stay puff marshmallow face. [02:03:58] Speaker A: It's her face, bro. [02:03:59] Speaker C: That's probably the best looking picture I've seen over. [02:04:01] Speaker A: That's all makeup, though, and touch ups. [02:04:04] Speaker B: Yeah, no, that again. Yes. [02:04:06] Speaker A: Yeah. This is a losing battle. [02:04:07] Speaker C: That's some years ago, too. [02:04:08] Speaker A: It's a no for me, dog. [02:04:09] Speaker B: Okay. [02:04:10] Speaker C: Hey, look, I'm. Look, it's a difference, like, whether you will or will you look for, like you said earlier. [02:04:17] Speaker A: Well, I mean, he called her name, so, like, out of all of the ones, this is the one he called the name of. [02:04:22] Speaker B: So I just watched this movie this morning. It was called. Here we go. What was it called this morning? Fuck. [02:04:29] Speaker A: I have nothing better to do but watch b movies. Yeah, that's what it was called. [02:04:36] Speaker B: No, it was on fucking. It was on Apple plus. It was called Argyle. [02:04:41] Speaker A: Never heard of it. [02:04:42] Speaker B: So. Yeah, and I think what it was, too, that really got me is the thickness. And I guess it's because she was in between that first picture, in that second picture, and she was in some jeans, and I like. Oh, she thinks in a motherfucker. She thinks right there. Not. No, she. That's. That's a little too thick. [02:04:59] Speaker D: Thickness bother you? Huh? [02:05:01] Speaker B: No, fat bothers me. Like, I. That again. So that was. Yeah, that's not it. That's not what I saw this morning. [02:05:09] Speaker C: Just so y'all know. Y'all. Y'all ain't seen these pictures. She looked like a hot mess in this picture. [02:05:13] Speaker B: Yeah. Mascara running. And again. I don't mind a mascara running, whiskey breath. All of that shit will work for me. [02:05:19] Speaker D: Fat is the problem. [02:05:20] Speaker A: That's. That's what you would prefer? [02:05:21] Speaker B: So a little fat. [02:05:23] Speaker D: She ate a couple cookies this week. [02:05:27] Speaker C: How fat we talking? [02:05:29] Speaker D: No, I'm not talking about fat. [02:05:30] Speaker B: And I do like. I do like a little like talking. [02:05:32] Speaker C: About fat to where the ass don't come out. They come in. [02:05:35] Speaker B: Exactly. See, there's a. [02:05:37] Speaker C: There's a point that's that defining point. When it stopped going out and it start going in. That's a lot of demarcation. Oh, you have? Oh, you have. Wait, wait. No, no. [02:05:46] Speaker B: I've seen. [02:05:46] Speaker C: When's the last time you've been to Walmart? [02:05:52] Speaker A: It's been a minute. [02:05:53] Speaker B: Of course it has. [02:05:54] Speaker D: No, I'm not talking about that fat. I'm not talking about that type of fat, because that's. That's. That's. You can't fuck that. [02:06:00] Speaker B: You can. Somebody do. [02:06:01] Speaker E: Look. [02:06:02] Speaker C: Somebody do. [02:06:02] Speaker B: They produce somebody, right? Man, hey, listen, ain't no bad pussy. [02:06:06] Speaker A: I'll tell you what. [02:06:07] Speaker B: There's a certain time is wet. [02:06:09] Speaker A: There's a certain time, like, if it's. [02:06:10] Speaker B: Super dry, we can't do that. [02:06:12] Speaker A: I would say warm and really dark. I like that. [02:06:17] Speaker C: Warm is. Warm is necessary. [02:06:19] Speaker B: No. When is it not warm? [02:06:20] Speaker A: No, I'm talking about. [02:06:21] Speaker D: There's. [02:06:21] Speaker A: There's no. There's another level of warm, bro. And you know what I'm talking about? There's warm, which is regular, like 90.6 body temperature. [02:06:28] Speaker B: Right? [02:06:29] Speaker A: But what about that after a whole night's sleep, warm. And it's been marinating all night. There's a difference, bruh. [02:06:35] Speaker B: That's why the morning difference, bro. [02:06:37] Speaker A: And some people got that in the afternoon. They don't gotta wait on the night. [02:06:40] Speaker B: He ain't lying at work. You get that macaroni sound? What? [02:06:46] Speaker A: You went too far. [02:06:47] Speaker B: Okay. [02:06:47] Speaker C: Sorry, listeners. [02:06:49] Speaker A: We appreciate you guys tuning once again to the no nonsense show. Pac, appreciate you coming through, man. [02:06:54] Speaker C: Stay here. [02:06:56] Speaker A: State champs for us. So next year, same team or. We got it. We got to change things next year. [02:07:02] Speaker C: I don't know. We run a travel now, so it's different. [02:07:05] Speaker A: Shit, that's. That's a lot of time. [02:07:07] Speaker B: It is never. That's why we ain't seen this again forever. [02:07:11] Speaker A: I know. [02:07:11] Speaker C: Well, I had. I had the travel and the all stars for direct before at the same time. Now we're done with that one. So it's just the travel now. [02:07:20] Speaker A: So, you know, French is a. What's your degree in? Intercontinental interdisciplinary studies. And one of those disciplines is physical therapy. So if you guys need a trainer. [02:07:35] Speaker B: Or a stretcher, I think that's. I mean, you can't. [02:07:38] Speaker C: Trying to set you up, bro. [02:07:39] Speaker B: No, he can't stretch the kids out. [02:07:42] Speaker C: That's just sound like a problem. [02:07:45] Speaker D: Yeah, what you trying to say, man? [02:07:47] Speaker B: I'm saying you shouldn't be talking about. I'm finna come stretch your kids. [02:07:50] Speaker A: You don't have charges against him. Against kids. Why can't he be around kids? [02:07:52] Speaker B: I'm not saying he can't be around kids. [02:07:54] Speaker A: Need a stretch, too. [02:07:59] Speaker B: Listen, listen, Fred Rad, you want to stretch the kids out? [02:08:01] Speaker A: What's wrong with that? As a drive? [02:08:03] Speaker B: Let him talk. [02:08:04] Speaker A: It's the gig. The gig is the gig. Last time, remember that shit he's talking about gay shit. If it's the gig, that's the gig. [02:08:09] Speaker B: No, and we didn't get into that because I really wanted to talk about that. [02:08:12] Speaker A: Five minutes. [02:08:17] Speaker B: How many of you? So again, if the gig is a gig, are we all Jake Gyllenhaal, Burke, Brown Mountain, are we all fucking Will Smith and fucking six degrees? I mean, like, are you saying it's the gay right? [02:08:29] Speaker C: Hey, that's where we headed. And that's. That's gonna be considered the new normal. [02:08:34] Speaker B: But for us, how much is your. What's your price to be gay? [02:08:39] Speaker A: Are you. [02:08:43] Speaker B: It's like volunteer. [02:08:44] Speaker A: I get hired like this nigga. [02:08:46] Speaker B: Fridge. Reggie's volunteering it. Yeah, so it doesn't. He doesn't need to get paid. So for everybody else to be gay, what's your price? [02:08:54] Speaker D: Well, it's a movie. Gay. Hold on. [02:08:58] Speaker A: No, see, you're not getting fucked in the ass for. [02:09:00] Speaker B: Yeah. [02:09:00] Speaker A: Are you saying what's my price to be in Brokeback Mountain? Or what's my price to get my back broke mountain. [02:09:07] Speaker B: So let's just call it Brokeback Mountain. Cause I haven't seen the movie, and I don't know, but I'm assuming there were some makeout scenes. [02:09:12] Speaker A: Yeah, but I don't know if that's gay. That's gay, Jason. Definitely. [02:09:16] Speaker D: No way you could stunt double that shit. You don't even have to really kiss. [02:09:19] Speaker C: What? [02:09:19] Speaker A: Yeah, there's ways. Like when you see a girl grinding on a dude, her butt showing. He's not. He's not. They're not touching underneath, but she still. [02:09:27] Speaker B: Is doing a simulated sex act. [02:09:30] Speaker A: But they're not touching, though. A lot of times, they have something between them completely to where they're not even touching. [02:09:35] Speaker B: So when you. Okay, how much is it gonna cost for you to get. So we talked about a kissing booth, and this nigga was like, no, I'm not doing that. [02:09:41] Speaker C: French. [02:09:42] Speaker B: Reggie was like, I'm not kissing. [02:09:44] Speaker A: No. He said, the gig is the gig. [02:09:45] Speaker B: No, no. Did you. On the kissing booth? [02:09:47] Speaker A: He said, the gig is the gig. [02:09:47] Speaker C: I believe the gig is the gig. [02:09:48] Speaker A: Yeah. [02:09:48] Speaker D: I just thought at first the kissing booth was about the kids. That's why I was like, no, no. [02:09:52] Speaker B: So no kids. But if the guys come up, you're good. [02:09:54] Speaker C: Wait, is that. Wait, is that better or worse? [02:09:57] Speaker A: I don't know. [02:09:58] Speaker D: What do you mean? [02:10:00] Speaker C: You said you thought there was kids involved. [02:10:02] Speaker D: No. So that's why I had said no at first. Oh, he just said, a school. Kissing booth. So I heard school and kissing booth, so I said, no. [02:10:10] Speaker A: But now that he knows this spitty mouth dude, cool nigga. [02:10:15] Speaker B: With Charlie. Yeah. [02:10:16] Speaker D: I said, parents. And most. Most kids are single parent households with mom. [02:10:19] Speaker B: Single dad. Right. So when the single dad come up together, get his kiss, it's mostly moms is gonna come, this nigga got his ticket, and you're like, okay, you get. [02:10:27] Speaker D: A kiss on the cheek. [02:10:28] Speaker B: Nah, that's not how the kissing booth works. Ain't no cheek kisses. Getting. [02:10:32] Speaker A: Your name is French, brother. I gonna think about no kissing a cheek with you. [02:10:35] Speaker C: And they will write that on the side. [02:10:38] Speaker A: Ask for French. Like, give a Yelp review. [02:10:43] Speaker B: You got a tongue? Twirl with another nigga. What's your price, nigga? [02:10:48] Speaker A: You got a name for a nigga that work at a kizzimboo? [02:10:53] Speaker C: All I know is that I would like to know, or I would like to say that it's really high. And I'm just really happy that when I was in life, when they was asking for who wanted to play the gay roles, I was like, one of five people that did not go over there. Me and the principal of Cordova high school. Like, three other casts. We were both. We were all like, fuck that shit. That shit gonna come back to haunt y'all. [02:11:16] Speaker B: I mean, unless you like cursor and some shit, right? [02:11:20] Speaker A: Like, I mean, well, Will Smith did six degrees separation and now look at his career. [02:11:23] Speaker B: No, for sure. [02:11:24] Speaker C: We already know Will Smith taking that shit. [02:11:27] Speaker B: Right. [02:11:28] Speaker A: Well, I'm. [02:11:28] Speaker C: She exposed his ass. [02:11:30] Speaker A: Well, how much, how much, how much would they have had the six degrees of separation? You. For you to be like, okay, I'll do it. [02:11:34] Speaker C: That's what I said. I hope it would be, like, a whole lot because I. [02:11:38] Speaker B: Okay. [02:11:39] Speaker C: When an opportunity came, let's just put it this way. [02:11:41] Speaker B: Let's just use him as the standard. Would you six degree yourself to be Will Smith rich right now? [02:11:49] Speaker C: To be Will Smith rich right now? [02:11:50] Speaker A: I would say no, because the other stuff that comes with Will Smith rich, cuz, look at his life. [02:11:54] Speaker B: No, no, just Will Smith rich. [02:11:56] Speaker C: No, that. What you just said is exactly. That's. I don't know. It's like now. I mean, I see people that got money and I, you know, it's everywhere. In a capitalist type of society, like, those who have money are popular, but I don't really want that sort of popularity. I don't want their lives and like that. Because to me, for you to attain that massive amount of wealth, you done something to get there, whether it's to yourself or somebody else. Again, something. [02:12:26] Speaker B: Again. You know, they talk about, like, this blood on the fucking Rockefeller's hands. Like. Like, I'm willing to bleed a nigga first. Ain't gonna lie. If you telling me do gay shit. [02:12:36] Speaker C: Or that's like last week or the week before when y'all was talking about do the gay shit or robin, nigga, look, I'm a rob a nigga. Like. Like, that's. That's not even a question. [02:12:45] Speaker B: Right, right. So, you know, if that's. You know, I just don't. [02:12:51] Speaker C: To get me. You got. You have to. You want to really dig deep, you got to bring my kids. You got to bring up some deep shit. You have to have my, like, threat my kids life or something like, oh. [02:13:02] Speaker A: So you being gay for your kids. That's cool. Got you. [02:13:05] Speaker B: No, for sure. [02:13:06] Speaker A: You'll take a dick for your kids. [02:13:07] Speaker B: Not. I thought we was talking about kissing and. [02:13:10] Speaker A: Okay, so this dick, nigga, you gonna take a dick so your kids can live? [02:13:14] Speaker C: As I said, you have to probably bring up that sort of thing to get there. [02:13:18] Speaker A: A big one. That's only kind he wants. [02:13:20] Speaker B: Nah, you don't. [02:13:21] Speaker A: You don't enjoy little dicks, do you? [02:13:27] Speaker B: What the fuck? [02:13:29] Speaker C: I don't know how we got here. [02:13:31] Speaker B: I don't even know. [02:13:32] Speaker A: Do you enjoy little dicks, Mac? [02:13:34] Speaker B: No. [02:13:34] Speaker A: Exactly. So you don't know. [02:13:36] Speaker B: I don't enjoy it. Any dicks. Like, again, so that's. I mean. [02:13:40] Speaker A: No, no, no, that's not true. If you're looking at porn, you prefer a certain kind of dick. [02:13:44] Speaker B: You're right, because you know what I did? I did watch a compilation, and it was all white dudes with big dicks. And I was like, what the fuck is the niggas like? I guess this is a new age shit. Like white dudes didn't leveled up. [02:13:55] Speaker A: So you okay with big white dicks? [02:13:57] Speaker B: Big dicks is like. [02:13:58] Speaker A: That's what you like. [02:14:01] Speaker B: Big dicks will work. [02:14:02] Speaker A: Like, so you hear how that sounds? [02:14:04] Speaker B: It just can't. It just can't be. It just can't be, you know? [02:14:07] Speaker A: So are you taking that big white dick so for your kids life? [02:14:12] Speaker B: For my kids? Yeah, I would do. I would do probably most anything. [02:14:15] Speaker A: Would you gag, too? [02:14:16] Speaker B: No. [02:14:16] Speaker A: Like spit roast. [02:14:17] Speaker B: I would. I would sacrifice. [02:14:18] Speaker A: Hold on. You don't get to limit this shit for your kid. [02:14:20] Speaker B: Like, no, I'm not. [02:14:21] Speaker A: I'll take one dick. I ain't take it through this. [02:14:22] Speaker B: I would die for my kids. [02:14:24] Speaker D: There you go. [02:14:24] Speaker B: So again, anything less than that, I would do. [02:14:27] Speaker A: So that's so taking a dick is less. You told me it was more the other day. [02:14:29] Speaker B: No, nothing. Death. [02:14:31] Speaker A: Okay, so we agree then. The death is the. Is the worst. [02:14:34] Speaker B: Yeah. Then taking a dick, because you said. [02:14:36] Speaker A: Before that taking a dick is worse than death. [02:14:38] Speaker D: You said you ride a die before taking a. [02:14:39] Speaker A: You sure did. [02:14:41] Speaker C: I believe it was that prison episode. [02:14:44] Speaker B: I would fight. Yeah. No, for sure. [02:14:45] Speaker A: I would rather make up your mind, my nigga. [02:14:47] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. You know, no. [02:14:48] Speaker A: So you're not taking dick for your kids? Poor guy. Poor kids, man, these kids got a horrible dad. [02:14:52] Speaker B: Hey, what did fucking say? Fuck my kids. [02:14:55] Speaker A: Fuck them kids, man. [02:14:56] Speaker B: Fuck them kids. Brats. [02:14:57] Speaker A: France. You taking a dick for your kid, right? No, I have no kids. [02:15:00] Speaker B: But if he just take the kids out of the girl. Just put. Just put. Just for nothing, would you take. Just like. Right. [02:15:07] Speaker D: Just like. Jimmy Macdje would do anything for my kids. [02:15:10] Speaker A: What about your girl? You take a dick for your girl? Uh. Oh, geez. Money? [02:15:15] Speaker B: Hostage? Why would she be able to take hostage? It's not her. She's hostage. [02:15:20] Speaker C: I'm hoping she would be down for the cause, for the team. [02:15:23] Speaker D: She can take that one. For the team. [02:15:24] Speaker B: No hostage. He don't like that. [02:15:26] Speaker A: He don't want her like that. [02:15:27] Speaker C: Wife. [02:15:27] Speaker B: He don't want. [02:15:28] Speaker A: He don't like girls. [02:15:29] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. This is the wife and the judge. [02:15:31] Speaker B: He don't want pussy. [02:15:32] Speaker A: He don't like girls. I tell you, he's in my youth. So you taking that. [02:15:34] Speaker C: That shit was her idea. [02:15:37] Speaker B: I got her hostage. [02:15:38] Speaker D: How would he even know that was his wife? [02:15:40] Speaker A: Are you. Stop running from the question. Are you taking that shit? [02:15:44] Speaker D: I feel like he can. G money's beautiful, nigga. [02:15:48] Speaker A: All right, so she's dying. She gotta die. [02:15:50] Speaker D: No, she ain't gonna die, sin. I think I'm gonna be able to. [02:15:53] Speaker B: Look, I will let her. [02:15:53] Speaker D: I'm gonna be able to beat that nigga. [02:15:55] Speaker A: You could be that nigga for your kids, too. [02:15:56] Speaker B: I will let her go if you too, didn't boot it for me, nigga. But it's not about beating me up, nigga. I got fucking niggas with guns pointing at her head. Like, if you fuck me up, it doesn't matter. She's still Finna die. [02:16:06] Speaker C: I can't believe that. It ain't even been that long and he ain't learned yet. Y'all need to get beyond his answer first before y'all start. [02:16:12] Speaker A: Damn. Never learned, bro. And I'm mad you called it out. Why are you doing that? [02:16:15] Speaker C: Because I was Finna ask you what. [02:16:17] Speaker D: Y'All answer gonna be. [02:16:19] Speaker A: Some bullshit, like, and the reason why. [02:16:21] Speaker C: The last time you did that, nigga, I died, bruh. I wound that shit. Hell of times. I was dying. Hello? I wouldn't do none of that shit. [02:16:34] Speaker A: I had these niggas arguing, mad as fuck about their answer, and they like, switch your answer. Yeah, I'm not doing that shit. Fuck wrong with y'all? Them kids gotta go. [02:16:42] Speaker C: That shit had me so weak. [02:16:43] Speaker A: I get a new girl. [02:16:44] Speaker D: Fuck that shit. [02:16:45] Speaker A: Them kids gotta go, nigga listeners. Keep supporting us, keep interacting with us, and we'll keep bringing the nonsense because we realize that sometimes people just need to laugh. Till next time, 10% less bullshit than. [02:16:58] Speaker B: Any other podcast, guaranteed.

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